360 or PS3???

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The Redrups have shut the 360 lovers upXD

Not really, its personal opinion, just because they went into huge detail does not make them right, or us wrong, its what we believe in, and what we bought. No-ones right or wrong, its a matter of preference.
I would like to alert all ps3 lovers, who go on about the red rings of death, about the ps3 yellow light of death, courtesy of watchdog :
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_ef8bDQktI"]YouTube- Sony PS3 Yellow Light of Death - BBC[/ame]
HAHA. I've never heard about that! Thanks for bringing that up mate :p
its down to personal preference imo, i have both but ever since i got my ps3 i have only played my xbox a handful of times, due to two simple facts i prefer the controller and most of my friends have ps3, i think you should get which one you like the look of / used to or the one which your friends have so you can play online with them
the red ring of death is much more common though, hence why not many people ahve heard of the yellow light of death
Tbh, if my friends didn't have any consoles, I wouldn't care what one I had, as long as I had something I could play on when I'm bored. I only enjoy xbox more because my friends have it and I can have a laugh with them and talk etc. Each console appeals to different age groups for different needs.
That watchdog report is pretty ridiculous. Eurogamer did an article on the RROD and YLOD a few months back. If you want something that isn't sensationalised and incredibly dumbed down have a search for it.
I've had the RROD and the YLOD and i have to say before i got the YLOD i had never even heard of it before. I knew what the RROD was because when i had a 360 i got it after only 6 months. Whereas i got a good 3 years out of the PS3 when it got the YLOD. Also it was only the 60g models that got it so it's only a selected amount of people who could get it.
On the topic of the RROD/YLOD, I've personally experienced RROD twice, and YLOD a grand total of 0 times. This is from my own experience, not from reading about it on the Internet, so take from that what you will.

Either way, as has been mentioned, it's personal preference, and both consoles have their pro's and con's as I pointed out in my post (and there are many more I didn't list), so any debate about which console is better is ultimately moot.
It's a tough call but I've had an Xbox 360 for about 3 years now and there's no way I would switch to a PS3. The Xbox is very user friendly and I do prefer the Xbox 360 controllers over PS3 controllers.

The negatives though are..
  • RROD
  • Not being able to stream High Definition video files (.mkv's for example). If the Xbox could do that then it would be great media center.
  • Xbox Live fee. Would be good if it didn't cost £30+ a year for a Gold membership.
how do you think that the controllers of an xbox are cool. i have very small hands. at my friends house, i can barely reach the triggers
Well you know what they say, small hands...
Xbox's have a much more attractive layout and is better quality on the t.v i have.
The controllers are peng aswell :)

---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

my dad got me it for christmas :D
No Santa Did.
Xbox's have a much more attractive layout and is better quality on the t.v i have.
The controllers are peng aswell :)

---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

No Santa Did.

A 360 can't possibly be better quality than the PS3 on the same settings.

They can be of equal quality, or lesser, given the fact that only the elite console for 360 can actually use HDMI cables, and component cables on televisions primarily only support 1080i or 720p, whereas all versions of the PS3 support HDMI and therefore 1080p.

Just though I'd throw that in there.
Only big difference to me is that more people play the xbox but thats nothing major, tho my brother's getting a xbox in like in two days and we like share a room. So i'll be testing games like gears of war, halo and even games ive already got on ps3 to see the difference for myself.

But my heart truly lies with the playstation always.
My xbox is a premium and it has a HDMI lead slot, I use it with HDMI and even my other xbox, which is an arcade, has a HDMI slot...
My xbox is a premium and it has a HDMI lead slot, I use it with HDMI and even my other xbox, which is an arcade, has a HDMI slot...

360s bought before 2008 don't have one apparently. I checked up on it.
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