who has got snow

Went back to College today and only 3 people turned up, the lecturer got snowed in somewhere outside Aberdeen.
Trying to enjoy my last day off. Despite exams looming next week. Oh well.
6 inches here, college cancelled :D
Was snowing on Sunday, but stopped now and it rained last night so mostly slush.
F-ing 4 inches of the white stuff and the country shuts down, pathetic show from the council.
The council where I live have apparently run out of grit.

in basingstoke the first time it snowed the council were sh** so lets hope they learnt there lesson and USE SOME GRIT
snowing for a good few days in south apparently to bbc weather ;) better not be lying :/
Yes. London is gonna be covered heavily in snow for the next few days. I'm meant to go back to school tomorrow but fingers crossed. ;)
Just as I posted the above it started snowing/hailing.

White cover on the roads, but think it will turn to slush immediately.
Here's hoping :D I think no rain near here as it's just missing us so no slush either. But the weather forecasters norally screw up when i need em :(