I have to say mate, this is perhaps the best tactic I have used in any FM (been playing since 03). Maybe not the best offensively (but its still fantastic and plays some beautiful footy), but for me I have never had anything close to this defensively. I have used this tactic for all but maybe 3 of the league matches:

View attachment 962553

The only major tweak I made was changing the CMR to a ball-winning midfielder (Instructions: Shoots Less Often, Dribbles Less, Mark Tighter, Fewer Risky Passes);

View attachment 962554

AMR has been fantastic for me from the onset, no matter who I play there. Tweaking the AMC and AML positions a bit now to see if I can get them to be more productive.

(Edit) Figured Id post my current run of fixtures as well, since the new year:

View attachment 962555

Great results. You mentioned only major change is the BWM? Any small tweak's? If possible can you post your tweak of that easier? Thanks
Great results. You mentioned only major change is the BWM? Any small tweak's? If possible can you post your tweak of that easier? Thanks

Ya, thats the only one mate, otherwise I just plugged & played. Here is a screenshot of the role:

View attachment 220747

The only other things I do is during the match. If Carlos for example, is not having a great game at AML, sometimes I will change his role to inside forward and tick off "Shoots less often." Other than that, its just swapping players (i.e. Barbosa to AMC and Sisto to AMR) to see if they makes them perform better match to match. Im recording my progress and analyzing the stats after in my story thread, so if I find that after a run of games its more productive to have the AML as an inside forward let's say, then Ill post any updates on here.

I should also mention that I changed the MCR role from the get go, to better suit the player's I had, so the original tactic of having two CMs on support may work just as well, or better, but I have not tested it myself.
I have to say mate, this is perhaps the best tactic I have used in any FM (been playing since 03)

How many goals are you scoring from the corners and throw-in's? I swear 99% of tactics on fmbase have the set-piece exploit in it then claim it's the best tactic in fm15.
How many goals are you scoring from the corners and throw-in's? I swear 99% of tactics on fmbase have the set-piece exploit in it then claim it's the best tactic in fm15.

I have not noticed many goals from throw-ins. If I win 4-0, on average, one of those goals would come from a corner, 6-0 maybe two then. Most of my goals have come from through balls from my AMC or AMR cutting in to the striker. Also if I have an AML with high crossing, a lot of goals also come from him whipping them in to my striker who heads them in.

For me, this is the best tactic Ive used, not because of exploits, but because of how few goals Ive conceded, shots on target allowed by the opposition (usually 1 or 2) and my possession (70%+).

(EDIT) Just checked, in 27 matches in the league, only 18 goals from corners. So from 117 goals so far, that accounts for 15.3% of my goals. In 8 CL matches, 2 goals are from corners. Not sure if that is average or low for the 'exploit'.
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I have to say mate, this is perhaps the best tactic I have used in any FM (been playing since 03). Maybe not the best offensively (but its still fantastic and plays some beautiful footy), but for me I have never had anything close to this defensively. I have used this tactic for all but maybe 3 of the league matches:

View attachment 962553

The only major tweak I made was changing the CMR to a ball-winning midfielder (Instructions: Shoots Less Often, Dribbles Less, Mark Tighter, Fewer Risky Passes);

View attachment 962554

AMR has been fantastic for me from the onset, no matter who I play there. Tweaking the AMC and AML positions a bit now to see if I can get them to be more productive.

(Edit) Figured Id post my current run of fixtures as well, since the new year:

View attachment 962555

V1 or V2 mate?
Whichever one is posted at the bottom of the OP (mediafire link), downloaded it about 4-5 days ago.
Do you use the same training I use ? :)

I have General Training set to 'Tactical' with the intensity on 'Hard' and the Match Prep to 'Match Tactics' until the start of league matches, so the tactic(s) are usually somewhere in the middle, close(ish) to fluid if I only have one. Once the season is on its way then I have the General Training set to 'Fitness', with the intensity on 'Average' and the Match Prep the same as you, but mostly on attacking, unless Im playing a top team away.
Great result though: ) I think that all your friend is just giving up now
Guys I have a good inside forward on the left however he is only right footed, poor left foot and cuts inside so I want to change winger on the left to IF , would it still be better? Support or attack, or just as winger.. Ty!
View attachment 220398

This is what the league table/player stats looked like at the end of season 1. Lost in CL Semi-Finals on penalties to PSG. I found that in the last couple months of the season that I was allowing more shots on target, and thus more goals. That is normal though, as teams adapt to your tactic and just illustrated that I need to have another tactic that I can rely on as well next year.

goal2581999, have you played around with/tested this tactic with a DMC, rather than the AMC? I am going to play around with this idea over the weekend as I start my second season. Ideally, Id like it as my shutdown tactic for the last 15-20 minutes of a match (gave up a lot of goals down the stretch in that time), and against the likes of Real Madrid, Bayern, Barca and PSG away.

The DMC role
: I know its dependent on the players you have, but I am going to start out testing it with the 'Anchorman' role, with Reuben Neves & Danilo Pereira. I will most likely keep the two CM role's as the same, perhaps tinkering with the CM-S one, to a more creative role, such as a Roaming Playmaker.
View attachment 963395

This is what the league table/player stats looked like at the end of season 1. Lost in CL Semi-Finals on penalties to PSG. I found that in the last couple months of the season that I was allowing more shots on target, and thus more goals. That is normal though, as teams adapt to your tactic and just illustrated that I need to have another tactic that I can rely on as well next year.

goal2581999, have you played around with/tested this tactic with a DMC, rather than the AMC? I am going to play around with this idea over the weekend as I start my second season. Ideally, Id like it as my shutdown tactic for the last 15-20 minutes of a match (gave up a lot of goals down the stretch in that time), and against the likes of Real Madrid, Bayern, Barca and PSG away.

The DMC role
: I know its dependent on the players you have, but I am going to start out testing it with the 'Anchorman' role, with Reuben Neves & Danilo Pereira. I will most likely keep the two CM role's as the same, perhaps tinkering with the CM-S one, to a more creative role, such as a Roaming Playmaker.

I see you're using your tweaked version. Do you use OI?

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yes , i already have some test with dmc role but it seem like it doesn't work well . Will have some test tomorrow
I see you're using your tweaked version. Do you use OI?

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Nope, but I will play around with OI's this next season, thanks for the idea.

goal, which DMC roles did you test and did you change any of the CM roles?