4-2-3-1 Wingers Paradise , Bringing back the lone striker(25+goals)

I'm Napoli at the minute, got a good team. I want to try this, as my tactic has become stale. Is it ok to have a right footer on the left? I have Insigne, and he's been on fire. Also do you use all 3 tactics? Or just stick to one? Cheers in advance

Its alright as long as they have a decent weak foot. I use Januzaj on the right. For Serie A i would say use the tactics from #263. Use base tactic both home and away. Use counter only away when your big underdogs. Keep v3 in one of the slots but only use it against weaker teams when you notice them attacking too much against the base tactic.

Impressive stuff you have done with this tactic, and i have to try it. Im thinking about starting a new save with Liverpool. Which tactic do you recommend to use? Only Wingers Paradise!!! or the counter aswell?

Impressive stuff you have done with this tactic, and i have to try it. Im thinking about starting a new save with Liverpool. Which tactic do you recommend to use? Only Wingers Paradise!!! or the counter aswell?

Same advice as #281, except use v3 alot against those weaker physical EPL teams, basicly teams 14-20 in the table or teams you know who will play on the long ball like stoke and villa.
It seems i had the wrong tweak up in post #263, sorry for my mistake.. please re-download. This version in my opinion is the best and the one i used to get the Lazio results.
Which one would you recommend I use for RB Lepzig in 2.Bundisliga in 2nd season?
Hey, I'm new to this. Could you tell me what the players should focus on individual training?
Hey, I'm new to this. Could you tell me what the players should focus on individual training?
Individual training isn't that important, just make sure they are all happy/content with their training schedule. I train players for their respective roles in the formation.

And for PPM, train wingers to place shots/ lob keeper. For CAM-- Place shots/Come deep/Plays one twos
what training is best for the new wp mate cheers so use wp home an away an counter or v3 againest teams basicially like stoke or who play long balls
I really want to try this, but im so confused reading through this thread on which versions to use. Am I right in thinking, dont use the ones in opening page, and go straight to post 262? (I can't remember what post it was now) I'll read through it again, to see if I can see it.
post 263 an 268 i think mate

Thanks mate. So are the ones on the first page no good anymore? Sorry for all the questions, but are the ones on 263 and 268 have the same instructions / training settings as the original page? This is so confusing :/
Thanks mate. So are the ones on the first page no good anymore? Sorry for all the questions, but are the ones on 263 and 268 have the same instructions / training settings as the original page? This is so confusing :/

i think the new ones just have different set ups for player instructions set pieces so on so far so good for me 2 wins out of 2 games in jan 2015 sicne my other tactic had died big time
Training and Team talks all from OP. Just use the new tac. It has revised player and team instructions, just slight tweaks to make the original better.
Which version of these tactics would work with man utd?

Apologies if this has been answered or alluded to before :)
Which version of these tactics would work with man utd?

Apologies if this has been answered or alluded to before :)

well for me atm the tactic on 263 along side with wingers alt v3 an wp counter is perfect combo atm just beat a friend online 3-0