View attachment 292793View attachment 292792
Unfortunately I am having problems,so,i`ll post these screenshots,re-named it easy now 3,so as not to confuse with original garbage tactic,but,it is in all but name the same.
Just used up_the_boro`s changes,so,the plaudits should be for him alone!
Can anyone upload that tweak? Want to give it a go with an underdog team :) Thanks!!
maccas u put a ss up of ur right fullback with diff instuructions, do i change the left to match the right ?
maccas u put a ss up of ur right fullback with diff instuructions, do i change the left to match the right ?
Yep,both of them get the same instructions,can`t seem to SS the instructions,but,if you look at up_the_boros instructions and use them,it works!
how did u start a game in northern prem ?
You can download leagues off steam,from their workshop.
Always like to go from very bottom to top,gives you more satisfaction.
Previous save i got the Dolly Blues up to league one,then 15.3 struck,had a real hard time and just survived on last game of season!
Following year didn`t even move off foot of table and eventually relieved of my post,even though i had got them into league one...c`est la vie!!
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Hey maccas u used Garbage 2 are u having injury problems?
i am using it and having injury problem, each match players are out 2-3 weeks or 1 week or 2-3 months
i changed the training from balance to fitness still same problem
I just downloaded easy now 3..

Is there anything i need to change? besides training?

btw it seems like a solid tweak ;)
Nah its not solid my fault i didnt loose any matches before i switched now i have lost 2-3 matches and only played 4....

It makes a lot of penalties aswell..