WWE Thread

You don't think so?
As awesome as it was...all that match at WM was that how many pedigrees/tombstones can the other one take...otherwise, it was pretty slow paced.. this one was the best 'wrestling' match I've seen on WWE in years
I just felt more involved in the Taker vs. HHH match and was thinking this has to be it on numerous occasions but still didnt feel as thought it was stupid when they did kick out. I couldnt see Punk not winning this match in Chicago either.

Thoughts on what is going to happen? Obviously Cena will be back after his rest and Punk will have to come back somehow. How will they play this?
I just felt more involved in the Taker vs. HHH match and was thinking this has to be it on numerous occasions but still didnt feel as thought it was stupid when they did kick out. I couldnt see Punk not winning this match in Chicago either.

Thoughts on what is going to happen? Obviously Cena will be back after his rest and Punk will have to come back somehow. How will they play this?

Haha..if you knew Punk would win tonight, you surely would have to know that Taker would never lose at Wrestlemania? yeah, there were times we wondered if HHH would pull it off, but that was just like all those time Cena hit Punk with the AAs and STFUs

Don't get me wrong...i loved that match too..
I just felt more involved in the Taker vs. HHH match and was thinking this has to be it on numerous occasions but still didnt feel as thought it was stupid when they did kick out. I couldnt see Punk not winning this match in Chicago either.

Thoughts on what is going to happen? Obviously Cena will be back after his rest and Punk will have to come back somehow. How will they play this?

Some form of tournament to lead to a Champion. Punk is leaving I reckon and Cena has been competing with lots of injuries, so he's going to be out for a little while at least. No idea what's going to happen, RAW should be good fun tonight! :)
I think the upcoming RAWs will be more interesting...today, they might just take things a bit lightly, Vince declaring a "new championship" of some sort...which won't last for long, till Punk either comes back..or takes pity and returns the belt.... Eitherway, he's coming back imo..Even the Cena saga will unfold as the weeks go on...
I just felt more involved in the Taker vs. HHH match and was thinking this has to be it on numerous occasions but still didnt feel as thought it was stupid when they did kick out. I couldnt see Punk not winning this match in Chicago either.

Thoughts on what is going to happen? Obviously Cena will be back after his rest and Punk will have to come back somehow. How will they play this?

There was definitely more unpredictably in the Cena match, it was obvious that Taker wouldn't lose his streak to trips.

If Punk and Cena go, WWE would really be lacking star power for Summerslam, which I doubt will happen.
CM Punk will likely take a couple weeks away, and so will Cena, and then he will return. Del Rio still can cash in his MiTB anytime, any place ;)
CM Punk will likely take a couple weeks away, and so will Cena, and then he will return. Del Rio still can cash in his MiTB anytime, any place ;)

haha..i can imagine him turning up at Punk's home with a referee and a bell

Honestly though, I think Cena will turn up and challenge Punk to one last match at Summerslam, since the finish of this one was kinda compromised...and Punk will accept, and Cena probably wins then
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Winning™;9985463 said:
This match had the whole package. People on the forums and in general always want to talk about "we want wrestling". What is wrestling? It wasn't Wrestlemania this year. It wasn't Best in the World this year. It wasn't Destination X this year. Wrestling is a complete package that the in ring action plays as a backbone. The atmosphere, the storytelling, the action, the emotion, the build up, the hype, the promos, the wrestlers themselves are all combined to display what wrestling truely is. Tonight, whether you love them or hate them, WWE gave you wrestling. From top to bottom. Every match had a story and played well to the best of its abilities. This is a pay per view event we will look back 5, 10, 20, 50 years from now and that's why I gave it a 10/10. It defined a moment where wrestling has a new fire on their hands and WWE can spread it to the wrestling community and promotions. How WWE handles it will be a whole different story.

---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ----------

Also, Sin Cara's been suspended for 30 days for failing the Wellness policy.
Sin Cara suspended for 30 days, for use of anabolic steroids. Big Show broke his ankle, out for 6-8 weeks.

Can't WAIT for RAW tonight :D
think it's a work.

Yeah, but he's out for 6-8 weeks regardless. They put it on their official website so I doubt he'll be around for a little while.
Surely cena will be back at some point as he has a match against the rock at WM, and they cant change the match as there selling the package holiday deal thing as "the rock v cena in miami"

I reckon cena has a movie lined up and needed time off - BANG! here is the perfect solution!
Surely cena will be back at some point as he has a match against the rock at WM, and they cant change the match as there selling the package holiday deal thing as "the rock v cena in miami"

I reckon cena has a movie lined up and needed time off - BANG! here is the perfect solution!

In what is obviously a storyline twist following up on last night, John Cena stated the following on his Twitter account:

"I have just been 'future endeavored'. Well..if that's how it is I would like to take a moment to publicly apologize to Dwayne 'the Rock Johnson. In an effort to make WM28 as big as possible I tried to expose rock for his flaws. Very childish and immature on my behalf. My comments about the rocks absence were both unprofessional and childish. I am sorry. Rock, I truly wish and still hope in my heart of Hearts that the crazy old man who is the boss reconsiders his totally rash decision. Because chicago was insane last night. And it made me think of what Miami could have been. I guess sometimes u do not know what u have until it is lost."

Cena went on to ask his followers to contact WWE and ask the company to change their mind. WWE has done a very good job of using social media in the last 24 hours to promote the angle.
Is anybody else watching Monday night RAW? Could be an interesting show!

first time watching raw live for the first time in years! + vince needs a new wardrobe. the most disgusting pink suit ever.
Well if cena doesnt make WM, id be so ****** off if i bought the WM package holiday thing, cause id of bought it soley of cena v the rock.

I wonder if someone will replace cena.
Wow, a new WWE Champion will be crowned tonight after a "king of the ring" style competition. The Mizz vs Alex Riley, R-Truth vs Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston vs Alberto del Rio (obvious he isn't going to win seeing as he is the Money in the Bank winner) and Rey Mystrio against summer, I forgot who lol