WWE Thread

Gonna have to start recording RAW, buzzin now that the Rock is back! Jabroni!
I'm still laughing at the fact that 7 years were spent getting Cena over as like the biggest face in WWE since Hogan and a 20 minute promo The Rock has just flipped it all on it's head again :D
Looking forward to 'Mania now, can't see Rock being in any matches but definitely interfering in a match. He won't be around forever again though, he's gotta move on promoting Fast Five for it's release.
He will be fighting Cena no doubt about it.

Also have a appointment with The Rock's tattoo artist who did his tattoo on peck,shoulder and back for March 6th next year getting one done for my 21st, €120 a hour going to be so painful but be worth it !
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i saw something about STING return to fight UNDERTAKER in WM
I am still buzzing about the Rocks return.... I ******* love it
whens triple h back

would like to see the rock vs triple h match again been years since they where in ring together
Austin vs Rock would be awesome, but I'm sure someone told me earlier that Austin has knee problems and can't come back, but Goldberg would be awesome. I :wub: Godlberg! He wasn't in WWE for that long though, a year or so?

No matter who comes back, it will not surpass the Rock's return. :)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2la5lDZLa5U&NR=1"]YouTube - WWE Raw 2/14/11 The Rock Returns Part 2/2[/ame] 5:43 lil asian kid making thumbs down for the ppl champ... If i was his father i would RIP HIS HEAD OFF AHAHAH You dont do that do THE ROCK!
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Would love to see Stone Cold as the GM, obviously he'd have a hard time wrestling as his legs would probably disintegrate at the knee, but it would be great to see him charging round the place shooting his mouth off at everyone, doling out a couple of surprise stunners here and there
I only have two WWF DVDs and I'm uploading them on to youtube feel free to watch it if you like

The Rock: - The People Champ

[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x1_I5w_ud4[/ame] (Part 1)

might upload more of this DVD if I get some likes and comments

RAW - 1993 - 2008 (Best of 15 years)

also have a good bonus disc (very first RAW live show)
so is the rock back for good, or only to host WrestleMania??
I dont know how long he's back for, but he's said that he isnt having another match.
Rock wont wrestle full time, he does not need to at all. Has enough money in the bank from his films etc and I doubt he would want to smash up his body and travell 300 odd days a year in the WWE schedule. He will be involved in bits, but not having matches every week etc.

I would LOVE to see him as a manager of a stable or somthing, would be perfect for him. Massive character and would not have to put his body through to much but he would still be involved. There's a lack of managers these days. Used to have plenty of good ones, Mr Fuji, Paul Bearer, Miss Elizabeth and so on.

Dont really watch wrestling now, but catch bits after work on a friday on Sky1. Rock leading a team against that Nexus lot? I could see it :)
Legends come back to get rid of the nexus and the core


Hmmm tht would be beautiful :P
Great that the rocks back but as said theres no chance itll be full time with the money from films he has! Would be great to see my all time fav back Austin! Dont think theres amy chance that though. Hopefully the rock does wrestle cena whoop some candy ***!!! Haha