Another International Challenge

I resign, as I can't bother to play with a National team.

Anyone interested in the Swedish National Team?
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Had a bad start against Georgia with a 2-1 defeat. It was my own fault I tried some outlandish tactic in the 1st half but managed to pull a goal back in the 2nd half with a change of shape.

A defeat to Mexico was satisfying. Both their goal were spectacular long range efforts and we dominated the 2nd half. I was disappointed not to draw.

1-0 loss to Germany was disappointing based on how bad Germany played. We never got a shot on target and didn't look any threat.

Big surprise win against South Korea was great. The tactics I had been fiddling about with in the last 2 games worked a treat!

View attachment 255333

Currently ranked 70th from starting off as 65th.

Drew a decent World Cup Qualifying group apart from the inclusion of England.

Star performers have been Lewandowski, Blaszckowski & Murawski.

Current Tactics World Cup Qual. Grp World Rankings
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Ok an extra place has emerged should anyone want it? Sweden?
Republic of Ireland

2012 - Report

EURO 2012 - As expected I didn't get past the group stages but battled well losing 5-4 to Holland despite being down to ten men, beating Denmark 1-0, and losing 3-2 to England after scoring 2 own goals

WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS - devasting start losing 3-2 at home to Germany despite being 2-0 up with only 20 minutes left. bounced back well to win the next 5 games all 4-0.

World ranking has been gradually increasing.
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I'll post screenshots soon, but in my 2 Euro 2012 Qualifying games, I've drawn vs Iceland 1-1 (EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING!) and Denmark 1-1. 1 game left vs Cyprus, though, and Denmark and Portugal have to play each other so still looking good for at least 2nd.

1st Norway 7 Games 12 pts
2nd Portugal/Denmark 6 Games 11 pts
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Just a quick update as to how I'm getting on. This is the situation I find myself in upon starting the game:

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With expectations to make the play-offs, it may be a struggle to do it, although I do feel that we probably have the second best squad in the group, but 4 points is a lot to make up.

I started with a friendly away at San Marino, and this is the squad and Starting XI I went with. I chose the strongest possible side for my first game, but will probably look to slowly introduce youth in players such as Branescu etc.

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And this was the result. Very disappointed with the performance, was looking to score 3 or 4.

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So I came 2nd in my European Championship group as expected and then got knocked out in the quarters. Here's my results...

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Went into the tournament 4th in the world rankings but have dropped to 7th after the loss to Germany (1-2). The winners as you can see were ENGLAND!

I was dealt a cruel blow with injuries to 3 of my key players before the tournament kicked off, one being Arshavin, which left me short of quality of midfield and a serious lack of creativity. Zhirkov tried his best with some good performances and one of my defenders was a rock but it couldn't prevent the Spanish and German wins against me.
As you can see I reached the board's expectations of a quarter-final and I couldn't have got it much tougher with the fixture against Germany.

View attachment 255384

My World Cup Qualifiers group is...
Russia (me)
N Ireland

So I'd say that's easily winable and think Portugal will slip up against a couple of the teams to help me top the group.
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What The ****?
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Lol. Anyway, I can get through that group for sure. Just drew 3-3 with Croatia in a friendly so I can potentialy win the group. And no, I will not be arranging a friendly vs The Faroes.
W4anker are you going to put more detailed updates in the OP such as progress in the world rankings or final position in major tournaments? Maybe a bit more informative than just the year?
W4anker are you going to put more detailed updates in the OP such as progress in the world rankings or final position in major tournaments? Maybe a bit more informative than just the year?
If you click the year its a link to ur post