Id didnt know that,your going to have to bring in the bargains.Looks like managing Liverpool will be a good challenge this year.
yeah managing liverpool is a challenge this year just finished 3rd with them, and u should keep babel and kuyt as they provide good cover for torres, get rid og aquilliani and carragher as they under performed for me and aquilliani got sent off like 9 times

---------- Post added at 10:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

u could also try szilard nemeth he scores 25+

---------- Post added at 10:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------

u shoild definatly by cardozo u can get him for 5million
Just finished my 1st ever season with villa qualifying for the champions leauge. Im new to the game and am after some tips of you experienced players on who i jshould take a look at regarding transfers, weather they be stars of today or stars of the future i need fresh faces to help me establish my self as a top 4 club...!

Iv got £30 million to spend plus the possibility of another £10 million after removing some dead wood

i Require a RB , good solid CM/DM , CB and a ST also looking at a few young heads i can develop in my youth team...!

im currently looking at eduardo from arsenal as my new striker as he is transfer listed at £4million

i Require a RB , good solid CM/DM , CB and a ST also looking at a few young heads i can develop in my youth team...!

im currently looking at eduardo from arsenal as my new striker as he is transfer listed at £4million


CM/DM + young = Moussa Sissoko from Toulouse FC - turns into a superstar after 2-3 seasons. Franco Zuculini from Hoffenheim is a good young option too. If you're looking at older options Marcos Senna would be cheap, but he's like 32-33 so maybe not what you're looking for.

RB = Srna or Rafinha would be good options on that budget. Maybe Davide Santon too but he might be $$ by now

CB = Sergiy Kryvstov (spelling might not be correct) is a good young CB, performs well even in first season at 18 years old, worth a look. If you've got some money to burn I'd take a look at Sakho from PSG too - he's a monster

Eduardo for 4m would be a good option, I don't know if he's the goal machine you might be looking for but he's pretty clinical when the chances arise, a steal at that price.

Seriously recommend developing Nathan Delfouneso, your youngster. He can turn out pretty class
well for striker sercan is really good he is turkish and young so thats good...
cb try gallas he is cheap and arsenal sells him easy on my game..
rb oh well i worked with srna, cicinho , anderolli they all alrite not best tho ... the one from the rubin alkazar is great back up tho..
cm/dm toulalan is good .. i am playing as roma now so i got de rossi and perrotta they are brilliant but wud be expensive...
edit:- for striker too u can get van nistelrooy for one season or so he is a goal machine..
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Seriously recommend developing Nathan Delfouneso, your youngster. He can turn out pretty class[/QUOTE]

Thanks mate ill take a look. i was pleased with Delfouneso last year and im excited about his future, same goes for Delph but whats the best way to develop them? iv just been giving them as much game time as possible..!
Hello, I'm using Man City almost at the end of my first season now.
Looking to replace Shay Given in goal.I was looking at Adler but he seems to have a weakness of dealing with high balls and crosses in the penalty area, so that seemed quite a big con.
Looking at Akinfeev too. Can't really decide.
Since i'm using man shity, money wouldn't be too much of a problem but i would like to keep the price capped at 30m
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Just finished my 1st ever season with villa qualifying for the champions leauge. Im new to the game and am after some tips of you experienced players on who i jshould take a look at regarding transfers, weather they be stars of today or stars of the future i need fresh faces to help me establish my self as a top 4 club...!

Iv got £30 million to spend plus the possibility of another £10 million after removing some dead wood

i Require a RB , good solid CM/DM , CB and a ST also looking at a few young heads i can develop in my youth team...!

im currently looking at eduardo from arsenal as my new striker as he is transfer listed at £4million


For a RB you could check out Zuiverloon or Rafinha or Azpilicueta
Solid CM/DM : Miguel Veloso, angelo palombo, nigel de dejong, tou lalan
CB : Naldo , Breno , Sakho.
ST : Dzeko. He's an awesome target man, can pair him with Carew or Abongoholhoraor (lol)
as for young talents, you could check out shelvey, eduardo salvio, neymar.

ps. i'm not too sure if they fit into your budget. but worth a shot
Seriously recommend developing Nathan Delfouneso, your youngster. He can turn out pretty class

Thanks mate ill take a look. i was pleased with Delfouneso last year and im excited about his future, same goes for Delph but whats the best way to develop them? iv just been giving them as much game time as possible..![/QUOTE]

Yeah I'd just give them as much game time as you can without sacrificing the performance of the team. E.g. always partner Delph with a more experienced player like Petrov etc, or Partner Delfouneso with Carew. That could be a pretty effective partnership I imagine, Carew as targetman and Delfouneso as poacher.

With my best youngsters I always make them their own individual training schedules tailored to their needs to ensure they develop well
I am everton in my first season with roughly £10 - 13mil to spend and i desperatly need a centre back replacemnt for joey yobo and a goal machine, thanks
plu si havnt got the best wage budget
buy cardozo u can should be able to get him for 5million

---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 PM ----------

I need some players to help my newcastle team get promoted straigh away. I have Vieri on a free, macheda, fleck and wilshere on loan. Can anyone recommend any decent signings i could make?

thanks in advance.
u could try begovic he better than harper
102mil on a right back???? just buy an average right back? if you buy the attacking talent your on about im sure you will have enough going forward to not need a 102mil right back and play rafael or neville o shea maybe? just for one season then look at end of season? or maybe jan??? you could play rafael in smaller prem games i.e blackburn, stoke, wolves, burnley and against the smaller champions league teams for experiance??? i dunno just what i would do anyway. hope it works out well
Just finished my 1st ever season with villa qualifying for the champions leauge. Im new to the game and am after some tips of you experienced players on who i jshould take a look at regarding transfers, weather they be stars of today or stars of the future i need fresh faces to help me establish my self as a top 4 club...!

Iv got £30 million to spend plus the possibility of another £10 million after removing some dead wood

i Require a RB , good solid CM/DM , CB and a ST also looking at a few young heads i can develop in my youth team...!

im currently looking at eduardo from arsenal as my new striker as he is transfer listed at £4million


Not sure whether you still need it or not.

But for a CB, Otamendi should be pretty good for you with 15heading, tackling and marking. 18determination and agression, 16anticipation with very nice physical attributes.

You have delph and that young promising striker(dunno his spelling), should keep on training them and they will turn out great =)

Get him since it's only 4million! He worth every penny.
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Kacar or Zuciline carnt decide who looks better??
kacar's pretty decent and zuculini is one for the future. though, in fm 10, zuculini is less of a defensive mid considering his low tackling.
For people playing the lower leagues - Ibrahim Thiam (striker) - I signed him free for Wrexham, has been absolutely fantastic. Also Victor Palasios - Center Mid field (spelling?) on loan from Liverpool Reserves - wish I had the money to buy him at the end of the season
Dunno if anyone has mentioned this but has anyone tried buying Christian ZAPATA? I bought him in FM09 and tried again for FM10...he is absolutely amazing and very2 consistent...scores bunch of goals from corners as well.... Solid and well worth the 12mil + i spent on him....(H)

oh yeah...average 7.40...!
Need keeper for Middlesbrough to replace brad jones, hes ok for championship but wud be useless for prem. Would like someone who wud be gd in prem, or at least decent
1.7max, can probs get 2m cash if im lucky

Tryed Silviu Lung Jr, Viera and Enyeama (who i really wanted )but failed at all. I could get ian walker but i dont think he is gd enough for championship anyway.

Thanks ^_^
I need players for all positions tbh. :) Promoted from League 2 to League 1 (Shrewsbury), and in order to do well, I will surely need some new players. What would you recommend? (It's start of season 2).
I need some players for QPR i have kevin nolan and amr zaki in mind any suggestions need it urgently