Andy Gray and Richard Keys in centre of Sexism scandal...

Not condoning what they said but........

they made comments when they thought they where off air, apart from women don't know the offside rule everything else turned out true. There was a big offside desicion that was contreversial (however there will be countless others up and down the country on a saturday afternoon). Andy Gray's comment about the column was mearly highlighting that it was falsified by the fact there was a women official?

Sexxism is wrong in todays world, however like previous people have highlighted- it was a personal conversation, not knowing that they where being transmitted. How many of you can say you've led and lead a 100% P.C. life? slap on the wrist and a public appology is all that's in order, lets not build up a sh#t storm over nothing
they were just laughing at bad football really they were not laughing cos it was womens football , if it was a men's pub team playing they would be laughing too

tbh it was pathetic football, Swedens women football is much better and they are much fitter too

Why are you just copying the comments on the youtube video?
Joel, please get a sense of humour. Your so sad that when you walk by plants they die :(

Found it pretty funny myself, but fair play if she wants to be a lineswoman

Hey Joe, learn to take a loss please.

Sigh, good performance by Villa, even it was ugly and defensive, but what do you expect, they are managed by Houllier and they are down the table against one of the best teams in the league. Well played Villa.

*cough* Emirates *cough* You know nothing about me, try and counter me rather than make un-informed assumptions if you disagree, thanks.
1. Get a sense of humour some of you.
2. These comments were made off air, however they left their mics on unintentionally so it's not like they were plotting for these comments to come out. Judging by their tone of voice as well, it was a completely joking manner.
3. These comments were made pre-match when I am sure the majority of us were also sceptical about having a lineswoman as well. However having seen what a good game she had I'm sure they would been one of the first to applaud her.
1. Get a sense of humour some of you.
2. These comments were made off air, however they left their mics on unintentionally so it's not like they were plotting for these comments to come out. Judging by their tone of voice as well, it was a completely joking manner.
3. These comments were made pre-match when I am sure the majority of us were also sceptical about having a lineswoman as well. However having seen what a good game she had I'm sure they would been one of the first to applaud her.
They don't really sound like they're joking, they just sound ****** off.
Was at the game and stayed till after FT. Met JAMIE REDKNAPP!!!!!! Then i saw these 2 walking, they were talking to each other but they wouldn't look at us, grumpy sods!
in reply to joss......... its not a race issue its about a mens sport played by men and mainly watched by men, all they said is what most people think, why bring race into it
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1. Get a sense of humour some of you.
2. These comments were made off air, however they left their mics on unintentionally so it's not like they were plotting for these comments to come out. Judging by their tone of voice as well, it was a completely joking manner.
3. These comments were made pre-match when I am sure the majority of us were also sceptical about having a lineswoman as well. However having seen what a good game she had I'm sure they would been one of the first to applaud her.

I know what you mean Alex, but I still don't think it was meant in a jokey sense.. they genuinely sounded frustrated.
Women and Football are like Curry and Ice Cream to me. I love them both but dont want them on the same plate.

I have no problem with Women linesmen but Jacqui Oatley commentating on my Saturday night football is annoying. Almost as annoying as John Motson.
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They knew what they signed up for when they chose to be in the public eye. I don't buy it when celebrities complain for lack of privacy, they knew what they signed up for and they make millions for it. Gordon Brown paid the price of his political career for being accidentally recorded, and it won't surprise me if these will too. I very much hate political correctness, but this is different when the game's trying to advance, and two respected and well known pundits who should know better say things like that.

As I said before, it wasn't always like this, we used to respect the privacy of public figures but we don't anymore. Why can't we try and chill the **** out as a society? Why do we have to get so morally righteous every time someone in the public eye makes a gaffe? As for Gordon Brown, I'm sorry but the comparison is ludicrous. First of all, the fact that every word a politician says is recorded in this digital age means that they can never be candid or freely speak their mind. There is always the risk of saying something the public won't like, so we get robots for politicians that only say what is "correct" and can't be frank or opinionated. Any statement that sounds relatively opinionate will be played in soundbites with media spin and the public will immediately think the official is a raving lunatic unfit for office. This never happened in any other era, and I would rather have my politicians speak their mind and be able to speak freely...they're already under an incredible amount of pressure, and then we record every word they must be maddening, and it probably turns a lot of good people away from politics.

But more importantly, how can you compare Gordon Brown to Andy Gray? Andy Gray is a football pundit for Christ's sake...who gives a **** what he says in his free time? Or what kind of character he has? He doesn't represent the UK or lead its people. It's understandable that the public would want to inquire into the personal life of Gordon Brown and get upset at any inappropriate remarks he made, but he cares about some guy whose job is talk about football on the weekends? Again, had Andy Gray made these comments on air, that would be one thing, he would probably have to be fired for doing his job poorly (making inexcusable remarks on television). But a comment he made in his personal time? A slap on the wrist will do.

Also, I don't see how important this is to "advancing the game." Video technology, cleaning up corruption in FIFA, helping out the football leagues of developing nations...I would classify that as advancing the game. But lineswomen? I couldn't care less whether or not the linesperson is male or has no impact on the game. If they want to have lineswomen, I'm fine with it, but if they didn't, on account of this being a male sport and that there is a league for women, I wouldn't shed any tears.
Women and Football are like Curry and Ice Cream to me. I love them both but dont want them on the same plate.

I have no problem with Women linesmen but Jacqui Oatley commentating on my Saturday night football is annoying. Almost as annoying as John Motson.

If that is the person who does MOTD then yeah, listening to her is actually like listening to my mum or girlfriend when they pretend to be interested in a match,lots of vaguely interested shouting and very little actual dialog.
3. These comments were made pre-match when I am sure the majority of us were also sceptical about having a lineswoman as well. However having seen what a good game she had I'm sure they would been one of the first to applaud her.

Speak for yourself. Bit closet sexism, that. I had no doubts she would perform to the highest standards, or at least no worse than any man. :S
Speak for yourself. Bit closet sexism, that. I had no doubts she would perform to the highest standards, or at least no worse than any man. :S


I probably didn't word it as well as I could have, not so much sceptical that she was going to do a poor job, just curious as to what benefit it adds to the game.

I probably didn't word it as well as I could have, not so much sceptical that she was going to do a poor job, just curious as to what benefit it adds to the game.

Having a linesman doesn't add to the game?

It makes no difference whether they're male or female, so it's not worth commenting on in the end.
Surely they were joking?
If they weren't they're stupid lol
Having a linesman doesn't add to the game?

It makes no difference whether they're male or female, so it's not worth commenting on in the end.

Years upon years of having male linesman, just curious as to why we needed a lineswoman.

Out of curiousity, I'm sure it has been brought up already, but are the male linesmen in the woman's game?
I'm not sexist but it'd just be easier if it was men only to be honest.. everyone knows someone will say a 'sexist' comment and they'll ***** and moan and it just causes a problem that nobody really needs.

Too much hassle, keep it to men.
I understand both sides, what I can't take on board how everyone wants to sack Gray & Keys have the world gone mad??? Yes they have done wrong, but a stern talking too and a apology would suffice.
And look another campaign on Twitter and Facebook. Get a life