WWE Thread

Would have found it, but CBA to look at 2.45 in morning.....

---------- Post added at 02:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 AM ----------

Are we allowed to post links like that on here?

I can, I am in Spain, so it isn't pirated XD

Also, Kelly Kelly :wub:
What is Big Show doing on Smackdown!? Whats the point of the whole draft thing if they just move about freely between the brands
I have been looking forward to this one :D
Actually wondering why they took so long to come up with this feud..It just makes sense...battle of the giants
lol...he isn't selling it too well...nowhere near the over-acting during the car-running-over incident
Oh my daiz! Did anyone else spot the lady covering her sons eyes whist Mark Henry dived off the top rope? Whats the point?
i can see Vince having a big role in the main event tonight
Anyways... here are all the possible outcomes of the Punk-Cena match

-Punk wins the WWE title and walks out of WWE.
-John Cena beats Punk and Punk exits WWE.
-Punk wins the WWE title but loses to a MITB winner.
-Punk wins the WWE title, then beats a MITB winner, leaving WWE.
-Punk wins the WWE title, beats one MITB winner, but falls to a second MITB winner.
-Vince McMahon screws CM Punk.
-Vince McMahon screws John Cena and was working with Punk the entire time.
-Punk wins and remains with WWE after all.
-Punk vs. Cena ends in a non-finish, so Cena retains the title.

that one looking likely??? And I call Del Rio for this match
i can see Vince having a big role in the main event tonight

I can see John Cena losing only to appear on Monday night Raw and later being reinstated to the company for the what, third time? The guy is too big too sack, the company would lose far to much money even if it is all scripted etc
I would love to see Bourne win

I feel Riley has a long-running feud with Miz still to go...so I don't think he'll get such a big push yet
Big Show is horrible to watch now. He and Kane have completely lost the ability to put any fear into anybody, they've gone weak. Poor work from the WWE Creative Team, why waste 2 of your best big guys completely?

Riley or Bourne for Raw MITB, both have been pushed a bit recently