Produced a part time training sched for you.
I have some questions for you. Playing in leagues with very low reputation, having bad training facilities and coaches and usually dealing with players with low PA do you think training can make a difference?Is it worth using different schedules?Do you see any increase in attributes?
i must say that this training is just perfect :)) has made alot of improvements on my players so cheers and keep it up :)
A functional question for you. Do you use these same scheduled all season? IE pre-season, when guys are recovering from injuries, etc?
A functional question for you. Do you use these same scheduled all season? IE pre-season, when guys are recovering from injuries, etc?

I do yes, assign them all to which ever schedule they are going to be in. Give them a few days rest from time to time, can never be arsed to keep putting them in a fitness one or something then moving it back.
I do yes, assign them all to which ever schedule they are going to be in. Give them a few days rest from time to time, can never be arsed to keep putting them in a fitness one or something then moving it back.

Thanks. I've been using these for a couple seasons and while my regular players seem to do fine, my younger players (19 year olds, mostly on my reserve team) never seem to develop at all. Their potential stars just roll back each year.

Some I loan out, which I obviously has nothing to do with training, but I've been trying to figure out why none of my prospects ever seem to pan out.
Looks good by the replies of this thread. Will give this a go on my new (Everton) save. Cheers.
I've used this for the last 8 months or so on my Arsenal save with little or no results, has anyone else tried this with a high level/top four team cause all i've seen so far is feedback from lower league club users.
Hi Dunc, thanks for this training. I have a question. Do you put everyone on the hard training and drop them down to the medium training when they moan?
I've used this for the last 8 months or so on my Arsenal save with little or no results, has anyone else tried this with a high level/top four team cause all i've seen so far is feedback from lower league club users.

I just did a season as Liverpool, I suppose they are a high level team. Used the medium training, and a lot of the youngsters got good improvement, Raul Merieles (sp), N'gog, Babel, Jovanovic and Agger all got good improvement over the season as well. Signed Kadlec in the 1st transfer window, and he improved a lot on the Advanced ST schedule.

You need to try and get good coaches as well, personally I always make sure I have 4*+ coaches at the start of the game when I am playing in a top league. The better the coaches, the more improvement your going to see in your players, and rarely do teams have a good coaching set up implemented at the start of the game.

Hi Dunc, thanks for this training. I have a question. Do you put everyone on the hard training and drop them down to the medium training when they moan?

Personally I just use the medium training, but the hard training is more intensive, so will see results quicker if you want to use it, there is just a chance that your players will cry about the work load. It's down to personal preference as well.
Hello Dunc,

I am going to be starting a new save with Manchester United and I was wondering what schedules you think I should use, I was thinking trying the heavy intensity one as Man U have a great coaching setup (well pretty much) and the players have good stats.

One more thing as well mate, as I will look to buy top quality youth for e.g. Eden Hazard is the youth schedule meant for these kind of players or do you use the same schedule you use for the main players, the heavy intensity one in my case?

Hello Dunc,

I am going to be starting a new save with Manchester United and I was wondering what schedules you think I should use, I was thinking trying the heavy intensity one as Man U have a great coaching setup (well pretty much) and the players have good stats.

One more thing as well mate, as I will look to buy top quality youth for e.g. Eden Hazard is the youth schedule meant for these kind of players or do you use the same schedule you use for the main players, the heavy intensity one in my case?


The youth schedules are for players on youth contracts. Hazard will be able to use the normal training just like the rest of your team. :)

I would suggest using the heavy training, and seeing how your team get on with it, if they start complaining, then change the sched's, but I think uniteds players should have the stamina to cope with it. If you run into a busy time of year playing alot of games, drop to the med intensity scheds anyway, just so your players don't get too tired.
Too too many injuries with medium training.. I got about 6-7 injured players all the time.. I'm playing with Palermo and my squad is young enough..Training is just not working for me..
what training regime would you use for a centre midfielder? Not a box to box or a ball winning one - just an all round centre midfielder who is playing a support role?
So, a complete noob question, but how do I allocate my coaches to this, can my one defending coach do all the defensive regimes ie.
Central Defender
- Ball playing
- Stopper
- Cover
and Fullback?

Will the coach be overworked (as you can only have certain number of coaches)? Also would a defending coach do the defensive CM training? Or a technical coach?
Go on training, and then at the top it has a star system, go on the coaches tab, and you can see what coach is doing what, and how good they are at each individual thing, you really want 4 star + coaches really, so if yours suck, sack them and bring in some good ones.
I would like to ask what training should i use for my CM to increase its :
first touch
long shot
off the ball

currently im using the advance playmaker sup for them but im not really too sure if its the right 1. Very confused now.
Go on training, and then at the top it has a star system, go on the coaches tab, and you can see what coach is doing what, and how good they are at each individual thing, you really want 4 star + coaches really, so if yours suck, sack them and bring in some good ones.

Thanks, got the coaches sorted now, I thought you needed to assign a coach specifically to say, Wing Back training, but thats not how it works! However I have a new problem, so Dunc take this as a compliment, there are too many options!!!! I have no idea whether to train Steven Gerrard as Adv Playmaker Att, Adv Playmaker Sup, Trequartista, Deep Forward for example. There are about 4 options for a standard CB player as well. Is there any way to find out which attributes a specific training regime improves? A full description of each regime would be nice (i.e. Anchorman, best for Def CM, improves tackling, postioning but little focus on attacking scores sort of thing), but it would take a while to write I imagine......:S
Any chance someone could do a screenshot of the major positions schedule as i cant seem to download? Can email me or post ehre
Many thanks GUys