vs. Sestao River
We conceded a ridiculous goal. Anderson is alone and tries to pass the ball, but passes against an opponent, who then scores. Stupid.
Nice form! Has Marcus Anderson been called up to the U20 team for USA or the Spanish youth teams at all ?
That's some Dickson. Get it? some ****, son. ahahhahahahahahahahhaha!! That's what I said to Aidan after the match. He looked weirdly at me after I said that. HE has probably heard enough of that in school. Should apologise to him about that
Some great results happening for the team. Great formations, interesting styles but seem to get the job done. Nice to grab myself a hat-trick.
Will admit however, not 100% sure on the quality of the jokes. :/
Some great results happening for the team. Great formations, interesting styles but seem to get the job done. Nice to grab myself a hat-trick.
Will admit however, not 100% sure on the quality of the jokes. :/