Call of Duty: Black Ops

Anybody up for a few games in a bit? PS3? :)

I am Kev, me and my Step Bro have been playing near enough all morning, join us if you like?

What's your PSN again? I may have deleted you as I deleted loads last night.
I am Kev, me and my Step Bro have been playing near enough all morning, join us if you like?

What's your PSN again? I may have deleted you as I deleted loads last night.

Oh right thanks for deleting me danny :'( Aye I'll be up for a few games.. PSN is Kevy_Matts
Oh right thanks for deleting me danny :'( Aye I'll be up for a few games.. PSN is Kevy_Matts

I was getting rid of all the losers! (6) Haha.. I joke.

I'll add you now and invite you when your on :)
I was getting rid of all the losers! (6) Haha.. I joke.

I'll add you now and invite you when your on :)

I'm going to infract your *** for that comment (6)

Yeah Im on now, I prestiged so my guns aren't worth a wank!
I'm going to infract your *** for that comment (6)

Yeah Im on now, I prestiged so my guns aren't worth a wank!

Accepted the request and we'll start some games.. (A)

Step Brother is currently is a game (nearly finished) so we'll just wait for him and do some HQ.


Once there is over 800,000 people online the servers just crumble and it becomes unplayable.
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cod isnt a very good game - to be honest i think i might trade it in tomorrow the new maps a **** too!
Anyone knows when the double exp stops? I've heard it's today, but I've also heard tomorrow morning.. So I'm unsure.
I think it will stop at midnight tonight not sure though.
cod isnt a very good game - to be honest i think i might trade it in tomorrow the new maps a **** too!

Medal of Honor > CoD

Such a shame everybody sticks to what they know! :(
Medal of Honor > CoD

Such a shame everybody sticks to what they know! :(

MoH rules! i got mass effect 2 with it as well :D black ops is good for zombies and stroy... but online is just dire... so much imbalance and the weapons are poor as well :(
I've recently started to use the AK47 as it's a gun I've yet to really try out on Black Ops, it was one of the best on MW2 I thought, anyway I've only played 7 games with it but all games have been good ones, maybe I'm just having a good night? But I'm enjoying playing with it, the class I'm using with it is:

AK47 + Silencer
Crossbow (underrated)
Frag - Nova Gas - Sensor
Scavenger Pro // Slight Of Hand Pro // Marathon

And it's worked pretty well with my ratio at the end of the games being: 3.00 // 4.33 // 1.82 // 3.80 // 2.67 // 1.11 // 5.20.

Anyone else used the gun much? Thoughts about it?
I picked it up. I normally roll with the Famas. Seems like a good gun and the recoil always seemed to go up unlike the Famas which i find pulls to the side.
However I find the Commando with silencer is one of the best under used guns
I've recently started to use the AK47 as it's a gun I've yet to really try out on Black Ops, it was one of the best on MW2 I thought, anyway I've only played 7 games with it but all games have been good ones, maybe I'm just having a good night? But I'm enjoying playing with it, the class I'm using with it is:

AK47 + Silencer
Crossbow (underrated)
Frag - Nova Gas - Sensor
Scavenger Pro // Slight Of Hand Pro // Marathon

And it's worked pretty well with my ratio at the end of the games being: 3.00 // 4.33 // 1.82 // 3.80 // 2.67 // 1.11 // 5.20.

Anyone else used the gun much? Thoughts about it?

really like the ak47, usually use it with flak jacket // slight of hand // marathon
also find that using the motion sensor is also very usefull because i think it is one of the better guns for playing defensively:wub:
it is one of the guns i have the best overall ratio with
I picked it up. I normally roll with the Famas. Seems like a good gun and the recoil always seemed to go up unlike the Famas which i find pulls to the side.
However I find the Commando with silencer is one of the best under used guns

The only reason I think the Commando is underused is due to it being unlocked at Level 44, by then many people have already got use to one for two guns and with only 6 Levels left they don't decide to change. But I agree, it's a very good gun, even more so when shooting into a crowd of people.

really like the ak47, usually use it with flak jacket // slight of hand // marathon
also find that using the motion sensor is also very usefull because i think it is one of the better guns for playing defensively:wub:
it is one of the guns i have the best overall ratio with

Sensor is ace! A real life saver..
On about senors. Has anyone notice the increase in the noob's that use them in search and destory. I find it more annoying than the heartbeat senors in MW2 at least then you had to be pointing in the direction.
btw is it Ninja or Hacker that don't make you show up?
On about senors. Has anyone notice the increase in the noob's that use them in search and destory. I find it more annoying than the heartbeat senors in MW2 at least then you had to be pointing in the direction.
btw is it Ninja or Hacker that don't make you show up?

Hacker Pro makes you invisible to Sensors.. Ghost makes you invisible to Spy Planes and Ghost Pro makes you invisible to Dogs.
Commando is unlocked quite late though, so for people progressing through prestiges, they don't have access to it often.

But as i'm level 50 and intend to stay there, i use it often, with a suppressor ofc. :)

---------- Post added at 05:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 AM ----------

Hacker Pro makes you invisible to Sensors.. Ghost makes you invisible to Spy Planes and Ghost Pro makes you invisible to Dogs.

I've been dog killed using ghost pro.
I've been dog killed using ghost pro.


Standard: Undetectable by Spy Plane

Pro: + Undetectable by aircraft, Dogs, Infra-Red and Sentries. The enemy won’t see your name or a red crosshair when targeting you

From a Black Ops site.
Ghost Pro don't make you invisible to dogs. I think thats just the WII version.
Might have to start using Hacker then the only problem is that they will hear me coming. I understand camping is a type of game play but is shouldn't be encourage in SnD.
I can only play Black op's now in a party on SnD amount of times i used to see team mates camping in some random spot hoping a enemy would walk by then not even try to help plant or defuse the bomb. Then you get the one's that run to the wrong bomb site or never leave the spawn