absolutely spot on aaandy, this is a great discussion but it would be better if scott knew what he was talking about, i have many friends in this country and not once did i say that all americans are nutters, i actually said some that live in alabama and southern states are nuts, the KKK is built upon beliefs that christians are superior to everyone else, which honestly is a load of bullshit, so you respect that muslims blow themselves up? you respect al qaeda killing thousands in 9/11?
EDIT: If you read my post clearly i actually said those groups that beat up gays and hate on all other religions are nutters, not all religious people, have any of you seen borat? the scene where he is in church is the norm, they often have debates and curse about how awful other religions are, thats what im talking about, in england its a peaceful service, in america they stand up and sing and shout and debate, theyre not nutters but the people who burn the gay bars down and protest outside gay bars are nutters, absolutely foolish comments scott, why would i say all americans are nutters? i live here ffs, i cant go round saying stuff like that, but even a new yorker would agree that the people down south can go ott with religion, i cant believe that you are questioning this