you tactic?

It's first version of tactic, but with improved attacking and defending corners and free kicks. I also try to move Shaw and Clyne into WB's in midfield line, but I for now I can't find a way to score and not concede a lot in every single game. For now i can just change a role for right central midfielder to "central midfielder - defend".
Didn't play a lot of games but the results, so far, were promising.
My friend had further success with it playing as Southampton, will wait for him to send me his results.
Fixtures so far: View attachment 435356
Mesut Ozil Stats: View attachment 435359
Ramsey Stats: View attachment 435361
Random fixture stats: View attachment 435362

looking really good mate! im currently testing my 2 versions, but when i finish i will have a look at this more in depth. can u please post a screenshot of the tactical formation and any changes u made in terms of shouts? i'd really appreciate it :)
awesome! :D original tactic or tweaked versions?

I think your tactic guys is just fantastic. As I said before i try to improve defend, but I want to stay in this formation. You know what I mean. I don't want to drag players onto another position. I just want to find a right direction. I also can say you should try to have great way to do team talks. It's a key to have a series of wins. I just lost first match against Manchester United away. You should be patient. That's all you need to do.
I think your tactic guys is just fantastic. As I said before i try to improve defend, but I want to stay in this formation. You know what I mean. I don't want to drag players onto another position. I just want to find a right direction. I also can say you should try to have great way to do team talks. It's a key to have a series of wins. I just lost first match against Manchester United away. You should be patient. That's all you need to do.

thank you :) i completely agree with you. personally i try to find na ast manager with determination, level of discipline, motivation and man management above 15 and he does my team talks, although sometimes if i dont agree with the direction he wants to go in, i'll do my own thing, normally at half time or at the end of the game. its been working really well for me.
View attachment 447439View attachment 447438 latest game with tougher tactics. simply awesome performance should have thrashed United that are sitting top of the league. im experimenting with another tweak to both tactics, setting crossing to far post on the CWB's, scored a couple of goals like this already
note: when using the "smaller" tactic, if you find your d-line is coming too deep and you are conceeding too much pressure, change from much deeper to simply deeper d-line. at first i went with much-deeper because the tactic wasnt fluid yet, and when i put deeper, they would still push up. now its fluid that shouldnt happen. havent made up my mind on which one to go with yet, but keep na eye out for this please, and let me know which one you think works best. cheers
Sorry, I uploaded the wrong tactic (which was for stronger teams)
If you are playing with a STRONGER team, tick more expressive in shouts and increase the fluidity.
I'm still finding the most success is with your original tactic. I've tried Smaller and Tougher playing as Chelsea, but I'm seeing a lot more CCCs and goals with it than the tweaks
I'm still finding the most success is with your original tactic. I've tried Smaller and Tougher playing as Chelsea, but I'm seeing a lot more CCCs and goals with it than the tweaks

if its working for you keep going with it! but the tweaks have no offensive alterations in relation to the original tactic. all tweaks are defensive
View attachment 447433 here's na exemple of how to use both tactics and how the "tougher" tactic can be used against smaller teams. originally i was going with "smaller" for this game, however just a couple of minutes into the game i noticed that everton were going to try and work the ball into the box as opposed to play it into space, so i quickly changed to the "tougher" tactic. great performance and great result!