Coalition launches Libya attacks

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really apparently he is still there and cant escape?

Either way - Get him Pt3: the Gaddafi Saga. Unleash the SAS, Mossad, Seals etc. Get him dead or alive

It is all reports at the moment. Don't think many people know where he actually is and that is why he is still alive or hasn't been captured.
The fact they have chems shouldn't be forgotten by NATO either. Desperate men resorte to desperate measures-with tragic (and potentially catostrophic consequences)
The chief editor of the pro democracy Syrian TV station has tweeted this
First to tweet this from on-ground sources and I can confirm: #GADDAFI IS DEAD. He was shot dead by #FF in #Tripoli. #Libya

He says his connection who is usually very reliable has now said that he is alive but just about.
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The chief editor of the pro democracy Syrian TV station has tweeted this
First to tweet this from on-ground sources and I can confirm: #GADDAFI IS DEAD. He was shot dead by #FF in #Tripoli. #Libya

He says his connection who is usually very reliable has now said that he is alive but just about.

Dammit. Fingers crossed he will be before long

---------- Post added at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 PM ----------

Sky News reporting they have Gadaffi

---------- Post added 22/08/2011 at 12:16 AM ---------- Previous post was 21/08/2011 at 11:58 PM ----------

Rebels have reached Green Square, after withdrawing 1km earlier. Celebrations ensuing everywhere. Another desspot gone. Now just to find him and bring him to justice. Unless someone finds him first..........
Apparently they have captured like 4 of his sons so surely he couldnt be too far behind
The important thing to me aswell is, the fact it's the rebels that took control of Tripoli, not NATO, and the rebels want him tried in Tripoli. Wonder if NATO will agree to that though. Going to be a tricky situation, bearing in mind Russia will be watching intently
MalikAlAbdeh Malik Al-Abdeh
100% Confirmed: Abu Zaid Dourda, head of #Gaddafi's foreign intelligence, gave up G's position in deal with #NTC. #Libya #Tripoli

I know twitter doesnt have the best rep but I will post any ones from what i deem reliable sources as i see them. Take them as you will and ignore them if you want
Astounding news on RT. Al Qaeeda in Libya are TELLING NATO where to bomb :O
MalikAlAbdeh Malik Al-Abdeh
Rebels deliberately spread false news of #Gaddafi's death. They are telling me G captured but wounded, will be sent to #ICC in Hague. #Libya

Interesting if true
MalikAlAbdeh Malik Al-Abdeh
Rebels deliberately spread false news of #Gaddafi's death. They are telling me G captured but wounded, will be sent to #ICC in Hague. #Libya

Interesting if true

Very. Makes sense though. Rebels willing to negotiate a ceasefire if Gadaffi surrenders and leaves Libya. However there's a lot of anti-NATO feeling coming through on Russian television.
MalikAlAbdeh Malik Al-Abdeh
Ive been told by rebels that #Gaddafi is receiving treatment for wounds, en route to airport to fly out to #ICC in Hague. #Libya.

MalikAlAbdeh Malik Al-Abdeh
Piecing together picture: #Gaddafi was in hiding in #Tripoli, his position betrayed by his intel chief, G was wounded & captured. #Libya
A Nato warplane intercepted a SCUD missile. unknown what the warhead was (conventional or chemical) but it was fired from Sird, where Gaddafi had a chemical program
A Nato warplane intercepted a SCUD missile. unknown what the warhead was (conventional or chemical) but it was fired from Sird, where Gaddafi had a chemical program

Sounds like the actions of a desperate man. Similar to a wounded lion. Nothing more dangerous
We were right to cut off this man's threat. Bet America are making a mint from helping the rebels!
Been confirmed that 3 Scud missiles were launched. Nothing more on that
On the contrary its costing a **** of a lot

If they went in with ground forces the cost would be absolutely incredible-which is why they're wisely staying out of sending in troops etc. What I find intruiging is that once the conflict is ended, the US is "allowing" Russia to step in to sort things out. Be interesting to see what happens with that situation.
If they went in with ground forces the cost would be absolutely incredible-which is why they're wisely staying out of sending in troops etc. What I find intruiging is that once the conflict is ended, the US is "allowing" Russia to step in to sort things out. Be interesting to see what happens with that situation.

I assume its part of the deal that meant Russia wouldnt veto the initial military action
I assume its part of the deal that meant Russia wouldnt veto the initial military action

Good point. Still, makes me wary. Russia forming a new alliance with Belarus, Georgia etc to "contain NATO" last week, gaining a potential foothold in Libya which has oil traderoutes, rising anti-NATO feeling running rife, their armed forces (air force especially) sabre rattling at times...feels like things are slowly starting to revert back to how things were.