WWE Thread

It probably also has better timings? I think Raw comes on live at midnight? Dunno about TNA's timings
'And I Quote - A Wrestling Blog <- New Blog Post about CM Punk, and if he would be a loss.

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^ Read that, amazing interview. I still don't know if he really is leaving, as he wouldn't have spoiled the PPV in an interview. So hyped for MITB now.
Awesome interview. I wouldn't be surprised if he does actually stay on and this leaving business is a bluff, but I haven't a clue. As with Frankie, I can't wait for MITB, probably more so than Wrestlemania.

I watched Smackdown last night and that is some of the most boring **** ever in comparison to Raw and Punk's antics. Shows what WWE would be missing out on if he does go

Just a quick note on TNA ratings being greater than WWE ratings in the UK; TNA is on free TV (Freeview), whereas WWE comes via subscription (Sky Sports). That probably explains it more.

On CM Punk, I'm 99% sure he's already got a brand new contract agreed and set in stone, but it wouldn't surprise me to see him win on Sunday and still take three months off, as he's legit straight edge and his body needs time to recover. Cena has been nursing injuries for months, and a little time off could do him the world of good, but he's the cashcow of the WWE so that might not be approved. For the first time in ages, I'm genuinely looking forward to a WWE PPV with no idea how the main event will go. So say, the buy rates for MITB are going to be similar to WrestleMania this year, which shows how well CM Punk can sell if given the job as 'the guy'.

I'll use this for my MITB predictions as well, which are:
Mark Henry v Big Show - Mark Henry.
Kelly Kelly vs one of the Bellas - Kelly Kelly.
SmackDown MITB - Cody Rhodes.
Raw MITB - Alberto Del Rio.
Randy Orton v Christian - Randy Orton.
John Cena v CM Punk - CM Punk.
Undertaker's New Look?

i just caught a glimpse on tv and two things
1) why is kelly kelly woman's champion?
2) why is vince not himself. i know it may be the whole story line thing, but before he took no ****, now, he people just mock him. :/
i just caught a glimpse on tv and two things
1) why is kelly kelly woman's champion?
2) why is vince not himself. i know it may be the whole story line thing, but before he took no ****, now, he people just mock him. :/

Kelly Kelly won the title during the People's Choice edition of Raw..

And Vince is kinda switching to an ageing/old man gimmick, i think..
Kelly Kelly won the title during the People's Choice edition of Raw..

And Vince is kinda switching to an ageing/old man gimmick, i think..

but kelly kelly can't wrestle to save her live and they've made melina a jobber it seems. give it to someone such as beth pheonix.
but kelly kelly can't wrestle to save her live and they've made melina a jobber it seems. give it to someone such as beth pheonix.

I know..Kinda feel bad for Beth actually.. the likes of Ryder and Punk get to complain about being mistreated, and get their voices heard...but the divas don't, because no-one really gives a **** about them..
Undertaker's New Look?


Hmm, Undertaker shaved head only two outcomes, he's out for a while probably only returning round WM, which is most likely or The American Badass is back :P

Also guys I've started blogging here about Wrestling FM-Base - Football Manager 2011 Tactics, Wonderkids & Cheats - Smackdown Boulevard Blog (Wrestling) - Blogs

Looks out of shape there TBH. And I have a feeling he may go one more WM then retire, or onto a Legends contract, with sporadic appearances. American Badass wouldn't work for him anymore.

As for MiTB, I think Cena will lose, and the RAW MiTB winner will cash in and 'save' Cena and the title. Who I think will be either R-Truth or Del Rio.

MiTB predictions

RAW MiTB - Alberto Del Rio or R-Truth
SD MiTB - Sheamus
Divas - Kelly Kelly beats Bella(s)
WWE Title - CM Punk wins, RAW MiTB cashes in after.
Show v Henry - Mark Henry wins.
WHC match - Orton wins, punt to Christian
As for MiTB, I think Cena will lose, and the RAW MiTB winner will cash in and 'save' Cena and the title. Who I think will be either R-Truth or Del Rio.

since thats the popular opinion, i have a feeling it might not happen..my gut says Punk will win cleanly, and both him and Cena will be gone...atleast for a while... but I know that probably won't happen, because WWE won't be able to run Raw without their top two showrunners

---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ----------

Cena on Twitter:
I will continue to give you everything I have. Regardless, for or against, people will talk about what happens tomorrow for years.
Chavo Guerrero in reply:
"Ok, don't "Fin" say that ppl will talk about this for years if you're going to let Punk do all the work and not deliver at the PPV, Cena.

I am tired and I know fans are tired of WWE Superstars talking big and not delivering. We don't want to see some1 just in a fight. We've...

And frankly no1 believes it anymore. If Miz can kick your *** then the clerk at the store can kick your ***, so plz deliver if u say that..

Ppl will remember this PPV. U know Punk will bring "it". I've been in the ring with both of u & Punk has "it". Cena u have mic skills yes,.

But if u think ppl believe your BS lazy comeback that u do exactly the same every match then u are mistaken. Eddie & I taught u different..

We never said "get lazy" & do the dame thing every night. We always said" think out of the box" & give the fans what they deserve & not rely

On the "machine"to " get u over". I hope this lights a fire under your *** & U deliver this Sunday. Dont just rest on U being over cuz u are

& that is easy. Challenge yourself & give the fans what they deserve. That's why they boo u. Because they aren't stupid. They know what

They pay for & the "great" promo guy but the ****** "match" guy that u have become is not what they want. I understand "longevity" but at

The sacrifice of the fans trust is not worth it. Deliver on your fans & deliver on why U got into this business.Eventually the fans that

U have gained with from the purple t-shirts will turn on U. Take a lesson from the Hulkster. Give the fans there $ worth and dont become

Just Another "promo" guy. I know u love this biz & dont get distracted from the McMahon $. Deliver plz!! Have enough respect for your fans..

Cuz without them, you're working at a fast food chain. Love u man & I support u & hope u see this cuz I know Punk will & I know he's going

To bring it cuz he's got nothing to lose!"
Looks like everyone's getting Punk fever... :P

---------- Post added at 08:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------

Anyways... here are all the possible outcomes of the Punk-Cena match

-Punk wins the WWE title and walks out of WWE.
-John Cena beats Punk and Punk exits WWE.
-Punk wins the WWE title but loses to a MITB winner.
-Punk wins the WWE title, then beats a MITB winner, leaving WWE.
-Punk wins the WWE title, beats one MITB winner, but falls to a second MITB winner.
-Vince McMahon screws CM Punk.
-Vince McMahon screws John Cena and was working with Punk the entire time.
-Punk wins and remains with WWE after all.
-Punk vs. Cena ends in a non-finish, so Cena retains the title.
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I agree with one of Sat10's points......the one where punk wins and the MITB winner comes running out and attacks punk on the ramp and gets the 3 count.
yep, and sin cara...ouch, despite wrestling being fake and scripted, that much of hurt!
i just got on..and saw him lying motionless...looks serious!?