WWE Thread

I'm sorry but that is ******* discusting... spitting in someones face? wow, just wow! what a **** way to be crowned new champion, Christian should be ashamed of himself (he wont for obvious reasons)

I hated Christian before but to spit in someones face is just discusting, I don't wish serious injury on anyone but wow he deserves it after that.
no bryan? they're actually going to give christian the opportunity to defend the world champion? loooooooooool.
did you see orton almost wait for the spit to hit him? he was ready for it...lol..

and well..atleast i got one part of my prediction right :p
I think they've missed an opportunity there like, bryan would of been best coming out then to seize his chance.
No Daniel Bryan? Couldn't ask for much of a better chance, I guess the faces don't do the cheap stuff :(... ****
I don't think Bryan will cash in for a while. I totally expect Del Rio to cash in regardless of the result.
Stage is set for either:

1) vince to screw cena and actually be in partnership with punk.


2) del rio to come out regardless of the winner and take the wwe title.
Awesome reception for Punk. I still can't really tell which side of Face/Heel he is but I don't care, the man who has made this PPV. Let's see what happens
talk about a crowd pleaser! CM is loving this reception.. I hope he does win because I for one am fed up with Cena this, Cena that although I'd expect Cena to be fighting again within a month lol
hopefully after this sage they bring back the old wwe championship belt.

the reception cena's getting, should be the reception every time his music hits...
I am LOVING the reception for John Cena lol can't recall the last time a crowd reacted this badly towards him but it's great. I have a feeling this is going to be the fight of the year!
Loving this. Cena getting booed something serious. I think he even got booed in Boston last MNR. He needs a heel turn if he stays
You mean the one the rock and stone cold used to use? the circler one? i agree, that was a classic belt!


i doubt it'll be the latter. the spinning one is so childish.
This better be a decent fight at least, don't wanna watch 20 minutes of pure **** before the good stuff
This was the last one -


And the one before


either would do me :D