WWE Thread

Cena with a couple of different moves with headlock and armbar, whats that now, 8 moves?
Does anyone think when punk leaves he will join TNA, or is that out of the question?
i don't mind the wwe championship going out...It can be easily be replaced with another premier championship of equal prestige...and the champion will be....



---------- Post added at 07:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 AM ----------

Does anyone think when punk leaves he will join TNA, or is that out of the question?

TNA is out of question...lots of issues with them..

If its in the USA, he can only move to ROH...
"Cena can't wrestle" chants are a bit far fected, it's clear he can wrestle and wrestle very well. My problem with Cena is he is always #1 contender.. my prime example would be the Great Khali.. when he lost the title a few years back, if my memory serves me correctly, he has never even had another #1 contenders match.. now Cena, if he losses the title, within a week-month he is the #1 contender again.
oh the kids chanting "Lets go Cena" is so recorded!! no way the actual kids aren't cheering for punk as well
Does anyone think when punk leaves he will join TNA, or is that out of the question?

Out of the question. My guesses are that he will either that he will take a long leave and come back, or he will go back to Ring of Honor, and put them on the map.
The longer this match goes on, does anyone else get the feeling this will be a typical John Cena title defending match? I mean... take a ****** good beating for 95% of the match, Cena will then land that move set that sets him up for the "five nuckle shuffle" and then will hit the AA and will pick up the win...

I ****** hope not though!
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so many (real) injuries today

---------- Post added at 08:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 AM ----------

cena's come up with more than his 5 moves today :p

---------- Post added at 08:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 AM ----------

i was expecting this...Cena was gonna finally show up tonight...impressive stuff
YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.... Get in there. Punk Wins
alberto del rio...

lol, punk left before the match starts.
so WTF is going to happen with the WWE title?

cant at midnight, they declare the WWE title vacant as punk is not a WWE superstar?!
Super happy moment. Cena gone (for a bit at least) and Punk wins. Never have I been so happy for a wrestler. 'Mon PUNK!!!
John Cena won back a few fans at least today, though... Good stuff.... and he really hurt his knee

Not the best MITB (ladder) matches, although they were good...and Orton-Christian and Show-Henry were ok at best... (not considering the divas match)...this one match made the PPV though..way more epic than Taker-HHH at WM