Congratualions on your thread. Very good info! I just finished reading ALL the articles

If you don't mind answering a question, I wonder how you would play with AC Milan. I'm in doubt on whether your definition of a Completer Forward would fit Ibrahimovic. Also the secondary striker doesn't seem to fit Robinho or Pato... So I wonder what formation and roles/duties you would use. I've tried a 4-3-3 and 4-5-1 formations with reasonable success in FM11, but I'm still not sure about a few things. I can't imagine a 4-4-2 formation such as you used in Man United working with Milan because they lack the wingers/wide midfielders.
I also have trouble using a 4-2-3-1 formation such as the one you used with Arsenal because that means Pato and Robinho are used as wingers (not they natural position). Also Milan's midfielders are usually more defensive than the formation shows (usually one or two DMFs, such as Gattuso or Van Bommel).
The 4-3-3 formation works well in FM11 but it has been discussed here that having 3 STs is not realistic, so even though I have played with this before (won Series A) I usually had Robinho as a Inside Forward in the midfield to make things more realistic. And I'm still not sure this works well, specially for possession football - I played Ibra as Trequartista and Pato as Poacher, both attacking, so my midfield had three good CMs but they were too narrowed up and that affected possesion. I usually played better with low possession (< 55), more direct passing on counter attacks.
I would be specifically interested in Ibra's role and duty, how to fit Robinho and Pato into the game, and how to set up the midfield.
Also, could you please explain how you concede so little with Arsenal with such an offensive formation? When I play formations that offensive (no DMFs, many attacking duties, no midfielder with DEF duty) I commonly concede 1 or 2 goals, even when I win. I guess you had a specific strategy for this, such as playing a deep defensive line, not having your centerbacks close down so much, and maybe having at least one midfielder and one FB with a defensive mentality... Or was it just magic?
Big Goat