Call of Duty: Black Ops

Just saw this on facebook.

There will be a PSN-exclusive Double XP Weekend and 24/7 Nuketown playlist, starting this Friday the 20th at 10am PST, and running until Tuesday the 24th at 10am PST
I've seen a few quick scoping ***** popping up again, not sure how they have found a way round the fixes that were implemented after MW2, but they are ******* annoying.
I've seen a few quick scoping ***** popping up again, not sure how they have found a way round the fixes that were implemented after MW2, but they are ******* annoying.

No way can quickscopers be as effective anymore though. I encourage them, easier targets than somebody with a FAMAS.
You're right, in that video the guy clearly gets merked by the enemy on the stairs, hence the video cutting short, but it's still annoying getting quickscoped, even if they are able to only string 3 or 4 kills together.
When Double XP is on, I tend to only play S&D & HQ, due to the fact they're the two games with the most XP available.. If any of you are up for playing just S&D & HQ let me know and I'll add you (if I haven't already got you) As I find it really boring playing without a party.
More people on this site need microphones for their PS3s.
Step-brother was playing S&D today, and some guy had 2 Tomahawks (obviously had Warlord pro) anyway, threw 'em both at the start and got two kills.. It's hard enough getting one, nevermind two.

It's in my file share if you want to see, if you don't have me add me: CoachCarter999
Step-brother was playing S&D today, and some guy had 2 Tomahawks (obviously had Warlord pro) anyway, threw 'em both at the start and got two kills.. It's hard enough getting one, nevermind two.

It's in my file share if you want to see, if you don't have me add me: CoachCarter999

I thought you had to wait for about 5 secs before you could throw another lethal?
Step-brother was playing S&D today, and some guy had 2 Tomahawks (obviously had Warlord pro) anyway, threw 'em both at the start and got two kills.. It's hard enough getting one, nevermind two.

It's in my file share if you want to see, if you don't have me add me: CoachCarter999

Hmm, my first assumption while reading this was that the map was Summit. Was it?
Hey guys,

Just wondering to all you PS3 users.. When will we be able to get the new map pack Escalation?

Due to the PSN outage and PS Store going down, I'm just really confused when we'll be able to get the new map pack, aswell as all the free downloadable games as promised?

Anyone have info on the map pack?

Also, add Nemeses666
- PS3 :)

Cheers guys. :)
MPL is ****, and I wasted 50k CP making it Gold before giving it a good go. What a waste.

That is all.
MPL is ****, and I wasted 50k CP making it Gold before giving it a good go. What a waste.

That is all.

rapid fire that ****.
+ black ops is horrible when it comes to gun balance. the gun you're using is either too good, or sucks.
Refuse to use Scav and Rapid Fire wanks the ammo, so I'll pass. Will just use the Spectre instead, better anyway.
New zombies map is fun, a bit quirky. You can turn zombies into to baby like things...

...then kill them...