Recent content by neiltrain

  1. N

    want to train ppms but no dropdown??

    i only learned today about training ppms, i'd somehow missed it for well over a year. problem is on a players training screen all the other drop-downs (new position, attribute training) are accessible but NOT the "preferred move training" dropdown. is this disabled at the beginning of the game...
  2. N

    want to change to a formation with no wingers

    ...and no wide midfielders. if i do this, what's a good way to not get hammered down the flanks? all ideas welcome!!
  3. N

    choosin g an assistant manager......

    hi, i've noticed that my assistant manager is declaring as "unrealistic" targets that i've been able to get, so he's obviously wrong. what attributes should i be looking for to ensure that he only filters out REAL unrealistric targets? thanks, neil
  4. N

    2 questions related to match prep.......

    hi, just searched and i dont think i've already asked these Qs hree, but apologies if i have.... 1. you load your tactic into match prep. you tweak it. you reload it. does the AI notice a)you've changed it and b) you've only changed it a little? ie does it affect how quickly the team...
  5. N

    counter attacking or no? advice needed!

    hi, i'm playing 4-1-4-1 and the default tactics creator has counter attacking set to YES. however, when i switch to NO, NONE of the team settings or sliders seem to change, so i'm wondering what the difference is? i'd also like to try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of playing...
  6. N

    some slider questions

    sorry to start a second thread but this seemed relevant in its own right. i'm trying a new project - an attacking 5-4-1. i KNOW i can get it to work!! however the sliders mentioned above are giving me some grief - exactly what will they do to my team? -playing narrow seems to suggest passes...
  7. N

    trying to score goals with a 5-4-1

    hi, i'm determined to get this to work. i've used several other tactics successfully but really want to get something trying this formation. problem is, i'm not scoring a lot of goals. i dont understand this as using a 4-5-1 i had a lot of midfielders scoring, running from deep. taking away...
  8. N

    another one: teamwork for midfielders and defenders?

    hello again. another attribute that confuses me is teamwork. i've read it's a player putting the team first, not being selfish. doesnt sound right. surely it's more to do with pitching in when a fellow player is caught out of position (therefore needs workrate too) and for defenders is...
  9. N

    confused regarding defensive attributes

    hi, i'm trying to determine exactly what positioning does as opposed to good marking. i reckon there are two possibilities here: 1. the general position a player gets in when not in possession of the ball, how the team shape sets up. 2. when in one-on-one situations, positioning themselves so...
  10. N

    "roam from position" and "creative freedom" question

    what do both of these actually DO? on the tactics screen when setting these "creativity" of players is shown, and i dont know why. what has roaming to do with creativity? the basis of my attacking play is thru balls to my front 3: 2xamc and one striker. what would be the best settings for...
  11. N

    help with back line needed.

    hi there, i've done a lot of reading before posting, including tt&f but i'm still baffled. i need help setting up my back line. want to play an attacking game, and i have no problem scoring goals, but i'm a bit leaky. i'm giving up on playing offside since being ripped apart by benayoun and...