for 70 milion euro,you can buy david silva,veloso,hamsik,oscar cardozo and dzagoev!
awsome player,but silva is A KILLLLLERRRRRRRRRRRRR
Inter have a stupidly high wage bill and are paying people stupid money but i'm not really sure who to hang onto, i have a standard team but its the subs, i dunno who to get rid of!

Thanks Guys
sup, id like a suggestion for an AMR to replace luciano galetti in Olympiakos! its not that i cant find a player but id like some ideas, about any amr that played well for you. Maximum AM 10mil.
need DL,AML,AMR for real madrid

i'm playing real madrid.
i need good left back to replace marcelo and arbeola coz they're not good enough
also i need super AMR that is close to ronaldo;s abilty,and AML coz madrid dont have one.thx a lot guys:D
RB: diego renan (both sides), cesar azpilicueta
CB: nicolas otamendi

keeper: lloris, asenjo

toulalan improves, song does aswell

wilshere's alrite, walcott plays well upfront, eduardo improves aswell - so does van persie

buonanette (sp) is good aswell

cambiasso, samuel are pretty sick - inter's team is sorted with 2-3 signings

i found with this game that players improve alot better with custom training

like to know after first season what signing strategy do you people take - mine is to go for regens and if i feel like it someone like messi etc. i usually wont sign anyone over 21,22 after first season, usually go for 16-17 yr olds
Arsenal FC

I started to play with Arsenal a week ago. I bought Joao Mountinho and Goran Pandev. It all went pretty well. I finish my first season winning premiership with a 9 point lead and I won the Euro Cup (I lost from Atletico for Champions League qualification) beating Man united on 1/4 finals. So tell me what players can make my team more powerful? I was thinking about buying Igor Akinfeev and if I got money left maybe a new DC.. I also think about selling nasri because they are too many ML's in the team and he always gets left out. I use Arshavin as my main ML and Rosicky as my reserve.
Point was both Aquilani and especially Benayoun are extremely versatile players who can fit in lots of roles. Yossi can play pretty much any midfield or attacking midfield spot. Aquilani can play as a good AMC, MC or DM. Theyre both solid across the board, too, and pretty good at everything.

What style of play doesnt fit them?? Even if you want to acquire another offensive player, Yossi would be the perfect first sub off the bench, as he can fill in anywhere.

Hey there. Just want to tell you that i kept Aquilani and Benayoun. Intend to keep Aquilani the next season but Benayoun have to go, found better, cheaper and younger player who play AMRLC. But you are right, Benayoun play some games for me and made an impact to the game.
Aquilani was a midfield all round, nice to have him. Intend to keep him for another season :)
Dont get akinfeev he isnt that great on this aim for Lloris or maybe Adler or Neuer even Ochoa and Asenjo are better GK's as for you DC go for Sakho, N'Koulou or Fazio and Papastathopoulos as these will strengthen your team
I started to play with Arsenal a week ago. I bought Joao Mountinho and Goran Pandev. It all went pretty well. I finish my first season winning premiership with a 9 point lead and I won the Euro Cup (I lost from Atletico for Champions League qualification) beating Man united on 1/4 finals. So tell me what players can make my team more powerful? I was thinking about buying Igor Akinfeev and if I got money left maybe a new DC.. I also think about selling nasri because they are too many ML's in the team and he always gets left out. I use Arshavin as my main ML and Rosicky as my reserve.
DONT YOU DARE SELL NASRI!!!!! i would sell rosicky if i were you and then rotate the both of them
or even get rid of nasri and rosicky and sign someone better mata, jovetic or capel maybe all are better than the two you have
if you are not using nasri just loan him he is younger than rosicky so he will get first team football on that team and you get him back when rosicky is too old just sell him and keep nasri...
Any other recommendation for strong CB? I'm in the Europa League with my Tottenham on the second season. I signed Fabio Cannavaro on free transfer, but I'm worried to see King is at his 29th year, and am thinking to buy a young promising defender. Any idea? I've listed Otamendi and one German DC whose name I forgot. Dos Santos, Modric, Palacios are doing well. Oh, Gareth Bale is worth buying, if you;re not using Tottenham. For goalkeepers, I have secured Areola from PSG as my future goalkeeper and got a young Portugish goalkeeper, apparently from my U18 squad, and he is good. He is Rui Jorge or something, I don't completely remember.

So, the 'oldest' sector in my team is DC, which is why I need more input.
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how much budget u got and yeah cannavaro and king are old so u need fresh blood just tell us how much money u got...
Young CB that are european quality are the likes of Fazio, NN'koulou or Sakho my friend theyre amongst the strongest potential CBs
Otamendi is doing awesome for me.. had 6-7 goals from corners in my 3rd season

Papastathopoulos and Sakho are pretty good as well.

Kyriakos papadopoulos is gonna be world class after 4-5 years but hes more of a long term signing.
was wondering if vincenzo fiorillo is good in 2010. he was fantastic in 09 however need to get him a few years though
I havn't seen anybody mention Marco Verratti yet, only 16 turns into superstar, only around £350k to. Also another good buy for second season is Adrien from sporting.
i have 11mil and need a good CM/DM to replace tom huddlestone. anyone?
i'm liverpool. should i get marchisio or veloso for a defensive minded midfielder? i need a reply quick thanks!
i'm liverpool. should i get marchisio or veloso for a defensive minded midfielder? i need a reply quick thanks!

i'm very pleased with veloso, and he's cheaper then marchisio. this dosn't mean that marchisio is bad player, i just haven't seen him in action