need a good LB/LWB for tottenham just in case gareth bale leaves for ManU budget below 10mil
i am west ham and have brought srna at right back for 18mil after selling quashie, dyer, stech, and gabbidon now i need a left mid of left winger but not sure who to sell to free up funds for jovetic please help i wanna do a better job then zola..... lota love for him but really is he the right man for the job
Adrien from Sporting is an impressive central defender. nice bargain
Am Everton in my 2nd season I need a cb and striker. I have 15mil please help.
Hi everyone, I need a good Striker.. Currently have Torres, Jovetic and Cardozo. Selling Kuyt away, so planning to get a promising striker as for Jovetic he is more suitable for playing as a AML. Loads of thanks! Budget around 30-35m.

I playing Diamond formation. Have Masch, already have a decent backup for Masch as DM call pablo(regen) Can play DM, DC, DR, MC. Also have Maria, Vukcevic, Gerrard, Aquilani, Radja(AMLRC), Jovetic. Thinking of selling AQuilani or Maria or Vukcevic or Jovetic.. Cant anyone help me decide which to sell? T_T
Curently thinking to manage some BSP / CCL2 team. So i need some player all round position that i can get easily with no budget. Thanks for help.
guys ill give some wonderkids to you kids keeper lung jr left back joe mattock or jeremy helan right back chris baird or nuahgton dmc aron gunnarsson mid tinga right midantonio valencia left david alaba or rodney sneijer amc jonjo shelvey or gorges striker tomas necid or robert
Hi desperatly need some help i am liverpool and am in need of a good defender i am willing to pay upto 15 million thanks
Hey guys! I have alot of central midfield options in my current spurs team Huddelstone, Jenas, Beckham, Kranjcar, Sissocko,Palacios, Bostock...e.t.c Just wondering should I sell Huddelstone and Jenas havnt really been using them and I am doing ok in the league 5th! oh as well I have plenty of options on the right wing, just wondering should I sell Lennon or Bentley in order to raise funds?
Hi im in need of a Right Mid for about 4-5mil? and also a fast St...any ideas??
anyone who wants a mc/amc/mr/ml/st get Bernardo from Cruzeiro