Call of Duty: Black Ops

you objective playing? since when? XD

if you want add me aswell Arthurisgreat, I might be on later @MartinBissett

When playing with Alf, Bill, JD, Irish & You.. I tend not to, as you & Alf seem to do fine with it, but when playing alone I tend to capture/plant when I can. (H)
AK47 > AK74u > Famas

These are the guns I've used the most on Black Ops, and after thinking the 74u was the better gun for a long period of time I've changed my mind. AK47 just edges it for me.
Been using the Stoner63 (extended mag) all day on S+D mainly, really good gun tbh. :)
been having a really weird day on black ops, had games like 73-4 then i was struggling to go positive the next couple of games.
got my ratio up to 1.47 from 1.39 and about to prestige ^^)
Dear Treyarch;

Pleases hand your game over to a company that know how to manage servers.

Thank you.

Roll on the next CoD please.
Haven't experienced any serious issues on Xbox for months now Irish. :)
Dear Treyarch;
Please make some servers in South East Asia or at least put SnD and Prestige mode in Combat Training.
Because it lags a lot in South East Asia even though joining Japan servers (2ping max).
The spawn system wrecks the game for me :S

Have only been well and truly spawn raped on a handful of occasions. I find standing still after spawning for a few seconds means you don't go running off into the line of fire.
Have only been well and truly spawn raped on a handful of occasions. I find standing still after spawning for a few seconds means you don't go running off into the line of fire.

1 Match not so long ago, joined half way through. Spawned in the middle of a shoot out. Spawned again, middle of crossfire.... Happened about 4 times in a row. Dont know how it was managing to put me in these situations straight off but it was annoying dying the second you spawn....
BO is boring now i think, man people going back on MW2 and COD4
Ill keep on playing BO till KZ3 comes out then trade in BO