Does anybody else find that you will dominate a game and have a load of shots, be 2-0 up for example and the other teams scores from the only shots they have? It's happening to me a lot especially away from home, finding it very hard to hold onto leads.
Does anybody else find that you will dominate a game and have a load of shots, be 2-0 up for example and the other teams scores from the only shots they have? It's happening to me a lot especially away from home, finding it very hard to hold onto leads.

Its Normal ... this is FM16 :)

10 ccc
i also have dybala, but he is out for injury

dam.. sick squad! took long to get? i cant get any player at all atm with Man u! :p bought lukaku but the rest is pretty much too expensive..
dam.. sick squad! took long to get? i cant get any player at all atm with Man u! :p bought lukaku but the rest is pretty much too expensive..

I use monthly installmenets so its much easier to buy players, i bought hazard and pogba in the seacond i always make sure that i have backup for every postion
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I use monthly installmenets so its much easier to buy players, i bought hazard and pogba in the seacond i always make sure that i have backup for every postion

oh hmm, i might gotta try that! thanks for the tip.
I think people get that the tactic is working for you.. You have like 50 posts of screenshotting results of you winning all the time, I don't see the point really.
and your point would be?
I think people get that the tactic is working for you.. You have like 50 posts of screenshotting results of you winning all the time, I don't see the point really.

Tzahy is always the same

Many guys were banned because of him

Let him have fun that way
Hey Tzahy. Give a try with a team like Hartlepool. :) I didn't do so well with the default squad
and your point would be?

You're the reason most people can never find the tweaks in TTF's threads. Post a season or half season review, you don't need to post every game.
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ok, if someone doesnt like my post just put in the ignore list , then u wont see any of my post. if i dont like something i put him on the ignore list. simple
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ok, if someone doesnt like my post just put in the ignore list , then u wont see any of my post. if i dont like something i put him on the ignore list. simple

If only that worked, you stil get 45 pages, 17 are you saying yey i won.

And ignore would take out the posts where you are actually answering and helping. Its not a massive issue, but it is a bit much every game dude.
If only that worked, you stil get 45 pages, 17 are you saying yey i won.

And ignore would take out the posts where you are actually answering and helping. Its not a massive issue, but it is a bit much every game dude.

sorry dude i dont get it, i am good for helping or answering but not for posting posts?
sorry dude i dont get it, i am good for helping or answering but not for posting posts?

I think what wkdsoul is trying to say is maybe summarize a bit more? Maybe like an end of season post with league + fixtures etc etc rather then match after match.
I think tzahy save is fine,he is doing in his save the same thing Bayern does in real life,its not surprise for them winning a title,but it always fun to win it as well no matter how much odds are against others :D After all BVB is interesting team to play with,and clubs like Sassuolo,Atleti,South,and the rest of them,give a guy break :D