An [Amateur] Tactician's Chalkboard for FM11

  • Thread starter Thread starter iNickStuff
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Gonna get every single person on the forum doing one soon. XD
Gonna get every single person on the forum doing one soon. XD

I'm fearing that's going to happen, would be difficult to keep them all under one category. Not to mention some of them may not even be that good.

I am going to strengthen rules soon, and after mvp93's article, will I have them put into effect.

---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------



Ok, so recently, we have had a number of community contributions come through, and be added to the OP so that it is categorised, easy to find and have various opinions available, rather than just me doing the work and it being biased. I have said in the past that people are more than welcome to post their own articles on a specific area of the game, where it has been put across in real-life, in which is then implemented into Football Manager.

However, I want to clarify some rules on the thread before people start to add their own when they may have not informed me, be half-hearted efforts, and look tacky. I want to, at all costs, avoid this thread being cluttered with articles all the time, and marring other good articles that are specifically done after thorough research and work on it. So with new rules in place, the thread should be much more cleaner, and easier to navigate during the stages of which it becomes a lot more known to the community - especially amongst non-regular posters.


I stress it with intent that you are allowed to post your own articles on the thread, and share your views on a certain aspect of the modern game towards the community, whether it be through tactics played by a club, special instructions to result in a certain outcome, training regimes, shortlists, etc. - all of this is fine, but there are certain rules now that must be addressed before doing so.

  • Before you post the article on the thread, you must inform me via Private Message or Visitor Message, and brief me on what you intend to do. I will then look at it and reply to it, saying whether I approve or decline it. If I decline it, I will put a reason as to why, and what other options there are available. If you go on to post the article anyway, it will not be counted, and risk deletion.

  • Again, before you post the article, you must from now on, message me a draft of your article for me to run through and find out things that you could improve on, or may have missed out that may be useful. This is just to avoid having to go onto the thread, and you continually having to edit it until it's perfect, when it can all be done before-hand. Failure to do so is the risk of it not being counted, which therefore leads to it being not added to the OP.

  • You can only post an article every 5 days. This keeps the amount of articles at a steady pace, to which I can then categorise them and possibly run through them to fix any mistakes that may be in the article. Also to keep it out of the possibility of a plethora of articles coming through and, again, marring other people's work.

  • In any articles, regardless of the source, you must refer to any websites you may have used for statistics and information on players, positions or the tactics you have created for the article. This is important in keeping the credit of the website at hand, but also available to people that may sutrggle in finding deeper sources for information that aren't always common.

***** More rules, if needed, will be added in the future. *****


I am starting to recognise certain things in the contributions of work of others when they lay it out. I am going to run through the preferred and generic layout so that people can get a good idea in which they should do in the near future in posting their own work on the thread.

Generally, your article should run along the lines of:

  • Title: Goes along a name so that I can add it to the OP by that name, and givine people an idea of what it is about.

  • Introduction: Introduces the article, what you intend to do/achieve during article and why have done so.

  • Information: Give a rough idea behind the article, what it has done in the modern game and how it has influenced clubs to follow suit with such. Possible screenshots of analysis from website such as Guardian Chalkboards, and Sky

  • The Player/Tactic: The outlay of the tactic or the players' instructions, followed by why it has been done like so, and the players around it.

  • In-match play: Showing evidence of it in the match, where arrows and pointers may be used to show people what is going on. Can be captioned with detail on why.

  • Post-match alaysis/season review: After playing around with it for a certain amount of games, or even a full-season, detailing on certain players and their performances during the season, or how the team played and it's successes during that season.

  • Conclusion: Finish off the article with what you have achieved, possible further articles to come and links to the sources you may/may not have used during the course of the article.

It would also be recommended to use the fonts Trebuchet MS, Microsoft Sans Serif, Times New Roman, Lucia Sans Unicode, Tahoma and Century Gothic.

As I said, more will probably follow, but for now, adhere to these rules to keep the thread well-run. Failure to do so has already been mentioned, so please scroll back up the post to find it.


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Well it is on the Concept of the False 10 and how it can be implemented in to FM including Real life examples.

Is that ok

It's fine. Go ahead with it. But after your article is when the rules will be in place.
I agree that rules need to be added onto this thread, but I don't think that the minimum post count is really necessary. You are going to check through each article before it is posted up onto the thread, so in order to improve the quality of the thread, which I assume the aim of these rules is. Then, obviously the way to do this is only to approve articles of the highest quality, no matter the post count of the submitter. By adding the post count it surely seems like your only letting a selective group of people post their tactical opinions, if this is the case, then it is paramount to saying that everyone else who hasn't made that number of posts do not have worthy opinions.

You say you introducing the minimum post count to keep the thread 'tidy', but if you only allow the best, most informed and researched articles, this can not be a problem.
I agree that rules need to be added onto this thread, but I don't think that the minimum post count is really necessary. You are going to check through each article before it is posted up onto the thread, so in order to improve the quality of the thread, which I assume the aim of these rules is. Then, obviously the way to do this is only to approve articles of the highest quality, no matter the post count of the submitter. By adding the post count it surely seems like your only letting a selective group of people post their tactical opinions, if this is the case, then it is paramount to saying that everyone else who hasn't made that number of posts do not have worthy opinions.

You say you introducing the minimum post count to keep the thread 'tidy', but if you only allow the best, most informed and researched articles, this can not be a problem.

Bet you don't have 1000 posts, am I right? :P

Tbh, I agree with the rule. Sure, he's checking through them, but think how many he would potentially have to sift through. By cutting it down to people with over 1000 posts, he's not only cutting down the stuff he has to work through (in his own spare time, after all), it also also gives him a forewarning of what the article is going to be like. Mike.'s articles, for instance, is likely to be far more in-depth and useful than some dude with 100 posts.
I agree that rules need to be added onto this thread, but I don't think that the minimum post count is really necessary. You are going to check through each article before it is posted up onto the thread, so in order to improve the quality of the thread, which I assume the aim of these rules is. Then, obviously the way to do this is only to approve articles of the highest quality, no matter the post count of the submitter. By adding the post count it surely seems like your only letting a selective group of people post their tactical opinions, if this is the case, then it is paramount to saying that everyone else who hasn't made that number of posts do not have worthy opinions.

You say you introducing the minimum post count to keep the thread 'tidy', but if you only allow the best, most informed and researched articles, this can not be a problem.

I didn't mean that at all. Everyone, regardless of their post count, has an opinion that can be worthy and very agreeable to. Not once did I mention that it wasn't. I only put in a minimum post count to reduce the amount of non-regular members posting their articles, and making it a lot easier to contain the articles under the Community Contributions category.

There is no selective group of people. Everyone is ensured to have the ability to post their own articles. I encourage it with intent so that the thread is impartial and free to several opinions, rather than one. I will remove the post count at wish, but it does not, by any means, imply lower post count = no opinion.
Mike.'s articles, for instance, is likely to be far more in-depth and useful than some dude with 100 posts.

This is my problem with it exactly, mike's articles are Likely to be more in-depth than someone with less posts, which seems obvious. But the truth is you don't know that it will be, and why if someone puts masses of work into an article shouldn't it be put into the OP. But, I do understand that this will be very costly on iNickStuff's time, so I respect his decision as it is his time that would be used, but I just wanted to make the point, that posts should be judged upon their calibre, and not the post count of the poster.

Idk if this is a good idea or not, but what you could suggest is that if you want to write an article you can submit your own thread, and if it is widely appreciated by the fm community it is submitted into the OP and the thread.
This is my problem with it exactly, mike's articles are Likely to be more in-depth than someone with less posts, which seems obvious. But the truth is you don't know that it will be, and why if someone puts masses of work into an article shouldn't it be put into the OP. But, I do understand that this will be very costly on iNickStuff's time, so I respect his decision as it is his time that would be used, but I just wanted to make the point, that posts should be judged upon their calibre, and not the post count of the poster.

Idk if this is a good idea or not, but what you could suggest is that if you want to write an article you can submit your own thread, and if it is widely appreciated by the fm community it is submitted into the OP and the thread.

Everyone's contributions on the thread are appreciated and welcomed, thus encouraging to make it in-depth and have it's own twist on it. I am not trying to discourage people from the minimum post count, but to just not have thread continually filled with articles from non-regular posters. That is not to say their opinion is invalid, but in the past, it has been the case that there are several mistakes in it, it looks untidy, there is sometimes not enough evidence to support a view etc. - it is something I would hate for this thread to start to have.

Directories to other threads such as this may well be encouraged in the future as well, but for now, it is best to keep it at in-thread articles, and get to the point where a certain amount of articles that allows us to then create a pdf. attachment that is then available for download to others to read.

The False 10
  • Creating the False 10
  • Explaining how it works
  • How it links up with the False 9

The Concept of the popular False 9 where a center-forward drops deeper to collect the ball, It is now established in modern day tactical thinking.But with the emergence of the False nine we have seen the less publicized up rising of the False 10. This player assists the progress of the False 9 and operates simultaneously with the center-forward.

If a team has a Striker who is going to constantly play deep and/or pull wide, teams need players to break forward from deep(er) areas to exploit areas created by the False 9's movement. More often then not these have been players who are wingers, inside forwards or second strikers. But espically in the World cup, Real Madrid and Leonardo's Inter Milan. But more commonly they have been playmakers Ozil and Wesley Sneijder.

Without the False 10 the False 9 would be useless and vice versa they rely on each other to work. A traditional attacking midfielder is expected to play deeper and spend less time at the point of the attack. In the transitional stage of The False 9 a new role is created the False 10.


As You Can see Sneijder has pushed up alongside Rovin Van Persie to exserte more pressure on the opposition's defense. This has created a 4-4-2 from an orginal 4-2-3-1.

Football Manager

I will be using Inter Milan or more specifically Sneijder for my example of a False 10
As he defined the role best when playing for holland in the world cup

Sneijder's PI

I Made Sneijder a Trequartista to encourage more forward thinking play and to be able to link up with the False 9 and for him to get forward more a higher attacking mentality will get him higher up the pitch.Higher creative freedom is vital for the AMC to wonder around and look for space, runs from deep will encourage more forward runs. Move in to channels is used to allow the AMC to find natural gaps left by the defenders.Creating a False 10.

Milito's PI

I made Milito a Deep laying Striker to create a deep playing striker with this and the defensive mentality to allow him to come deep and collect the ball.I also increase the amount of forward runs he made so that when in a deep position and has played the ball he will return to a ST position

This is the 4-2-3-1 being played for my Inter team,With Support Inside Forwards and Milito as a Deep laying striker on support recreating the False 9.


In Game- Super Cup Final - Down to 10 men with Samual getting sent off and giving a way a penalty but it was well saved. Cambassio is moved to the DC position with the AML/R moving to MR/L. Milito and Sneijder keeping their original positions.


As the Goal kick is taken you can see that Milito and Sneijder are in their original positions in a 4-3-1-1.


As the Ball is Won by Zanetti you can see Sneijder has drifted in to a ST position creating a 4-3-2 just like real life expect a player light


As the ball is headed to Milto he controls it and looks for opitions with him playing so deep he has dragged away 3 players from there original positions leaving plenty of space


AS Milito has drawen away 3 denfenders he has opened up space for Sneijder to drive in to.

As Sneijder has driven into that space he is being closed down but still has space to operate in and has three main opitions
1. Continue driving in to the space
2. Through ball it to milito and hope for the return
3. Smash it towards goal


He decides to take the 3rd opition and the most hard to execute and it pays off making it 2-0 to Inter.

The Goal was created due to the space that Milito opened up drawing 3 defenders away from there positions leaving plenty of space.

Sneijder created the goal by moving into a ST position something the Roma team were not epecting leaving plenty of space with his amount of creative freedom and run from deep, he drives forward allowing him plenty of opinions.

Match Analysis

When the ball is won by Inter Sneijder is automatically changed from a AMC to a ST giving Inter more options with Sneijder closer to Goal and able to run at Roma. He is also playing higher Than Milito making him more of a Advanced striker. This Happen regulary in the game and with 11 men on the pitch i'm sure Sneijder would have got a higher rating than 9.00

The False 10 is proved to be very effective when used with the False 9 as the two are made for each other a Striker who drops deep and a AMC who pushes forward to join in to help with the attack and in which doing so actually changes the base of the formation in an attacking stage
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Very good work. Didn't know there was a 'False Ten'. Good work in representing it.

Adding it to the OP.

---------- Post added at 02:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 AM ----------

And with mvp93's article, comes with the effect of the rules. Please follow the rules as attached the OP.
Yh There is research done in to it put it is still used but not as well known as the false 9

Thanks i really appreciate that coming from you who puts a lot of effort in to his articles i ddint realise how hard it was
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Yh There is research done in to it put it is still used but not as well known as the false 9

Thanks i really appreciate that coming from you who puts a lot of efoort in to his articles i ddint realise how hard it was

Well, whenever you need to add some more info, you can edit your article and put it in.

It does take effort, but it's all worth it in the end because of the people who can then use it and enjoy it.

‘Modern Germany Tactic

  • Recreating Germany tactic from World Cup 2010 till now
  • Apply Modern' Roles

Germany, producing quality players over the year, they are known to be one of the best nations of the modern game. Having a fantastic world cup, Germany is highly rated to win the Euro Cup. Playing a 4-5-1, Germany are possible one of the teams that you would enjoy to watch the most. When it comes to the positions Germany are free to express their selfes. Ozil plays a central winger role, Podolski and Muller come back and forward as wingers. Khedira playing a normal defensive role trying to keep the midfielder strong with no mistakes and to obtain the ball to start the play. Schweinsteiger a hard tackling defensive, deep lying playmaker will be the one to be starting most of the plays or protecting the defense from opponents attack. While Lahm plays the modern wing back role, getting high up in attack, and going low in defense. Aogo, plays more of a defensive wingback to help the other CB.


Football Manager Terms

The tactic once translated into FM, it would look like a 4-5-1, with two defensive midfielders, and two wide midfielders.


Mesut Ozil, given the central winger role, having to tweak his position into a way that would help the team correctly once creating the position. He will be moving sides looking to receive the ball and hopefully attempt to start the play that will bring the goal.


Podolski, is a typical winger role, though concentrating that he will be the player that can both intimidate the defenders, or the attackers. Having a good amount of creative freedom, his passes are more into the shorter side to move faster for the 1 – 2. Lastly when in the wing he has to cut in to strike the ball towards the goal, which will affect his movement moving from left to right.


Muller, given a normal winger role, with great short passes to play the ball faster, and a great amount of freedom, to show his magic, and he is given to play with a normal mentality to be moving up and down the field to increase the options to start the attack.


Schweinsteiger, the deep lying playmaker, giving a defensive mentality to stay behind midfielders and when the team is in defending duties, he will be able to get there quick and easy. His creative freedom has been in normal but closer to much creative freedom, this to give the player a main subject and be able to pass quicker and simpler. His passing style is more direct so its further and right at the player when in defense or attack. Lastly he has to be aggressive to destroy the players attackers when coming near the German defense.


Khedira, a very low normal mentality is given to Khedira to assist both defense and attack, with the aggresitivty he has he can obtain the ball in the defense and give a short pass to start the play.


Lahm, having to be a very attacking wing back, he has a huge attacking mentality to get forward. Though when it comes to defending he has been put to close down the whole field when the opposition has the ball to be defending right away with no difficulty. Lastly he has both to hug the touchline and to be crossing deep this to help in wide play and to see the whole field to look for the better pass.


The German Goals

The first goal is produced via the quick passing of the defensive midfielder, the central wingers movement in the flanks, the right-back getting forward to help the attack, and the wingers moving into the corners to assist each others.


Ballack receives the ball, in which he will give Lahm a quick pass, at the same time Ozil moving slightly to center since he left the gap. When paying attention Podolski stays in the same stop waiting for the time to do his.


Lahm has gotten the ball, and is going to move into the open space left by Ozil while Ozil is going to move to lower down to leave Muller with no one taking his defender.


Ozil has received the ball and is going to do an immediate pass to Muller and he will move at full speed towards the corner flag. Podolski paying attention is going to move at the same velocity as Muller into the center of the box.


Muller is going to give a curling cross towards the far post, Podolski will move quick into the corner of the small box to give a straight volley into the goal and score the German goal.
Again the defensive midfielder making the quick pass, to the great flank movement of Ozil using his vision to give a quick pass to Klose, and Klose to move into the box and give a through ball to Podolski to leave him alone.


Ballack has got the ball, and with no time wasting he gives the ball to Ozil.


Ozil receives the ball, sees Klose and will give a quick pass, and Klose will move towards the center of the box, and at the same time Podolski is going to move in from the side.


Klose looks up, and sees Podolski, gives him a through ball and Germany score again after a great crafted play.



Podolski has moved perfectly at all times, and its what is need from his position to score the balls that its given to him and open up the options to give his team that extra touch forward towards the goal scoring opportunities.


Ozil has been all over the field which is what its needed from the central winger role. He is pasing from the center, the right and the left flank, opening options into the chance that would lead to goal scoring ideas and opportunities.


Lahm is all over the right side just like he is supposed to be, he is helping the attack forces attack and the defense forces defend, which has constructed the perfect right-back to the German strength.


A hard tactic to get right, it took time to think what goes with what, and how it will work out. Once it was finally produced perfectly it seemed to be the perfect tactic for decent teams and the best teams, it can use in many ways, as you are taking the most out of the player, with two defensive midfielders it helps the team in the defense and to bring forward the teams attack, and produce the goals. In which the tactic is more into team playing as there is less players running and looking for the option there are in the team. The game is played the German way.
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Just to note:

LGFIRE asked for my permission to post the article prior to mvp93's article, in which I accepted because he wouldn't be able to put in another one for another ten days. But really, now is when the rules have been implemented, and those who are below the post limit will not have their article accepted or added to the OP, so bear that in mind.

mvp93 is also having to wait five days for his article be allowed on.
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iNickStuff What is the waiting time for?

I don't understand
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