Checkout herrera's 2nd goal and tell me what you think...this was my title winning game btw

You think changing the corner and throw set ups will have much effect? Seems every corner i get my full back takes short and they already have a man there and it comes to nothing.
Bournemouth V4 - Test


V4 Loaded, Team picked, Preseason done..... IM READY, BRING IT!

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To talk a bit about the transfers. When i took on this task i realised quickly that A) If struck by injury i realy have nothing to sub in thats of decent level so i took it upon myself to splash whatever i could in reinforcing that midtfield! particulary to get a solid DM so i vent a bit overboard snatching up Gil Romero, but wait.... ahhh Koen updated the tactic to V4, oh well >< Atleast i snatched Lucas Romero aswell as Lundemo. Lundemo more likely to be a backup and mostly because he was cheap and can fill both a DLP and a BTB role.
I grabbed Balanta (habit), and that certainly reinforced my defence. Zivkovic was ment as a Rotation option on the AMR as i had faith in Richie, but ofc he got injured so now i got Stanislas and Zivvy covering that role.

AML i got Max and King (injured ofc!!!) but i get Atsu back soon from injury so im alright there. Wilson and Rantie not the best strikers but both fully fluid as F9 so i put trust in them to fill that role.

Used a lot of cash buying young norwegians incase i keep playing this save and can develop them into PL stars in the future :)

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What im going to start with forward pending injured players to come back.

Resoults in Pre Season:

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Some Matches (work in progress)

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Opening game, was a close one, but ultimately their quality of finishes was what made the difference.

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Second match as referece. Totaly owned by Tottenham away, as to be expected, but i need a new assman as he wanted to commend them and tell the players they played well after the game :p The Pay Tindall is on tho o_O

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This pinpoints the problem i encounter so far. Almsot every goal i let in comes from a cross. The fullbacks get caught to high up OR jsut runs next to the winger who crosses and i see it land on opponent strikers noggin and goal... both goals here from Trone mings just running next to Bojan letting him cross for free.
I gave Boruc free transfer as he let in two goals earlier by letting the striker run onto the ball that was laying by his feet for 1-2 seconds. He gave no effort trying to pick it up or whatnot, guess hes to old and content with a high salary..


MID SEASON: Table - Schedule - WBA game
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It's not bad, but im leaking to many strange goals from crosses and i cant seem to kill the games im wopping infront in. For some reason my striker eighter shoots ALWAYS straight on the gk or in the post, then hit the post with rebound and post again on 3rd rebound etc.. this happened a lot of times. I was infront in the Chelsea and City game, but were my offence squanders chances and rebounds Aguero just scores a screamer whenever he feels like it ><
Last game vs WBA i was in the driver seat, but were Callum Wilson hits the post 4 times, Saido curls it into the top corner twice :/

For the next half i will tweak a bit on the roles and see what i can get going for 2nd half of the season!​
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And this happends..... View attachment 204916 Romero out for 6-7 months, Surman out aswell, i dont have any central midfielders left soon >< Someone come buy joshua king for 200mill so i can buy a new CM
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Defence clearly needs some tweaking.
The Enemy winger is always free to recive a cross, and when the fullback moves in to cover the hole the centreback leaves him, the cross comes and the nagain next into box behind defence (as always) and u concede. happened again now vs villa when i was 2-0 up :/

Edit: Again. lennon was on teh right wing for everton. i had my BTB left midtfielder on him, i had my AML on him and my LB. they all were running next to him from his own half on the right side and almsot to my own corner flag before lennon ofc crossed to lukaku who made it 1-1. my centrebacks are never even challenging from balls coming from crosses because they are not ontop of the striker, but always behind. i tried to get more pacy defenders, but it mathers nothing for this particulare flaw in the game. Yes i call it flaw because it reminds me of the old Fifa were you could just run towards the box, then turn right or left and curl it into the far corner....

Anyone done any tweaks to the fullbacks to stop this leak?
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Will surely give this one a try with Tottenham..
So anyone keen to see how the league table looks so far or should i wait until mid season for an update?
I think a DM is important in this tactic. I used V3 with Milan, played 25 games scored 39 and conceded 8. I think the attack has something to improve but the defence is so good. With V4 I found the attack is better, but DM switched to M(DLP) has left much more space to let opponent pass through my defensive line and get 1 on 1 chance. I hope CE can make a DM version soon :))

And could i ask how to improve my striker's performance? Bacca only scored 10 after 27 games, with F9 or CF(s) he didn't get enough chance to score.
there is a shortlist of players to the tactic v3?
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Nice to see supporting IF's, Ive found even in FM15 they work a lot better than IF-A's for me anyway.
Bournemouth - The Conclusion

Bournemouth Season Summary


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Finished 9th!

After mid season i decided to go from brainless to hands on. Meaning i would swap mentality depending on who i was playing aswell as molding 1 atting version of the tactic if i needed a goal.

Basicly i altered between the regulare V4 with different mentalities to V3 (ocasionally) to mix up the game and plug in my **** attack version when i needed a goal.

Worked fine for me, and sooo many resoults were so close, and i even beat Chelsea away 1-0 by swapping mentalities :)

I am VERY happy with the season, and i deffo am going to play another one on this save, beeing able to reinforce the squad a tad before next season!!

Im ending the post with a screen of how i se up my attackversion.

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The **** - Approve this tactic
Got a few games played with my Crystal Palace save - boy takeing over in a relegated club, with financial trouble og ****** players takes quite some time out of playing matches :p

But the season started well so far :)
Especially like the clean sheets

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sorry if this has been asked people, but would i be right in thinking that each version is better than the last, or just a change in formation etc?
decided to go with derby, players fit v4 perfectly, just unsure on OI etc

Just listen to you're assman, if a player needs to be closed down or tightly marked he will tell you. Personaly i just put weaker foot on wingers to begin with and go from there. (unless im ****** at a player leting emotions pick me hard tackle and closing down always. You no score hat trick vs **** for free! )

If you read my post i used both versions. V4 as a base changing mentality only and if tough away games ticking stick to positions. Then since its pretty much the same squad needed u can rotate in 20min of v3 to mix up the game aswell. Worked wonders for me to challenge the AI a bit :)