who has got snow

Unlucky Max, was awesome here. :P
We had 2 straight days of snow though, just built up.
Same, I think snow is my favourite weather. No school and chucking it at people- awesome. :P
Just a little bit of snow here in leicestershire which really sucks was looking foward to making a snowman(sound gay for saying that), went shop instead and about died from slipping over abit of black ice freaking hurt my arm tho from protecting my face from hitting the floor. Throwings snowballs at friends and etc is the fun part but slipping over black ice is a killer for anyone who has experienced it.

Hope it snows big time tommorow where i live got football with loads friends nothing beats a fully 11 aside match in snow!.
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Well in the north east we got about 1 inch but it just turned to ice. Expecting more snow coz Blyth game is off.
well guys me nd my dad just tried to make a snowman but we kinda failed with it the snow is far to soft and fluffy so we failed thought u would like to know
Holy **** we're actually getting a good bit now! ^_^
woke up this morning to a flurry of snow and a little bit on the ground. went back to sleep by time i woke up again it was all gone
Finally got snow here in the Eastern USA. About 4-5 inches righ tnow, still coming down, could be 8 or more by later tonight.