guys what do u think english league or the spanish league? and which team?
I repeat: I have no problem with you Tzahy.

Sometimes, when I log in and see there's 10 new pages on TFF thread, I'm wondering why all this agition? Did he find the super tactic which broke the match engine? And just see 8 pages of them with your screenshots of every single game...

Do I comment about it? No,because you're free to do whatever you want, there's mod here to regulate the forum if they want to do something, not me.

You've been attacked NUMEROUS of time Tzahy, and I just believe that "dont bully anyone else if you feel like you've been bullied yourself". Thats all mate.

This section doesnt have one anymore, although its crying out for one.
This guy just appeared here and started spamming about his testing thread everywhere, doing everything to bring attention to his thread :)

That looks suspicious ;)

Supicious in what??? Come on mate, did you just take time to read the opening post of Core2FM's thread, at least???
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Muahaha :D this is the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard!

They spend their time to bring attention to their persona and make their threads popular!

Only a naive fool can think that people make these testing "for free"... wake up, dude...

Naive fool? Watch your mouth kid, keep it civilized... Did he post a link which sends you in his personal youtube channel? In his personal blog?

This is a forum where people help each others, share information, share experience... Those tactic test thread showed some relevance in the previous FM series (even though I believe this one is a bit special to get any consistency and accuracy).

But still, Core didn't "spam" TFF thread. It's true that TFF don't comment much anymore and just post when he tweaked his tactic, but still there's no reason for anyone in this thread to "take over" TFF thread...
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I repeat: I have no problem with you Tzahy.

Sometimes, when I log in and see there's 10 new pages on TFF thread, I'm wondering why all this agition? Did he find the super tactic which broke the match engine? And just see 8 pages of them with your screenshots of every single game...

Do I comment about it? No,because you're free to do whatever you want, there's mod here to regulate the forum if they want to do something, not me.

You've been attacked NUMEROUS of time Tzahy, and I just believe that "dont bully anyone else if you feel like you've been bullied yourself". Thats all mate.

ok medmax, i know i didnt bully anyone here, i never said anything bad to anyone here. i always try to help if i can, and i helping, but all u do is trying to attack me, so lets move on
ok medmax, i know i didnt bully anyone here, i never said anything bad to anyone here. i always try to help if i can, and i helping, but all u do is trying to attack me, so lets move on

All good mate
Muahaha :D this is the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard!

They spend their time to bring attention to their persona and make their threads popular!

Only a naive fool can think that people make these testing "for free"... wake up, dude...

It look like more and more people here want to be "the greatest tactic tester of all time" :P and they want see that people come to their threads and ask them to test their tactics and follow their testing :)
Easy Tweak

An easy tweak I've found to work really well: drop the left DLF to the AMCL position, and set him to play as SS. This will really increase possession and overall stability and also add a varied threat with runs from deep. The SS will most likely consistently attempt the most passes, and most key passes in the team, and also score a lot.
I've just seen this thread, thanks Medmax I appreciate your support. I was in no way shape or form trying to take over this thread or spam it, I assumed that people would be interested to know how any new TFF tactic performs against the competition. As most of TFF fans seem to live in this thread alone I posted a quick link to my thread, my bad if that peeved people off.

With regards to the guy who said my activity was suspicious, please let me know what suspicious and nefarious acts I have committed and I will reply to you. Also I have probably been playing Football Manager and before that Championship Manager before you even knew of this game's existence. I have even beta tested during the Championship Manager days. You know the old saying don't judge a book by it's cover.

I am trying to give something back to the community in my own free time, of my own volition, however if it is not welcome, then I won't bother.
An easy tweak I've found to work really well: drop the left DLF to the AMCL position, and set him to play as SS. This will really increase possession and overall stability and also add a varied threat with runs from deep. The SS will most likely consistently attempt the most passes, and most key passes in the team, and also score a lot.
so u dont play with man marking?
An easy tweak I've found to work really well: drop the left DLF to the AMCL position, and set him to play as SS. This will really increase possession and overall stability and also add a varied threat with runs from deep. The SS will most likely consistently attempt the most passes, and most key passes in the team, and also score a lot.
well..its not a tweak. tff already have done that at Plug & play thread and that was also one of his 1st tactics as i remember
I was going to leave this thread, but I just noticed this post.

You need to wake up, DUDE, there are currently 68 people in this forum, this isn't exactly as popular as the minecraft, warcraft etc etc. What exactly is being popular on this forum going to accomplish?.

Also altleast the people who are spending their FREE TIME testing tactics are giving something back to the community, what have you done a part from leech tactics from here?

Muahaha :D this is the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard!

They spend their time to bring attention to their persona and make their threads popular!

Only a naive fool can think that people make these testing "for free"... wake up, dude...
I have shared my db in private with people who have respectfully asked to test it. I will most certainly not share with people like you. Why would I share something that took hundreds of hours of testing to perfect with someone as ignorant as you or with someone who won't fully appreciate it.

Also it's not for me or you to decide if my testing is credible, the community will itself decide which testing method to put their trust in.

Ohh... if you are so saint then tell me why you didn't share your testing save to the FM community that everyone might check it and look for any issue in your testing setup to decided is your testing worth anything or not?
I think it's about time the Mods made a sub-forum for testing threads. There seems to be more testing threads then tactics these days.
I have shared my db in private with people who have respectfully asked to test it. I will most certainly not share with people like you. Why would I share something that took hundreds of hours of testing to perfect with someone as ignorant as you or with someone who won't fully appreciate it.

Also it's not for me or you to decide if my testing is credible, the community will itself decide which testing method to put their trust in.
You have a bit wrong here but in other words you are correct
1st of all you must consider that this year fm is no trust worthy and not the testers, even if you load a match you will have different results each time u do it. Reason? SI this year made referees be harsh and aggresive on your players, plus the morale and the tone u speak in your players have bigger effect than a tactic

Second. I belive all tests are ok all people do it with some creteria.. the issue is which creteria is near to that stadards in this FM16. i mean...which tactic is about near the real stats that affect that really. If you have mention all tests have different results.
I belive yours is fine in my opinion
If you want or not the test data that is in your mind, nobody can tell u do it,Its like the tactic creators.If they want to share they will, if they dont want to,Most of us will not take these masterpieces afterall.
The point is that to dont watch the negative gys, but those who really want to help this comunity stay more active and productive.
You are absolutely correct, team talks, morale, condition, role suitability, positional suitability all either enhance or degrade the performance of any given tactic. However some tactics will perform better than others under the same circumstances, this is what the testing is trying to ascertain. Which tactic when given the same conditions produces the best and most consistent results.

Also I have no problem in giving back to the community and as I have said, I have shared my db in private, there are already a number of db's avalable to the community to test their own tactics. As I said in a previous post, if there is enough demand I will take some time out and create a good testing db for the community, but until I finish testing with the current db, I won't be sharing it.

You have a bit wrong here but in other words you are correct
1st of all you must consider that this year fm is no trust worthy and not the testers, even if you load a match you will have different results each time u do it. Reason? SI this year made referees be harsh and aggresive on your players, plus the morale and the tone u speak in your players have bigger effect than a tactic

Second. I belive all tests are ok all people do it with some creteria.. the issue is which creteria is near to that stadards in this FM16. i mean...which tactic is about near the real stats that affect that really. If you have mention all tests have different results.
I belive yours is fine in my opinion
If you want or not the test data that is in your mind, nobody can tell u do it,Its like the tactic creators.If they want to share they will, if they dont want to,Most of us will not take these masterpieces afterall.
The point is that to dont watch the negative gys, but those who really want to help this comunity stay more active and productive.
Finished my Man Utd season with V7. Won everything. 60-4-1 (187-36) in all competitions. Used man marking some games, some games not.

I made a change though (after about 20 matches), moved MLC to DMC and made him a BWM with tight marking. Mostly cause I felt the MLC didn't offer anything at all, and the back 4 was very exposed at times away from home. Everyone (Schneider, Pogba, Bastian) was getting 6.4/6.5 ratings there. Don't feel like the MRC is as good as he could be either. Hardly getting any goals or assists from that position, which I think I should with Pogba/Herrera rotating it. Strikers and wingers scored 164 of the 187 goals. Pogba got 4 goals 4 assists in 40 starts, honestly never seen him anywhere near that low. Think it can be improved a lot there, but maybe that's just a balance you need to have to make the wingers/strikers perform like this.

Either way, very good tactic. One of my better 1st seasons with Man Utd so far in 2016.

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I am no Saint, these are your words. I haven't asked you to beg for anything, again your words.

I am entitled to my own opinion and you to yours. You don't have to agree with my testing methods, my db etc, but alas you are not in charge of this forum, and I will continue to post as and when I want for the benefit of the community.

Hmmm... just few moments ago, you were saying that you are "saint" and you spend your "FREE" time to help FM community

…but now I hear very different... you are saying that you put much effort in your testing DB and you aren't willing to share it such easily and we should beg you to do that and only "the chosen ones" can get it...

Man, now you don't look "saint" to me at all... and I see that you are just trying to bring attention to your persona and your thread...

Btw, I see that you are using Panos99's FMFitnessCoach v2... did you ask or beg him to give it to you? I think you did not... but he also put a lot of his free time to it and he just shared it with FM community...
Hmmm... just few moments ago, you were saying that you are "saint" and you spend your "FREE" time to help FM community

…but now I hear very different... you are saying that you put much effort in your testing DB and you aren't willing to share it such easily and we should beg you to do that and only "the chosen ones" can get it...

Man, now you don't look "saint" to me at all... and I see that you are just trying to bring attention to your persona and your thread...

Btw, I see that you are using Panos99's FMFitnessCoach v2... did you ask or beg him to give it to you? I think you did not... but he also put a lot of his free time to it and he just shared it with FM community...
I think you are the only negative around here, and this is not personal.Why you creating this hate here? its so embarasing to come and make such a drama in a thread that its not yours. And by the way whats your problem of what this guy doing? at least he trying giving us some stats about different tactics around here without make us spend whole days to test them out.
I really didnt want to spend even 1 minite for you , but when i see such people like you i will personaly report you out.
I hope you will grow one day .You making a mess for a simple game , imagine if that game bring money in our pockets what you could have done.
And no...he dont have any gain even his thread will take all views , all downloads or something.He just like to help except from you that u doing the Judge.
Good luck