Only using the AMC tactic? Have you done any tweaks to the original controll version? If i where to try and do any tweaks, wich would you suggest?
-im thinking about the AMC position, i have Kagawa and Isco for these position and their stats is great for the AP support role, why arent they working? get really low ratings.. anything i can do with their passing/movement to get more through balls to the wingers/striker?
-if i play Llorente as TM upfront, will he be mobile enough in this role to move into space to be passed to by the AMC? should i try to make the wingers more attacking mentality?
-do you allways have the wingers to mark oposition wingers? even in a "flat" midfield formation? ( not AML but ML position? )
-could it be an idea to have the wingers play their crosses to different targets? Say i have Bale to cross to back post like in the tactic, and have Valencia crossing to center or even to the TM?
-ive noticed in tight games many of my shots come from the CM`s, should i have longshots set to rare to avoid this and maybe force them to play short to the AMC?
-do you set it to defensive for hard away games instead of controll?
-what do you do if you chase a goal last 10 minutes? change too attack + more shouts?
-have you found a way to stop the damm throughballs from oposition or is the ME stil killing us?
-wich OI do you use? ive been using the same as D@ve so far, works well with M&M tactic but im unsure with the AMC tactic, any suggestions?
me allways with so many questions

im having success with the M&M tactic mate, also the TM/winger tactic, i use it for away games, i tryed to set it to counter but didnt happen much, changed it back too attacking and scored 3