What players do you use for each position? What are your first 11?
A lot of tweaks here, and i have also put one, but already change it.

Before i post my results, i would like to say that i have a super team, great regens and im in the 4th season. I'm also not going to bother if anyone said that I've cheated. im in the forum for several years and i don't need the approval of thee. Not save/loaded a single game, but i needed to share what i think is the new Diablo. Yes, the cm03/04 tactic to win it all!

This is plug n play 95% of the games. Sometimes you need to switch mentality, d-line or anything you see necessary to secure a result.

View attachment 1153816
League games without losing: 82
Top Goal scorer: Lukaku with 41 in 27 games

View attachment 1153817

Hope you can enjoy it as i did

  • who takes the corners?​

  • who takes the corners?​

Anyone, but try it to be the CMR or the WBs.

If you have a good header central striker, he can bang plus 10 goals a season just in corners.

And if he has vision, also some assists to the CBs
I saw some questions about training.

Pre season, 4 weeks:

1 week, physio, very high, and tactics

2 week, physio, high, and tactics

3 week, physio, high, att mov

4 week, ball control, average, att mov.

To avoid injuries i use Balanced, low with attacking movement, on a regular basis.

Every time there are international games i change to physio, high with team cohesion.

enjoying the tactic (tweak 2), but was wondering if the wide attackers should be left footed or right?

i.e should the left AF be left footed or right for cutting in?

This may have been answered, but cant find it. Cheers

enjoying the tactic (tweak 2), but was wondering if the wide attackers should be left footed or right?

i.e should the left AF be left footed or right for cutting in?

This may have been answered, but cant find it. Cheers

I see more fit to the tactic having left foot on left striker and right on right.
It depends on the stats of our players.

If you have low paced attackers its harder to counter, if you don't have all round mids its hard for them to do all the work, so you need to see if they have what they need.

In my opinion:

CBs - pace, anticipation and acceleration
WBs - resistance
CMs - I prefer a player with 11-13 in tackling, passing, technique, positioning, strength, etc.
Striker R & L = space, acceleration
Striker Center = Heading, anticipation

Check your team status and compare them to the league average and see if they fit. If so, you shouldn't had any problems.
Thanks, but what Attribute you mean with resistance for the inverted wing backs?

And must they have inverted foot to their Position?

And attributes for the goalkeeper?

Cought someone complete this ?

View attachment 59630

Key Atrributes for the Roles

GK = handling, one on ones, reflexes, rushing out
CD = tackling, heading, pace, anticipation and acceleration
CM's = tackling, passing, technique, positioning, strength
R - L Striker = pace, acceleration
Middle Striker = Heading, anticipation
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Thanks, but what Attribute you mean with resistance for the inverted wing backs?

And must they have inverted foot to their Position?

And attributes for the goalkeeper?

Cought someone complete this ?

View attachment 1154631

Key Atrributes for the Roles

GK = handling, one on ones, reflexes, rushing out
CD = tackling, heading, pace, anticipation and acceleration
CM's = tackling, passing, technique, positioning, strength
R - L Striker = pace, acceleration
Middle Striker = Heading, anticipation

Well i don't know you main language, but its the ability to keep your condition longer during the game. Resistance or endurance . I play the game in Portuguese and we call it "Resistência"

Now, about other attributes for the IWB.

You need to get a complete wing back, feet accordingly to the corridor, so left foot on left side. Why? For crossing.

The IWB was choose because it closes more the middle and helps the CMs to hold better the midfield.
Just one more thing. When i talk about attributes i don't talk about the ones that i use to filter players. They are:

Natural fitness
1st touch

As you can see, i don't go for the main attributes of the specific positions because i strongly believe that physical and mental attributes play the major role in FM.

In my save, Lindelof has only 11 on heading and he rarely misses a heading. The mental and physical attributes compensates more if he had 20 on heading and 10 on anticipation/determination/decisions.