WWE Thread

what a record so far this year..winner of Royal Rumble...and MITB!
Punk to beat Cena. Del Rio to take title from Punk before he goes. It's set up to suit this with Del Rio being that opportunist etc.
Now the possibility of the MITB winner coming out to challenge Punk (if he wins) is also strong...now that Del Rio has won it...
Punk to beat Cena. Del Rio to take title from Punk before he goes. It's set up to suit this with Del Rio being that opportunist etc.

I was thinking about this happening earlier on lol

Am really hoping Randy Orton shuts Christian up once and for all, Christian just doesn't suit a bad guy.. he is actually very very annoying.
I actually am gonna make a prediction with high odds this time... Christian to win..then Bryan comes out..challenges him...and beats him..
I actually am gonna make a prediction with high odds this time... Christian to win..then Bryan comes out..challenges him...and beats him..

As much as I dislike Bryant and don't think he'd make a very good face for Smackdown, I prefer him so much more than this below standard Christian.
Orton to get screwed out of title, Bryan to cash in on Christian after beatdown by Orton. Something similar for Del Rio and Punk
Orton to get screwed out of title, Bryan to cash in on Christian after beatdown by Orton. Something similar for Del Rio and Punk

yeah, but i think Punk will beat Del Rio as well...but i dunno if they'll waste Del Rio's opportunity like that
Del Rio has been pushed right from the off in WWE, he'll get his title soon enough. I wouldn't be surprised if both contracts are cashed in but I'm fairly sure one of them will (Del Rio)
Great tactic there from the #1 contender... my god Christian is boring lol
I agree, Christian is boring. Was a mid-carder/tag man for a legit reason

One reason and one reason only for the sudden rise of Christian in my opinion and that would be because of his best friend Edge retiring to I suppose make up for the loss of him if that makes sense. Since then though he has just been boring me on Friday nights, he is a poor wrestler, he's mic promo's are below average and he sucks lol
Orton might get the same "super-human" push as Cena, but atleast he can wrestle
One reason and one reason only for the sudden rise of Christian in my opinion and that would be because of his best friend Edge retiring to I suppose make up for the loss of him if that makes sense. Since then though he has just been boring me on Friday nights, he is a poor wrestler, he's mic promo's are below average and he sucks lol
Friday Night Smackdown is disgustingly poor in comparison to MNR.