WWE Thread

I love Edge's entrance music, Metalingus by Alterbridge


Well, that was pretty decent. I think Stephanie arranged the whole Nash deal, and I think she's gonna be the on-screen tyrant, like her father. Just a hunch. Also, Randy Orton ****** himself up last night! Cut his finger, his lip, hurt his *** and hit his head on the steps doing his RKO. Nearly as funny as when he fell into the announce table a few weeks ago.

I think Cult of Personality is a better song, but it's not as good an entrance theme as This Fire Burns. Personally.
Well, that was pretty decent. I think Stephanie arranged the whole Nash deal, and I think she's gonna be the on-screen tyrant, like her father. Just a hunch. Also, Randy Orton ****** himself up last night! Cut his finger, his lip, hurt his *** and hit his head on the steps doing his RKO. Nearly as funny as when he fell into the announce table a few weeks ago.

I think Cult of Personality is a better song, but it's not as good an entrance theme as This Fire Burns. Personally.

Hopefully find out tonight what the whole nash thing is about.....alot of questions need to be answered to be honest.

I think del rio will have the title taken off him though.......i sense a fatal 4 way tonight......cena vs punk vs del rio vs mysterio.

---------- Post added at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 AM ----------

Well, that was pretty decent. I think Stephanie arranged the whole Nash deal, and I think she's gonna be the on-screen tyrant, like her father. Just a hunch. Also, Randy Orton ****** himself up last night! Cut his finger, his lip, hurt his *** and hit his head on the steps doing his RKO. Nearly as funny as when he fell into the announce table a few weeks ago.

I think Cult of Personality is a better song, but it's not as good an entrance theme as This Fire Burns. Personally.

I disagree, i think cult of personality is a great entrance theme.....but thats just my personal opinion.
Told you so.

RAW was **** as usual. Nash said he got a text, but didn't say who from. HHH said he wasn't involved. Del Rio beat Rey and Cena said he wants the title back. Everything was predictable. That was genuinely a load of ****. Gonna stop watching RAW the night after a PPV because it's always a let down.
Can we all just admit WWE has gone downhill in the last few years and it doesnt look like coming back up again.
Can we all just admit WWE has gone downhill in the last few years and it doesnt look like coming back up again.

Nobody's disputing that. But it's still good to watch. Not as good as Attitude Era, but nothing will come close to that for a LONG time.
Nobody's disputing that. But it's still good to watch. Not as good as Attitude Era, but nothing will come close to that for a LONG time.
TNA used to be then Hogan came in and made it into a new WWE.WWE not really that enteraining IMO.Cena has just wrecked.Undertaker only shows up for Wrestlemania and then dissapears for 6 months.HHH and HBK aint wrestling anymore.Randy Orton is the only wrestler I like thats actually there at the moment apart from like Kane but they dragged him way to far down.He used to be a champion.Jericho is gone and Edge has retired.I mean the remmenants of the attitude era are slowly dissapearing.The main reason I still like TNA is they have RVD and Jeff Hardy under contract who are 2 quality entertainers.Unfortunatly Hardy hasnt gotten screen time in ages.Angle is also there but I never liked him and some of there upcoming talent like Crimson actually look promising and interestng unlike that nexus thing which was ****.I suppose thats just my opinion and its not everyones but honestly Hogan is driving TNA into the ground and Vince it making WWE way too family friendly just for the extra profit.
TNA used to be then Hogan came in and made it into a new WWE.WWE not really that enteraining IMO.Cena has just wrecked.Undertaker only shows up for Wrestlemania and then dissapears for 6 months.HHH and HBK aint wrestling anymore.Randy Orton is the only wrestler I like thats actually there at the moment apart from like Kane but they dragged him way to far down.He used to be a champion.Jericho is gone and Edge has retired.I mean the remmenants of the attitude era are slowly dissapearing.The main reason I still like TNA is they have RVD and Jeff Hardy under contract who are 2 quality entertainers.Unfortunatly Hardy hasnt gotten screen time in ages.Angle is also there but I never liked him and some of there upcoming talent like Crimson actually look promising and interestng unlike that nexus thing which was ****.I suppose thats just my opinion and its not everyones but honestly Hogan is driving TNA into the ground and Vince it making WWE way too family friendly just for the extra profit.

At the end of the day, WWE is a business. Money is the most important thing. It's still entertaining to watch, just not AS entertaining as it used to be due to the PG in it now. But they've realised that and have started giving so leeway to the superstars and it's certainly got better in the last 2 months or so.

TNA is and always has been poor. They've got some top stars, but the creative team is just horrible. There's 2/3 massive factions there atm and nobody knows who is a heel and who is a face. Nobody knows who's a good guy or a bad guy. They also try and make it too unpredictable. A twist is always good, but making twists every week to confuse people is stupid. Plus the fact they tape like 3 weeks in advance means that their viewings are poor due to spoilers getting leaked. TNA isn't even close to being competition to WWE.
At the end of the day, WWE is a business. Money is the most important thing. It's still entertaining to watch, just not AS entertaining as it used to be due to the PG in it now. But they've realised that and have started giving so leeway to the superstars and it's certainly got better in the last 2 months or so.

TNA is and always has been poor. They've got some top stars, but the creative team is just horrible. There's 2/3 massive factions there atm and nobody knows who is a heel and who is a face. Nobody knows who's a good guy or a bad guy. They also try and make it too unpredictable. A twist is always good, but making twists every week to confuse people is stupid. Plus the fact they tape like 3 weeks in advance means that their viewings are poor due to spoilers getting leaked. TNA isn't even close to being competition to WWE.
I get better entertainment from TNA than I do from WWE.Same as WWE really it was good a couple of years ago before they started to make big name signings.Some of the matches they had where on par with the TLC matches the WWE used to have but since they signed Angle,Sting,Hogan,Steiner and the rest of the WWE and WCW "rejects" than it kinda of got stupid. I honestly think they are trying too hard.If they had kept the way they where going then they would have been fine.I mean even when they signed Jeff Hardy and Christian it was alright because they are still good.All these old wrestlers they are signing that are considered big names have really wrecked it.RVD was IMO a good signing.He has experience and is a big name but still actually has the ring ability.

---------- Post added at 11:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------

I actually agree with you on the twists.There stories get confusing because it seems as if they lose interest half way threw and try and fade out the story.Like with one of the knockout storylines they just seemed to drop in favour of brining in Jackie and having a storyline with her.

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Lets try and get this thread more lively ... anyone currently watching Survivor Series? Opinions?
Anybody watching TLC tonight? Will be interesting to see if Kane makes an appearance Mark Henry v Big Show match!
Love the fact that the WWE have gone back to the old style Kane, none of this bald fat man rubbish, the masked monster is back :D will be watching TLC later, hope CM Punk wins, he just keeps getting funnier in his promo's mocking "the executive vice president of talent relations and interim general manager of Raw" John ****** Laurinaitis ( his voice annoys the **** out of me btw ) :p
Well that was ****.

Feel sorry for anyone who paid for it.

I only watched it thinking Kane would make an appearance. He didnt even get a mention.
Well that was ****.

Feel sorry for anyone who paid for it.

I only watched it thinking Kane would make an appearance. He didnt even get a mention.

To be fair it was actually one of this years better PPV's ... Ryder is the new US champ, the HHH vs Nash match was surprisingly good, although I'm not his biggest fan Daniel Bryan is champ, and the main event had some excellent spots in it. The only thing that let it down was no Kane, although without Cena in it, I doubt there was any way to write him in the show.
Very disappointed with the PPV on a whole and then for Daniel Bryan to become World Heavyweight Champion just topped it all of for me. I get it, he's the underdog, the geek, the guy Americans seem to like but he is in no way champion material or a face of a show. I predict a very short and unsuccessful title reign. Glad CM Punk remained the WWE Champion however and one more quick note... Please, please, PLEASE WWE... enough is enough of ****** Diva bollocks. They are mostly all pretty and great to look at BUT they can not wrestle what so ever. Kelly Kelly has now had what, 4 unsuccessful title fights and I'm not even entirely sure Beth is even a women. Just please scrap it all PLEASE. Rant over.
Very disappointed with the PPV on a whole and then for Daniel Bryan to become World Heavyweight Champion just topped it all of for me. I get it, he's the underdog, the geek, the guy Americans seem to like but he is in no way champion material or a face of a show. I predict a very short and unsuccessful title reign. Glad CM Punk remained the WWE Champion however and one more quick note... Please, please, PLEASE WWE... enough is enough of ****** Diva bollocks. They are mostly all pretty and great to look at BUT they can not wrestle what so ever. Kelly Kelly has now had what, 4 unsuccessful title fights and I'm not even entirely sure Beth is even a women. Just please scrap it all PLEASE. Rant over.

he's the best in-ring performer in the world, without doubt.
he's the best in-ring performer in the world, without doubt.

Bang on the money. Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan is a superb technician and in-ring performer. They also have a chance to turn him heel, and he is an awesome heel.
TBH I'm surprised they actually allowed Daniel Byran to become champion, the WWE generally like the have the incredible Hulk as their champion or cena ( basically same thing ) Its been good to see a change with them allowing CM Punk to have a decent reign as the exception but I do think its only a matter of time before we see a monster guy of the same sort of build as Batista or Brock Lesnar as the champion, possibly Ezekiel Jackson? Overall a very predictable PPV though and gutted Kane didnt make an appearance