Being Bastian... (A Bayern Munich Story)

Good luck, don't really need it since you've got Arjen Robben but still. :p

Oh and fancy messaging me back so we can discuss them ideas?
15th August 2009...

15th August 2009 -- Continued.

Bayern Munich 0 Hannover 96 0.

(Venue : Allianz-Arena. Attendance : 67,168.)

“Well that could have gone better,” I said, turning to Andries.

“Aye,” he replied, shrugging his shoulders, “Still, a point is a point come the end of the season.”

I was disappointed. We’d battered them -- well and truly battered them, but they’re a stubborn bunch and refused to submit to our advances.

Counting ourselves unlucky would be an understatement -- roared on by the gathered masses, the team produced a solid, fluid display of attacking football, but, despite numerous attempts on goal, our profligacy ensured we failed to find a breakthrough.

As the minutes passed by, I could sense the stadium turning into a ‘witches cauldron’ of sorts -- roasting hot with cusses aplenty, “Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble, score a goal at home or they’ll be trouble!” Of course, I only imagined the latter.

“You couldn’t hit a barn-door with a banjo,” I heard a member of the crowd call out as Müller missed his fifth chance of the match.

“That’s harsh,” I muse aloud, “He’s only a young lad learning his trade. He’d been brilliant in pre-season. Give him a chance to settle in the team.”

“Ignore it,” Andries replied through a chuckle, “Fans can be fickle. When he scores they’ll be singing his name and declaring him the best striker in the world.”

View attachment 102299
Thomas Müller - didn't enjoy the best of games.​

71 minutes and 19 shots later, I decided to make some changes -- the introduction of fresh legs more than anything tactical. van Bommel and Klose were tiring under the sun’s relentless glare.

Olic replaced Klose, and took to the field with goal-scoring hunger burning in his eyes, whilst Mehmet Ekici, a young talent from Sweden, exchanged places with our Dutch midfield-maestro.

The game continued in similar fashion -- chance after chance being missed. Goalkeeping brilliance, woeful finishing and an apparent ‘crossbar challenge’ taking place between our players certainly didn’t help our cause.

The final whistle blew and the supporters clapped the players off the pitch -- though I sensed a subdued undertone to their applause. I can understand their frustrations -- we’ve allowed two important points to slip through our grasp today.

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Thats a shame about the result, though, like you mentioned it is a point!
Thats a shame about the result, though, like you mentioned it is a point!

Yeah, you wouldn't believe how rubbish the players shooting was during this match, lol. At least it wasn't a defeat :)
just read all 6 pages of this, it's ****** brilliant!
A great story mate!
Still following ;)
I can't wait for the next updates!
Brilliant story. Something unique for once. Good luck with your game. Franck is a total ***** here haha. but i hope the money is well spent. And i hope you meet united somewhere in the knockout rounds of the champions league!
A great story mate!
Still following ;)
I can't wait for the next updates!

Carine...ur great..
can't wait for the next updates

Brilliant story. Something unique for once. Good luck with your game. Franck is a total ***** here haha. but i hope the money is well spent. And i hope you meet united somewhere in the knockout rounds of the champions league!

Cheers for your comments and support guys! Makes it all worthwhile :)

There should be an update this evening -- I've done one, but I still need to re-read it before posting :)

Thanks again :)

---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 PM ----------

15th August 2009 -- continued (2).

The Aftermath.

“That was terrible!” a voice called out as I walked into the press-room with Andries.

The negativity had begun before I’d even made myself comfortable on the chair provided.

“Terrible finishing,” the same voice added.

It was Dominik Blum, the Bayern supporters spokesperson, and he was known to be a fussy so-and-so, but, on this occasion, I couldn’t really argue with him -- the team’s finishing had been wasteful and unusually below par.

“How many chances do they need to score?” he asked, “The team’s inability to convert shots into goals was embarrassing! Thomas Müller was terrible out there today!”

“Thomas is a young player,” I replied, taking issue with him for singling out a youngster, “Of course he is going to struggle from time to time as he develops. But what would you prefer -- him sitting on the bench or honing his skills in the heat of battle?”

Dominik didn’t reply -- he just sat there with his arms folded, shaking his head.

“Bastian,” another voice called, “The team had twenty-three shots today, yet the opposition goal was not breached. Is this a sign of things to come?”

“No,” I replied.

“So what are you going to do to improve things before the next match?” he asked.

Well…” I began, pausing for a moment’s thought, “I guess we’ll have to practice our shooting at training this week.”

It was a lame reply, but in the heat of interrogation it can be difficult to find answers.

Journalist Martin Schmid (of The German Football Informer) was next to have his say -- though it had nothing to do with today’s game…

“Do you share the view held by a growing number of people that you have lost the dressing room and will struggle to command the players respect?

“What?” I thought, “What the **** is he talking about?”

Absolutely not!” Andries retorted, realising my state of shock, “Whatever gave you such a stupid idea?”

Well,” he continued, “You’re about to lose your star player to Manchester United and there’s whispers of discontent amongst the players.”

Whispers?” Andries replied, “What ****** whispers are you on about? We work with the squad every day of the week and I can guarantee you there is no discontent amongst them.”

“As long as you’re sure,” the journalist replied.

“I am,” Andries growled, “Your claims are absolute nonsense! Believe me, the squad is happy and one drawn game is not the end of the world.”

Martin sat back in his chair -- appeased, for now, by my assistant’s reply. As far as I’m aware, there’s no story to be found where this particular journalist is searching.

Next up, a representative of Kicker magazine -- another journalist and another grilling on the day’s events…

“The team finds themselves in fourth position, two points behind last year’s champions and current leaders Wolfsburg. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think you can close the gap?”

“Erm…” I stuttered.

“What?” Andries laughed, “To be honest, I can’t believe you’ve even bothered to check the league table. We’ve played two games. Tell me a team that’s won a championship after two matches?”

The reporter didn’t answer. I think he was lost for words -- it takes a stronger character than him to take on my assistant.

“If you’re not going to talk sense then go and peddle your rubbish elsewhere,” Andries added, refusing to bow to the medias exaggerated grumblings.

“Ok,” the reporter continued, a wry smile building, “What about Ribéry? Why is he leaving and how are you going to replace the team’s star player?”

“That’s it,” Andries replied with anger, “You know the rules. Questions concerning Ribéry are off limits until further notice. C’mon Bastian, let’s get out of here.”

It’s going to be a tough season. The press is a hard beast to tame -- we’ve drawn one football match, yet tomorrow’s headlines will suggest a travesty matched only by relegation.

“Don’t worry too much Bastian,” Andries said as we left the press-conference, “We didn’t lose out there today and we played some good football. Also, the defence kept a clean-sheet and never looked like being breached. Take the positives and build on them for our next match.”

“For sure,” I replied -- his support is heart-warming.

Our next fixture is against Bochum -- it will be a tough away examination. I hope we can claim maximum points and relieve some of the pressures building through outside influences.


Other News.

After the match, Franz attended the draw for the second round of DFB-Pokal. We have been drawn at home against SC Freiburg. I’m happy with this fixture -- the draw has been relatively kind to us, considering who we might have got. The game will take place on the 22nd September.

16th August 2009...

16th August 2009.

The day began with both good and bad news…

“150 Euros?” I groaned, “That’s a bit steep isn’t it?”

“Ah c’mon Mr. Badstuber,” replied the burly, uniformed officer, “I’m going easy on you here.”

He was right, and I thought it best to keep my mouth shut as he proceeded to copy the details of my driving license into his file.

“A word of advice,” he continued, “I’ve been an Autobahnpolizei officer for nigh on ten years now, and in that time I’ve seen many unspeakable things. You wouldn’t believe the damage a simple phone-call can cause.”

“Really?” I replied.

“Really, Mr. Badstuber,” he answered -- his tone sterner and more serious than before, “If you weren’t the manager of my beloved Bayern, you’d be looking at points on your license right about now.”

I couldn’t believe it -- for once, my position at Bayern has brought me ‘good-luck’ of sorts.

“It’s payable within seven days,” he added, handing me the ticket.


“Drive safely Mr. Badstuber,” he added, returning to his vehicle, “And good luck against Bochum. If we don’t get three points there… I might not be so forgiving next time.”


“Andries,” I called as I entered the cafeteria, “I’ve got great news.”

“Really?” he replied, “And what would that be?”

“Well,” I began, grabbing a cup of coffee on the way to his table, “It cost me a 150 Euros to find out.”

“150 Euros?”

“Yes,” I sighed, “I was stopped by the Autobahnpolizei for answering my mobile whilst driving.”

“Oh dear.”

“It was worth it though,” I added, “Christian has signed the young lad I was telling you about.”

“Which one?”

“The Slovakian lad,” I answered with a beaming smile, “Marek Hamsik.”

“Brilliant,” Andries replied with a smile that matched my own, “He looks a good player.”

“He certainly does,” I added, “All that remains is for him to pass a medical. He’s due in Munich this afternoon.”

I'd say that was a cheap fee myself! Brilliant as always Carine. :)
brilliant update! i've been waiting ages for it :)

I'd say that was a cheap fee myself! Brilliant as always Carine. :)

Looking forward to the next update brilliant story.

Cheers guys -- Thanks for following :)

To djh1878 -- one of the perks of being a football manager, lol :)

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------

This is just to let anyone who's been reading this story know that it may come to a standstill after this post. My hard-drive flatlined this afternoon and I've had to get a technician around to get me back up and running. Luckily, he was able to take the hard-drive out and reboot it for me. I've done all my back-ups blah, blah, blah and I'm now about to hit the restart button. If this story doesn't get updated soon then my computer has died :( Just wanted to let people know so they don't think I've abandoned the story. Fingers crossed :)