David Alaba and Ronaldo.. hmm.. pretty steep for 40 mill..
Just wondering how many rounds there will be to bid?what happens if someone falls short of enough squad members?
Wow. Neymar, Romero, Goretzka and Illori for 35 mil, happy with that![]()
Wow. Neymar, Romero, Goretzka and Illori for 35 mil, happy with that![]()
3RD ROUND - newly signed
This round will include players who has moved this summer to other club, so mostly biggest names and biggest fees paid
All acquisitons packs are for one league and include 3 players and manager (names says it all and RoW is abbreviation for Rest of World)
Wonderkids are of course players younger than 21 that moved this summer (so far)
****!! pack is pack including players which move made me say just **** like in NBA KD joined GSW - ******* bandwagonner
You can bid for as many packs as you want
Highest bid wins pack
dont forget that you cant bid more than you have so all your bids combined cant be more than your current balance
Round ends Sunday 05.08. at 7PM Greenwich time (except in case that everyone bids before it - then it will end sooner and next round will start earlier)
there is no minimum bid (if you want, you can bid 0,5M)
You send your bids to me in personal message
if you wanna skip a round still send me a message that you wont make any bidAcquisitions Germany
Acquisitions Italy
Acquisitions Spain
Acquisitions England
Acquisitions France
Acquisitions RoW
Good Luck!!!
I'll wait to see about this Group D bid before I put in my bids![]()
3rd Round is only for Players Arriving Or Transfered within the same League right?
No, players which moved to the particular league so for example Mitchu Batshuayi moved from Marseille to my Chelsea so he could be in Acquistion England pack (but he isnt so no worries) there is only one Didier Drogba so **** him
did michy say he was gonna be the next drog????surely not
he didnt , but journalists are saying that and I am scared that he will start thinking the same and well those shoes are big to fill in, literally and metaphorically big
he said that he is proud to be called like that cause Drogba was amazing player so its an honor to be put in same sentence as club icon.
No, players which moved to the particular league so for example Mitchu Batshuayi moved from Marseille to my Chelsea so he could be in Acquistion England pack (but he isnt so no worries) there is only one Didier Drogba so **** him
Well EURO is full of quality players
There is still enough rounds and quality players to make great squad - this is only start
Thats very subjective, its probably both![]()
but really it all depends on your strategy for rounds