Call of Duty: Black Ops

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Appreciate the comments guys.

Thank you for subscribing too. I am aiming for YouTube partnership and need far more views and subs than I already have for that. :)

As for me being good at the game... it comes down to practice.

I've steadily improved throughout the Call of Duty series, with my k/d getting higher with each new installment.

I'm planning to release a video per day at the moment, though whether I continue this in future will depend on how often I get to play, as my existing footage will eventually run dry.

Thanks for the interest guys. Stay tuned for the 30-0 TDM gameplay I am uploading tonight, it'll probably be online in the early hours.
As for me being good at the game... it comes down to practice.

For sure practice helps, but I'm betting you have good knowledge of spawn locations, pay attention to when the spawns have flipped, know the early game grenade/tomahawk throws and where the high traffic areas are.

I'd not properly played COD since 4, WaW was ****, MW2 was over the top arcadey for me too, so picking up Black Ops was a difficult practice and my K/D sat at 1.6ish for the first 50 levels and the 1st prestige.

When I understood the mechanics of the game after 2-3 weeks playing it (Real time, not game :p) my K/D in games ranges from 2.0 to 8.0, and the odd game where you hit silly scores of 30-2 etc. My overall K/D is 1.95 now and rises every day, it's not great just yet, but understanding the game better has improved my play.

There is lots of little things to think about while playing if you want to be good, but after you grasp them it becomes second nature and you just play without thinking. Billy's good because of practice sure, but also because he pays attention to what's happening and understands the game on a different level to most of us.

Anyway, nice videos mate, subbing now :)
All good points Craven.

When I said 'practice', I guess I wasn't specific enough. I meant practice at improving reflexes when firing, your reactions when coming under fire, your ability to understand spawn points in the maps, etc.

I should have explained on a wider scale, so apologies for that.

Thanks for subscribing.
Not a big fan of Black Ops to be honest. Much preferred Modern Warfare 2
Not a big fan of Black Ops to be honest. Much preferred Modern Warfare 2

Completly opposite to me mate. I hated MW2 and think Black Ops is great. For me it's very close between it and COD 4 for best COD ever. In fact I'd say it's slightly better than COD 4 due to all the features and extra stuff compared to COD 4
What exactly do people mean when they say a rush class?
and what are they used for?
A 'Rush' class, by definition, is a mobile class usually working with a Submachine Gun. The idea is that you take the enemy by surprise by rushing their spawns in the game, especially at the beginning when they expect you to take longer when engaging them.

Most will use Marathon & Lightweight, though some prefer just using Marathon and switch Lightweight out for Ghost or something.

On another note, my YouTube channel hit 100 subscribers today! Very pleased, and want to thank everyone who has subbed to me from FM Base.

Thanks guys, appreciate the support and I'll keep uploading videos whenever I can.
A 'Rush' class, by definition, is a mobile class usually working with a Submachine Gun. The idea is that you take the enemy by surprise by rushing their spawns in the game, especially at the beginning when they expect you to take longer when engaging them.

Most will use Marathon & Lightweight, though some prefer just using Marathon and switch Lightweight out for Ghost or something.

On another note, my YouTube channel hit 100 subscribers today! Very pleased, and want to thank everyone who has subbed to me from FM Base.

Thanks guys, appreciate the support and I'll keep uploading videos whenever I can.

Rushing is the best way to play the game :wub:
A 'Rush' class, by definition, is a mobile class usually working with a Submachine Gun. The idea is that you take the enemy by surprise by rushing their spawns in the game, especially at the beginning when they expect you to take longer when engaging them.

Most will use Marathon & Lightweight, though some prefer just using Marathon and switch Lightweight out for Ghost or something.

On another note, my YouTube channel hit 100 subscribers today! Very pleased, and want to thank everyone who has subbed to me from FM Base.

Thanks guys, appreciate the support and I'll keep uploading videos whenever I can.

Cheers for that Billy. What game modes would you suggest this for?
I'd imagine things such as domination etc?

Also, whilst playing with some friends, i took into account something you mentioned on a video, leave 1 flag free on domination. Worked a treat.
I'm liking Billy's game play gonna sub you, keep up the good work!
A 'Rush' class, by definition, is a mobile class usually working with a Submachine Gun. The idea is that you take the enemy by surprise by rushing their spawns in the game, especially at the beginning when they expect you to take longer when engaging them.

Most will use Marathon & Lightweight, though some prefer just using Marathon and switch Lightweight out for Ghost or something.

On another note, my YouTube channel hit 100 subscribers today! Very pleased, and want to thank everyone who has subbed to me from FM Base.

Thanks guys, appreciate the support and I'll keep uploading videos whenever I can.

Been meaning to get another YouTube account for a while, may aswell do it tonight if I remember and I'l sub.

Even though I got bored of **** of the game within a few weeks and aint played past level 2 on 1 player :S.

If you go RandySavage style and add Duke Nukem or Doom sound bites or somthing I would love it HINT! ;)

Good luck with your page
Cheers for that Billy. What game modes would you suggest this for?
I'd imagine things such as domination etc?

Also, whilst playing with some friends, i took into account something you mentioned on a video, leave 1 flag free on domination. Worked a treat.

Domination is a very good choice for a rush class. The spawns are extremely predictable when 2 flags are held, allowing you to slip behind them effectively.

I'm pleased my advice helped. It really is the most effective way to play Domination, even if it does take longer to record the win... it allows you to build up killstreaks and dominate the enemy team even more.

Tempzz, joe157, thanks for the support. I appreciate you subscribing. :)
Out of interest Billy do you watch many other peoples vids on youtube?
I watch lots of the big names, and a few of the 'unknowns' working hard to grow, like me.

FPS Russia

...are some of the big names I watch.

I recommend looking at a channel called 'HelpingTheCommunity' who are a brand new channel (with 400 subscribers!) dedicated to promoting new director's videos.
I like watching hutch's videos but recently all he has done is moan about trickshots and no scopes recently. Very good videos though.