Call of Duty: Black Ops

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Never really played CoD before, but I'm going to get this I think, I won't have a clue what I'm doing, but it's better than not being involved with the whole of the school talking about it.
If your on Ps3, i hear that's tragic.

It is rather poor, but I've only just gotten use to the maps! And game-play, as it's different to mw2, but I keep getting good scores in all my games now so hopefully it'll keep pushing up. I'll be happy if I get it over 3.
Thing is on xbox, anything over 1.5 is seen as a rather handy player. Never really understood why.
If you really want to level up fast play Domination for Headquarters. Those are the two modes that give you the most XP points. Plus for Headquarters for all the TDM players who have 3:1 or 4:1 kill ratios (i am assuming you are playing Hardcore and are basically camping, cause on 360 no one in a game is over 3 unless they camp the whole game in regular TDM) will do really well in Headquarters.

Especially if you have a good team you can rack up the points. Have 2 people over advantage points with getting long distance kills and racking up kill streaks and then having the rest take over the points. Usually my friend and I will play headquarters and we are 15-1. The only loss was cause it was a 6-4 game of headquarters and we were both tired. The only game I haven't gotten 4,000 XP points on a level
If your on Ps3, i hear that's tragic.

Should see my K/D . It was 0.4 after a dreadful start to the game as i was mainly trying quickscopes etc. but after today i have got it up to 0.65 so im quite pleased :S
Thing is on xbox, anything over 1.5 is seen as a rather handy player. Never really understood why.

From playing both systems last year on MF2 the better players were on 360 than the ps3. Then again there are more people who have the game for 360 so maybe that is the reason why. My kill-death ratio is around 1.3, but i mostly play team modes than just TDM and if I do its hardcore. Plus I am the player who is the lone wolf on our team and am the one who goes in guns blasting to bring out the other players positions so my K/D ratio is always low. But I do like playing against teams who have high K/D cause I walk through them and about 2 games later they are swearing and backing out cause all they do is try to stay in one area to get their kills.
If you really want to level up fast play Domination for Headquarters. Those are the two modes that give you the most XP points. Plus for Headquarters for all the TDM players who have 3:1 or 4:1 kill ratios (i am assuming you are playing Hardcore and are basically camping, cause on 360 no one in a game is over 3 unless they camp the whole game in regular TDM) will do really well in Headquarters.

Especially if you have a good team you can rack up the points. Have 2 people over advantage points with getting long distance kills and racking up kill streaks and then having the rest take over the points. Usually my friend and I will play headquarters and we are 15-1. The only loss was cause it was a 6-4 game of headquarters and we were both tired. The only game I haven't gotten 4,000 XP points on a level

No, I don't play hardcore, and no, I don't camp regularly. I will do if I'm 1-2 kills away from a chopper gunner occasionally though. For the most part, I'm just decent. :)
No, I don't play hardcore, and no, I don't camp regularly. I will do if I'm 1-2 kills away from a chopper gunner occasionally though. For the most part, I'm just decent. :)

What is your scoring per minute? I don't know what or how they got that but everyone is going by that on 360 instead of kill streak. I personally am horrible at COD in team deathmatch. I never could make the jump from playing from skill (COD-COD3 before they came up with perks). Personally I think they did that to let everyone have an even playing ground. Kill streaks make me an average player now. I mean I am usually around 25-30 kills on TDM (played around 15 or so games on regular) but I still die around 15-20. There is usually one guy or two who has a 3:1 kill ratio but I am always on top for XP for some reason with my stats.
What is your scoring per minute? I don't know what or how they got that but everyone is going by that on 360 instead of kill streak. I personally am horrible at COD in team deathmatch. I never could make the jump from playing from skill (COD-COD3 before they came up with perks). Personally I think they did that to let everyone have an even playing ground. Kill streaks make me an average player now. I mean I am usually around 25-30 kills on TDM (played around 15 or so games on regular) but I still die around 15-20. There is usually one guy or two who has a 3:1 kill ratio but I am always on top for XP for some reason with my stats.

Not sure, as I'm not on my main account at the moment. Wouldn't even know where to find that stat.

I understand you're cynical, but I'm not overly bothered whether you believe me or not. Get a PS3 and play against us and you'll see for yourself. :)
The only thing I dislike is they kept in the overpowered 9+ kill streaks. Really hate seeing people camp in objective games so they can an easy K/D.

3-5-7 streaks for life!
At the minute I've got a 342 points per minute in TDM :)

320 **** :( Haven't played TDM since the first couple of days now, really loving Demolition right now, wish I could have a team of 6 willing to play it, right now it's just 2 of; so many people don't do anything in the matches >.<
Oh I believe you. I played MF2 last year on the ps3 and it was pretty easy to rack up kills though. And I am not cynical just stating that on the 360 if you rack up 3:1 to 4:1 kills in TDM its cause they are camping. I know it and they know it. Its not a big deal its just a game and like I said I am like a marine. I am always the first one in to the fight. The only thing I am cynical about is how they put in perks. Takes away skill of players and dumbs it down so everyone can be on even playing field. COD3 my kill death ratio was 21:1 and that was running around, but then again when you are the top rated person on the 360 for COD i guess that is what you get.

I do have a 360 and a ps3 so all I need to do is to pick up a copy of the game, but if I do then I will be without my family. And I think if I went up against six of you by myself I would lose pretty heavily. ;)

Too see the score per minute all you do is go to leaderboards and its the first rating you will see. Since you play TDM just look at the leaderboards under that and it will show you your score, kills, deaths, ratio, and maybe something else.
They've even removed stopping power now, so I really fail to see how you won't win because you're using lightweight and they use sleight of hand. A good CoD player is going to succeed anyway now there's no reliance on stopping power and juggernaut.
At the minute I've got a 342 points per minute in TDM :)

Wow you are the only person I know who has over 300 a minute in TDM. You pretty much dominate then. I assume your score is around 44 kills and like 8 deaths a game, or something along those lines to get that. Mine is at like 298, but then again I don't play TDM a lot.
i don't own this game yet,
but if i'm as bad as this as i was at MW2,
my KD ratio will pwn all yours
probably be something like 4.5

lol jk, it'll be like 0.8
They've even removed stopping power now, so I really fail to see how you won't win because you're using lightweight and they use sleight of hand. A good CoD player is going to succeed anyway now there's no reliance on stopping power and juggernaut.

Stopping power is still in the game, but I am glad they got rid of juggernaut.