You have no €s enough!! ;)
But i need a great GK!! I only have Weidenfeller with 35 y, and the ******* of Ter Stegen prefer Madrid!!

try leno from leverkusen (if you prefer to buy home-grown players like me), otherwise u have rui patricio from my home club that is very good
try leto from leverkusen (if you prefer to buy home-grown players like me), otherwise u have rui patricio from my home club that is very good

Yeah, i'm between Leno, Sommer and Zieler, who is sub in Bayern...

I always use Home-grown!! ^^)

The shame is i don't know what i do with Aubameyang: I have Reus, Mkhtaryan, Firmino and the Golden Boy as AMC...

EDIT: Leno for 18 M and Aubamenyang... u're fired!! (City give me 52 M :D )
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yes. basically if you play a team that prefers to use posession football play tougher (high d-line with off-side trap)). if you play against a team that might play more direct football and exploit the space in behind ur CB's, play smaller (much deeper d-line with no off-side trap)

This may be a stupid question so I apologies in advance but how to you know before each game which type of football the opposition play, the scout doesn't seem to tell you what type of style they play?
This may be a stupid question so I apologies in advance but how to you know before each game which type of football the opposition play, the scout doesn't seem to tell you what type of style they play?

that is the difficult part! lol but you need to have a couple of things in consideration: their quality compared to yours, have a look at their formation and the players they are using, a lot of pacey front men means more direct, a packed midfield means more posession. but mostly i just play the tougher against the top teams and the smaller against teasm i expect to beat. obviously, if at the beginning of the game you notice that you've made the wrong choice, change to the other one.
one thing! change your keep on the tougher tactic to sweeper keeper!
anybody has achieved European glory with it?
Tweaked it into a 42310 version, slight changes. Seems to work for me. Feel free to test it out/tweak it more.