Coalition launches Libya attacks

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Indeed. Lets forget these **** tomahawk missiles. Forks are the way forward!!

Waaait ? Tomahawks? They are Lybians, not Indians.
Stop spamming now Vanja. GTFO this thread.
Have a nice day gentlmen
a lot of it is stolen from army depots, and also from soldiers who have defected, also lybia's borders are porous, any arms dealer worth his/her salt will be there

What about the jets? Stolen, funded?
What about the jets? Stolen, funded?
mostly defected actually. they come from pilot wh dont want to bomb their own citizens, and also now some are stolen because the rebels have captured entire air bases
This might just be me thinking but if NATO tried to go and get Colonel Gaddafi which would land forces would have to be deployed wouldnt the Arab League have something to say because middle easr do not like western world interfering with their business.
Lets have a look at our firepower:
loads of tornado jets
2 battle ships
Tomahawk subs
stealth bombers
predator drones
and probably a lot more
Wots Gaddafi gt now:
about 2 planes
10,000 men
and 10 helicopters
and gaddafi thinks hes winnin
I feel its time to put my two pence worth in. I haven't been following this thread so if somebody has brought this up already then pardon me.
I think the only reason NATO are in is because of the oil. If they had the moral obligation to do it then they would also help other countries that are in uprising like Syria. Yes they are in to help, but mainly they are only doing it for the money as otherwise they would be in other countries too.
I feel its time to put my two pence worth in. I haven't been following this thread so if somebody has brought this up already then pardon me.
I think the only reason NATO are in is because of the oil. If they had the moral obligation to do it then they would also help other countries that are in uprising like Syria. Yes they are in to help, but mainly they are only doing it for the money as otherwise they would be in other countries too.

Sorry, but totally disagree. If it was about oil, it would have been a larger operation. Its basically stopping a complete psycho wiping out his own people. There are oil operations in ports, but apart from that, nothing warranting such a large operation.

And when people are saying NATO is America's tool for justice and democracy, how about you read some books, get educated (with facts NOT found on less than reliable websites) and then make up your mind. Prejudging a nation based on media etc is a dangerous path to go down. Its basically total BS.
I feel its time to put my two pence worth in. I haven't been following this thread so if somebody has brought this up already then pardon me.
I think the only reason NATO are in is because of the oil. If they had the moral obligation to do it then they would also help other countries that are in uprising like Syria. Yes they are in to help, but mainly they are only doing it for the money as otherwise they would be in other countries too.

Regardless if it's for oil or not, if they get Gaddafi out, I'm happy.
6 000 000 / 2 000 = 3 000 times more rebels than Gaddafi's men. Screw logic

It's quite obvious you enjoy being a drama queen.

I really don't think you are actually this stupid, you are just seeking atention.
6 000 000 / 2 000 = 3 000 times more rebels than Gaddafi's men. Screw logic

Or in light of what you've been spouting, its pretty much the phrase "screw common sense" that applies to yourself on this subject,
6 000 000 / 2 000 = 3 000 times more rebels than Gaddafi's men. Screw logic

Right, so lets say half of those soldiers (and this is a low estimate) carry an AK-47. They can fire at about 600 rounds per minute, or 10 a second. So lets say 10% of those 600 kill. So, that's 60. So, in one minute, half of Gaddafi's troops can kill 60,000 people. And that's half of his troops, assuming the other half have no weaponry at all. Also disregarding stuff that can kill faster. (machine guns, tanks, planes, etc. etc.) If you need more proof, look up Rorke's Drift.

Also, if forks are effective and spoons aren't, what about a spork?
Right, so lets say half of those soldiers (and this is a low estimate) carry an AK-47. They can fire at about 600 rounds per minute, or 10 a second. So lets say 10% of those 600 kill. So, that's 60. So, in one minute, half of Gaddafi's troops can kill 60,000 people. And that's half of his troops, assuming the other half have no weaponry at all. Also disregarding stuff that can kill faster. (machine guns, tanks, planes, etc. etc.) If you need more proof, look up Rorke's Drift.

Also, if forks are effective and spoons aren't, what about a spork?

Zomg paradox!

This could easily be used by Gaddafi to foil the enemy. As they attack with their forks, he can simply pull out his superior cutlery, and with the undefinable nature and chaos of this counter, the whole of Libya will spiral into a singularity that will bend space-time itself.
Also, if forks are effective and spoons aren't, what about a spork?

I think this photo sums it up


You see, the prongs are what makes the fork/spork deadly.

Spoons can only sit there all concave like. They are best used in combat by licking them and sticking them on your nose in order to confuse the enemy.
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Analysis: Rebel leaders cautious as airstrikes reshape battle against Gaddafi
Libyan revolution's leaders privately acknowledge turnaround is no reason to believe they can pull off military victory

The barrelling advance of Libya's rebel army over the weekend was even more rapid than its panicked retreat in the face of Muammar Gaddafi's guns a fortnight earlier.

But the revolution's leaders privately acknowledge that the turnaround in the fortunes of its ill-disciplined and poorly trained forces, which took back all the lost ground in a matter of hours without a fight, is no reason to believe they can pull off a military victory.

The conflict has been reshaped by the western air strikes against Gaddafi's tanks and guns.

But as the rebels move closer to the town of Sirte, the revolutionary council is attempting to bring on board disparate tribal and local leaders and encourage a popular uprising to pave the way for a rebel takeover.

Sirte is Gaddafi's birthplace, and he is likely to heavily defend the town. Part of the problem for the revolutionaries is that they say they lack the weapons to fight, although they have seized a number of tanks, armoured vehicles and guns abandoned during the hurried retreat of Gaddafi's army.

Even if the rebels have the men trained to use them – which is open to question – it will be hard to turn such weapons on Sirte when the UN resolution authorising air strikes specifically says those strikes are designed to protect civilians.

In those circumstances, it would be the rebels who threatened unarmed Libyans. Nato and the coalition would be hard put justifying air strikes to help the insurgents take a town which has not revolted against Gaddafi, particularly if the revolutionaries are endangering its population.

The revolutionary council hopes to alter that equation by inducing the people of Sirte to rise up against Gaddafi, in part by persuading local leaders in a town still thought to be broadly loyal to its son to recognise the tide of history and switch sides.

If the revolutionaries can pull it off, Gaddafi would face the option of putting down the uprising by force – and so create a justification for air strikes – or ceding control.

But if he were to lose Sirte, it would be likely to have a profound and possibly fatal political impact across the areas of Libya he still controls
6 000 000 / 2 000 = 3 000 times more rebels than Gaddafi's men. Screw logic

If you are keeping up with the war, your hypothesis has been proven (at the best, temporarily) incorrect on two ocassions, especially as of the last couple days.
So it looks like it is finally coming to an end. Gaddafi's eldest son arrested and it is still being reported that Gaddafi has left the country.
Won't be happy until Gaddafi is dead like Bin Laden
So it looks like it is finally coming to an end. Gaddafi's eldest son arrested and it is still being reported that Gaddafi has left the country.

really apparently he is still there and cant escape?

Either way - Get him Pt3: the Gaddafi Saga. Unleash the SAS, Mossad, Seals etc. Get him dead or alive
Well the Seals got Bin Laden. Only fair should give the SAS a chance to pwn Gadaffi. Fairs fair