This is not true. Match Tactics has en effect, even after its fully fluid. They will just go over the tactic once more, and train on all the different areas. It will boost the tactic like all the others options, but not in just one specific area like the others. I get its not very well explained, but its how it is. If you have the slider all to the right, then there will be no match prep at all. If you dont, then there will be an effect whatever of those 6 options you choose.
Its not a waste like you said, and match tactics has proven to do very well in testing even after its fully fluid. If you want to test it yourself, then have it all fluid before the season and go 1 season with match tactics, and another one with attacking movement. You will get similiar results, and match tactics might even win.
I'm sorry my friend but I tend to disagree with you. Do you actually have and official SI statement backing up your point? Because if you don't, you can express a different point of view, no problem but make sure people understand it as YOUR opinion, not as a fact...
Indeed, the match tactic is A BOOST to accelerate the tactic familiarity. Once it's full, no need to leave it on it... You can choose in which area you'd like A SLIGHT BOOST for the next game, and only this one. So as TFF states it, it shall be smarter to choose one of them (attacking, defending, set pieces...) for your next match or it will be a waste.
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