Fabulous tac! Quick question: What about man-marked setting? Should I let Messi or Ronaldo run free like any common striker does or what? Sorry if this topic has discussed earlier. I must missed it.

Salam from Indonesia.

Read the first post fully. All Man Marking info is included.
Read the first post fully. All Man Marking info is included.

Did you mean 'Left striker on MCL" thing? So I assume we don't have to give any special treatment for opponents striker? O.K. noted. Thanks.
Did you mean 'Left striker on MCL" thing? So I assume we don't have to give any special treatment for opponents striker? O.K. noted. Thanks.

Watch the game, if the strikers if getting to free a roam or killing you, adjust the tactic to suit, drop the D line, drop a midfielder in DMC. always tweak to if needed.
Training Complaints?

I got a few complaints from my player regarding match/individual training (especially for those who are trained as "wide midfielder"). Should I stick to your instructions or should I adapt?
Man I don't know what to say about this tactic. It's absolutely broken. I know it's only first half of the season but this is something else. I'm using a rotation of 2 lineups so 22 players that play each game interchangeably. That means I'm playing more or less half of the games with young inexperienced players.

Here are some tips for those who cant make it work:
1) Insert tactic in all 3 places so you get full fluidity sooner
2) Decide on who will play ML/MR positions and set them to take corners
3) Set Opponent instructions
4) Set Team training -> Match preparation to Match Tactics
5) Set player training to that mentioned in original post
6) Make sure the players that have bad traits start unlearning those and start teaching players the good traits for their positions
7) Play 6-8 pre-season games with low-level team so you get morale up
8) After the pre-season games change the Team training to Defensive positioning
9) Enjoy!

1) My team talk looks like this:
Pre game:
If playing opposition that is not much better then us or worse -> Assertively: Expect a win,
If playing opposition that is much better then us -> Calm: Enjoy the game
At the start of the game sideline shout Calm->Encourage.
After 10mins If winning/being tiedCalm->Demand more
If losing Aggressive->Demand more
Half time: If winning by 3 or more Assertively->Don't get complacent,
If losing or winning by 2 or less Aggressive->Demand more
2) If a player gets a yellow card change his Player instructions to Ease of tackles.
3) During the games watch if the oppositions formation changes so your LST is man-marking the right player.
4) When playing vs 3 striker formations or a very narrow formation (like 442 narrow diamond) you can man mark the LST with your RB and RST with your LB
5) When winning by 3 or more you can set your fullbacks to Ease of tackles as they seem to get most yellow cards
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Mate, please notice that the "the star rating" and "percentage circle rating" are cosmetic things but there's some "real" thing such as the players' ability to play at specific position and it might be "Natural/Accomplished/Competent and some other" and if you see that your players doesn't have at least "Accomplished" rating for the position that he plays then you should train him to play this position until he reaches at least "Accomplished" rating for it.

Oh I do train them if needed already, paying more attention to stats on each player, putting my assistant on ignore when he cry about not fitting position, should play this or that instead - extra training single stats on players if they're a bit too low :)
I got a few complaints from my player regarding match/individual training (especially for those who are trained as "wide midfielder"). Should I stick to your instructions or should I adapt?

Why do you train them as Wide Midfielders?

Btw, as far as I know players can only complain about training's intensity and they never complain about the training's focus.
mate why do u need to post it here, i am sure that evryone knows that u have a testing therd

Are you serious mate???? I try to never attack anyone and respect everybody's opinion, but why? Coming from you???

You spam every single TFF thread with all your screenshots, every single one game, even your friendlies mate... You've been accused of start and reload games and admitted to save "200 times" per season: in case of crash dumps???

Yes, TFF makes good tactics which makes you outperform with your team, but come on man, you mislead a lot of people by showing your INVINCIBILTY, from season 1 (2016) with any team... In 2019, 2020 it's fine with your team of mutants, but please, you should know better than anyone else, since you've been attacked by quite a few people in this forum and in different threads...

I don't have a problem with you Tzahy and please don't play the "block me" card like you did with others. I don't want to block you, you're part of this forum as much as I am and I want to be able to read your posts as well, but can't you post screenshots AFTER A FULL season? Or eventually, a match when you play with watford and beat Barcelona? Not every single one game of your season...

I still believe you should play the way you want. I personnally "cheat", I use genie scout, I automatically save once a month, and it happened in the past that I did reload the save if my best player was out for 6 months, I save before any contract negociation...

Anyway, it just ****** me off to see how you attacked CORE2FM while he didn't do anything wrong, by just saying to TFF users he just tested his tactic... This is TFF thread mate, remember that, as it seems you believe this is the TZAHY's thread!!!
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Are you serious mate???? I try to never attack anyone and respect everybody's opininon, but why???

You spam every single TFF thread with all your screenshots, every single one game, even your friendlies mate... You've been accused of start and reload games and admitted to save "200 times" per season: in case of crash dumps???

Yes, TFF makes good tactics which makes you outperform with your team, but come on man, you mislead a lot of people by showing your INVINCIBILTY, from season 1 (2016) with any team... In 2019, 2020 it's fine with you team of mutants, but please man, you should know better than anyone else, since you've been attacked by quite a few people in this forum and in different threads...

I still believe you should play the way you want. I personnally "cheat", I use genie scout, I automatically save once a month, and it happened in the past that I did reload the save if my best player was out for 6 months, I save before any contract negociation...

Anyway, it just ****** me off to see how you attacked CORE2FM while he didn't do anything wrong, by just saying to TFF users he just tested his tactic... This is TFF thread mate, remember that, as it seems you believe this is the TZAHY's thread!!!
mate , where did i attack him? i just ask him why he post it here that all, and no its not my thread. ohh mate about the spaming just ignore me dude, p.s mate, if i dont like someting or someone, i ignore him. i wish u all the best pal
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mate , where did i attack him? i just ask him why he post it here that all, and no its not my thread. ohh mate about the spaming just ignore me dude

Hahaha, I just knew you'd say something like that... Lucky I edited my post BEFORE you even replied to me with :

I don't have a problem with you Tzahy and please don't play the "block me" card like you did with others. I don't want to block you, you're part of this forum as much as I am and I want to be able to read your posts as well, but can't you post screenshots AFTER A FULL season? Or eventually, a match when you play watford and beat Barcelona? Not every single one game of your season...
Hahaha, I just knew you'd say something like that... Lucky I edited my post BEFORE you even replied to me with :
haha , why u still want to see my post, i mean u called me a spamer,
I don't agree with you and I support tzahy

Actually Core2FM did wrong... he used TFF's thread to bring attention to his thread, he could just say that he tested TFF's tactic in his thread and that would be enough...

He wanted to get attraction, so what??? It's not like he was spamming every threads with several posts???

And why none of you jumped on the horse and made a comment when Will did it?

No one!!! And I believe there's nothing wrong if Will, FM Serbia, Core, Mr L and Lucho, or anyone else post JUST ONE POST to say "your tactic did well in my test"...

Have you any idea the time they spend on those test? For free!!!

Show a bit of gratitude guys...
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haha , why u still want to see my post, i mean u called me a spamer,

I repeat: I have no problem with you Tzahy.

Sometimes, when I log in and see there's 10 new pages on TFF thread, I'm wondering why all this agitation? Did he find the super tactic which broke the match engine? And just see 8 pages of them with your screenshots of every single game...

Do I comment about it? No,because you're free to do whatever you want, there's mod here to regulate the forum if they want to do something, not me.

You've been attacked NUMEROUS of time in all the different TFF threads Tzahy, and I just believe that "dont bully anyone else if you feel like you've been bullied yourself". Thats all mate.
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