anyone who can help me, witch position should i train cavani with your training schedules?

Advanced ST or Complete ST

Hamsik for Trequartista?
Nani for Winger/Inside fw?
Rooney for which position?

Hamsik can go as Treq or Adv playmaker Sup/Att

Nani is best as inside forward IMO.

Rooney Complete ST
what shall i train pastore in in your training schedule dunc
What about progress of making Dunc Hard pre- seasonal training?

Haven't worked on it in a while. I am away all weekend aswell, so it won't be done till next week by the earliest.
Haven't worked on it in a while. I am away all weekend aswell, so it won't be done till next week by the earliest.
dont worry it is fine. I am going to test it and then I will give some feedback. Good lucl
Haven't worked on it in a while. I am away all weekend aswell, so it won't be done till next week by the earliest.

Second on wanting to test the pre-season once they're done. I've got an unemployed season going into the second season (promoted first season, absolute fluke, got given Havant & W as usual in Blue Square South, came 5th and won play-offs) so I can test the preseason training for a very low-end team.

On a related subject, Dunc, your part-time and youth schedules are working like absolute demons for me and they were the difference between promotion and losing in the play-offs (rapid player growth meant my team was competitive by the end despite no funds to even keep half of the existing squad at the beginning). Thank-you very much.

- Chris
dont worry it is fine. I am going to test it and then I will give some feedback. Good lucl

Cheers. I will try and get them out tomorrow, worked a bit on them tonight.

Second on wanting to test the pre-season once they're done. I've got an unemployed season going into the second season (promoted first season, absolute fluke, got given Havant & W as usual in Blue Square South, came 5th and won play-offs) so I can test the preseason training for a very low-end team.

On a related subject, Dunc, your part-time and youth schedules are working like absolute demons for me and they were the difference between promotion and losing in the play-offs (rapid player growth meant my team was competitive by the end despite no funds to even keep half of the existing squad at the beginning). Thank-you very much.

- Chris

Glad to see the part-time and youth sched's have been working well for you. :)

Again, I will try and have the preseason scheds out tomorrow. :)

Thanks for all the feedback.
Nice work, downloaded the medium schedules, season 4 matches played, 6 injuries, all are in my playing squad. =D

You get me a good winger soon, I have 2 of my best wingers injured, and for the whole time another one of my backup wingers also injured.

Don't take it seriously, I can't really say if schedule is good or not, but I trust that you can do your work properly =D
Hey guys, can anyone suggest training for the following players. Should I use medium or high workload schedules for each, and which one? Please help!

Sergio Aguero
Lionel Messi
Edin Dzeko
Cesc Fabregas
Aleksander Kolarov
Sergio Ramos

For my Defender Centre players,
do i let them train as "Defend mid def", or what?
I am using the Medium workload schedules at Liverpool but half my players are unhappy, they must all be really lazy!!!!!! I am thinking of dropping the workload slightly, but if I keep it as it is will they eventually get used to it? I want to try to maximise results but I read that if players are unhappy then you less stat increases.
I have IanC's Training at the moment. Is this one better than IanC's?
Hi, i've just started using this training schedule and i'm overwhelmed with all the options lol.

But thanks i appreciate the hardwork put into creating this schedule. :)

What posistion training would you put this guy under?


Dl Playmaker Sp?
Or Adv Playmaker Sup.

Depends how you utilise him and what attributes you want to concentrate on :)
Or Adv Playmaker Sup.

Depends how you utilise him and what attributes you want to concentrate on :)

Ok thanks for the quick reply, i want to play him in the centre of midfield as my main playmaker.