Andy Gray and Richard Keys in centre of Sexism scandal...

Dad told me that Andy Carroll found a new job already and pointed to that lineswoman on the telly yesterday. Dare say I chuckled a bit.

Having heard the clip, it was pretty shocking. Funny, I didn't notice anything whilst watching the match yesterday but then again I don't really pay attention to the commentary.
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Having actually heard the audio clip, I change my mind. That's shocking. They should be fined and made to apologize in my opinion.
Funny clip though LOL.
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Imo she did a ok job but i just cant wait till someone like Vidic , Terry etc.. starts shouting at her and see if she will be able to her job or just fold under pressure
Having actually heard the audio clip, I change my mind. That's shocking. They should be fined and made to apologize in my opinion.
Funny clip though LOL.

Yeah, I've just heard it too and it is quite shocking, jokes aside, it's very unprofessional.
I wish each gender would just stick to their own sport. No women in men's football, no men in women's football. Bored of hearing about this equality bs.

But that is pretty poor show from them. But I kinda figured they would feel that way, especially Andy, coming from an era where women did not watch football.
1. Get a sense of humour some of you.
2. These comments were made off air, however they left their mics on unintentionally so it's not like they were plotting for these comments to come out. Judging by their tone of voice as well, it was a completely joking manner.
3. These comments were made pre-match when I am sure the majority of us were also sceptical about having a lineswoman as well. However having seen what a good game she had I'm sure they would been one of the first to applaud her.

For once Alex I agree with you, what is the world coming too lol
Years upon years of having male linesman, just curious as to why we needed a lineswoman.

Out of curiousity, I'm sure it has been brought up already, but are the male linesmen in the woman's game?

We don't "need" them, but it's like the argument about female vicars. We should open it up to allow anyone.

Don't think so, IIRC.
I wish each gender would just stick to their own sport. No women in men's football, no men in women's football. Bored of hearing about this equality bs.

But that is pretty poor show from them. But I kinda figured they would feel that way, especially Andy, coming from an era where women did not watch football.
Some women think they have something to prove to men. They see something that men do or enjoy and they instantly think they should be involved. Like working men's clubs that have men only bars, not really hurting anyone, mainly football and horse racing in the TV, then you get a hand full of women moan about it and its stopped, then the women don't bother going in anyway, they feel its point proven.

Sexism gone mad!

Its perfectly acceptable though for women to have women only gyms, nothing at all sexist about that is there. Ridiculous double standards. Only difference being men couldn't give a **** about women only sports, women only bars or women only gyms.
Some women think they have something to prove to men. They see something that men do or enjoy and they instantly think they should be involved. Like working men's clubs that have men only bars, not really hurting anyone, mainly football and horse racing in the TV, then you get a hand full of women moan about it and its stopped, then the women don't bother going in anyway, they feel its point proven.

Sexism gone mad!

Its perfectly acceptable though for women to have women only gyms, nothing at all sexist about that is there. Ridiculous double standards. Only difference being men couldn't give a **** about women only sports, women only bars or women only gyms.

Personally, I'd like to work in one of those. Clunge fest.

To the rest though: agreed.
The Daily Mail reported this morning of Sky Sports Presenters, Andy Gray and Richard Keys pre-match at the Wolves vs Liverpool game making sexist remarks about the female lineswoman at yesterday's match and West Ham Director, Karen Brady.

Click Here for Story

They have an audio recording of them making such comments as: "Can you believe that? A female linesman. Women don’t know the offside rule." Aimed towards 25 year old Sian Massey.

And also "The game’s gone mad. Did you hear charming Karren Brady this morning complaining about sexism? Do me a favour, love."

I watched the game and not one mistake was made by either linesman and it shouldn't make a difference whether the linesman is male or female.

There is a call on twitter for them both to get sacked and that if Sky keep them on, they are acknowledging sexist behaviour as okay. The hashtag #SackGrayAndKeys.

Audio link here
sack the ***** andy gray sky sports would be better without him. yeah of course women dont know anything about football andy gray then again with some of the comments you come out with you know **** all too. case in point chelsea v inter milan " eto would have been offside if terry hadnt played him on" what an *** hope he gets the sack!!!

---------- Post added at 02:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 AM ----------

Not condoning what they said but........

they made comments when they thought they where off air, apart from women don't know the offside rule everything else turned out true. There was a big offside desicion that was contreversial (however there will be countless others up and down the country on a saturday afternoon). Andy Gray's comment about the column was mearly highlighting that it was falsified by the fact there was a women official?

Sexxism is wrong in todays world, however like previous people have highlighted- it was a personal conversation, not knowing that they where being transmitted. How many of you can say you've led and lead a 100% P.C. life? slap on the wrist and a public appology is all that's in order, lets not build up a sh#t storm over nothing
They are at work they are not down the pub! they should treat every player and official with teh respect they deserve. The decsion she made was bang on and there was no controversey about that so dont see how you get that one.
We live in a nanny culture and need to have a long hard look at ourselves.
What they said isn't even offensive, it is unusual that a woman ran the line but she did well, the duo were obviously joking and I don't see the need to make a big issue out of it. This story is obviously being run by the same type of people that complain about Eastenders storylines, people who like to complain and who have nothing better to do. Grow up and get on with it !
very bad from who i feel are two very small minded invidials. Did anyone see the Wolves game yesterday and the girl lineman made a call that was sensatonal. If someone understands the sport why does it matter if its a male or female.
We live in a nanny culture and need to have a long hard look at ourselves.
What they said isn't even offensive, it is unusual that a woman ran the line but she did well, the duo were obviously joking and I don't see the need to make a big issue out of it. This story is obviously being run by the same type of people that complain about Eastenders storylines, people who like to complain and who have nothing better to do. Grow up and get on with it !
lol lol have you listend to the broadcast yet? at no point did it sound like they were joking. You cannot compare this to east enders lol. They are paid to be professional and they werent. How about i say this you dont know anything about footbal becasue of your name. do you think that is offensive becasue that is pretty much what they are saying women dont know anything becasue they are women. Well if they can do the licenses and can get a job as a lines person then good on them.
looks like they won't be hosting tonights game now. SS not confirming or denying rumours that they won't be presenting
ahh that's a shame. only bolton v an underperforming chelsea(says the ipswich fan who lost to them 7-0 2 weeks ago)