England Thread

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That's not really true anymore, though. Back in the day, the 96' team could run anybody off the pitch bleeding. But the world has caught up long ago, and every serious team can keep up with England. Prem not having winter break certainly doesn't help your players recover, either.

Of course other teams have caught up, look at Chile or Germany etc, I suppose by this I mean rather than when we lose the ball we should go hunting for it in packs and not just retreat back into shape, tbf to Roy he had started to develop this and we had been pressing more effectively but it still needs work.
Prey tell what I'm skipping over? You say there's no English manager better than foreign options. I say what have you got to lose when you've had no success going down that road? You don't agree that the English National team manager should be English. My views on which I've made quite clear since you went out of the Euro's and you've answered. Yet you now want them answering again? What else would you like answered? And do I need to back up with 'facts?' Just in case you go off on another rant at some point in the future with absolutely no substance you can reference back to when repeatedly asked?

Or shall we just agree that we disagree on this?

And as I already told you, the foreign managers that failed such as Capello did not fail because of their nationality per se. What habe we got to lose by appointing an inexperienced young manager like Howe? We become more of a joke than we already are. What have we got to gain if we appoint an experienced foreign manager like Mancini or Pelligerini? We can atleast start punching our weight in international tournaments and they have greater chance of succeeding and lesser chance of failing than Howe or whichever other English manager you care to name.

Yes I do not agree with your views because they seem arbitrary. You are more than happy to have foreign players and manager at Liverpool and even call a German who has been there for a few months the new Shankly. Therefore, I see no reason why you should have an issue with England having a foreign manager as long as he understands and appreciates English football and the culture that goes along with it. A point which you did skip over since you asked me to pray tell.

Keep the snarkiness away Scouse. I made one mistake in misquoting you and left it when I realized. No need to hang it over the head. A debate in which you incidentally had no response to my counter arguments. So if you want to really play the 'facts' game, I think you are the one who uses and ignores them at your convenience.
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I am not sure how Howe would be supbar in all honesty, I mean lets go back through our previous managers, (not googling t depressing going off my memory so if I am innacurate feel free to correct me)

Roy - out of the group stages of a world cup and last 16 of a euros knocked out by Iceland in which failing to win the group cost us big time

Capello - Authoritarian, Draconian manager who players hated, widely regarded upon appointment as the saviour and would get the best out of this group of players. Abysmal world cup campaign in which he tired out the plyers last 16 ( I think)

McLaren - do I even need to go there?

Sven - good old sven when his wife wasn't in the news for fighting for her love rat man he took us to a steady last 16 in a few comps, football was absolutely dire tho and he wasted Scholes to accommodate the Lampard/Gerrard midfield combo.

Cannot even remember who was coach previous to that was it Keegan who imploded spectacularly? I think so not 100% then peter taylor caretaker who made becks captain?

Anyway I am not sure how Eddie Howe who has taken an unfancied Bournemouth team through the leagues (barring his **** spell at Burnley in the middle) would be a step backwards, last season they played some of the best football to watch and also most importantly he gives youth a chance. Which I think above all is what people want to see, young players/in form players getting a shot (re Drinkwater) and also good football.

No more caps for the boys and no more FA yes men, I mean its all well good having some big name in charge but Icelands manager was a part time dentist, Chris Coleman also with Wales what the actual **** has he done in club football? Jogi Lowe was Klinsmanns assistant wasn't he? not sure of his club pedigree, Deschamps of France aint some big time manager, Portugals manager the same.

Big name and so called big time manager does not always equate success especially in national team, I would love Howe to get the job and have some experience heads around him and also keep Neville in the team too.

The problem with England is that someone needs to take the job by the ******* balls and say right this is how we play, pretty much what Bielsa did for Chile, we lack a national identity and we need to stick to our strengths which is we can run all day and play fast high octane football. Until someone comes in and gives us a national identity as a team we will do fuckall. I have said it for ages England as a national team lack national identity.

Of course big name does not always equate with success but I think the basic point is, you have greater chance of succeeding with a big name. Maybe someone like Howe can do a job, maybe he cannot. But look at the dressing rook currently. They may have liked Hodgson but they obviously never respected him as a manager and ignored his tactical instructions on the pitch. You have this bunch of big egos who will eat someone like Howe alive. You need a big name experienced manager to come in and impose his authority without veering into authoritarianism like Capello.
Of course big name does not always equate with success but I think the basic point is, you have greater chance of succeeding with a big name. Maybe someone like Howe can do a job, maybe he cannot. But look at the dressing rook currently. They may have liked Hodgson but they obviously never respected him as a manager and ignored his tactical instructions on the pitch. You have this bunch of big egos who will eat someone like Howe alive. You need a big name experienced manager to come in and impose his authority without veering into authoritarianism like Capello.

While I do not necessarily agree I have not kept up with this thread so you may have already ansered this question so apologies if so, who would you like to get the job mate?
While I do not necessarily agree I have not kept up with this thread so you may have already ansered this question so apologies if so, who would you like to get the job mate?

I honestly do not know but I think the English managerial pool is incredibly underwhelming and appointing English managed just because he is English is a route to disaster. I am happy to be proved wrong though!
I honestly do not know but I think the English managerial pool is incredibly underwhelming and appointing English managed just because he is English is a route to disaster. I am happy to be proved wrong though!

Yeah I get you there, I mean even if we did go foreign the pool isn't great either, I think what is more alarming then anything is the lack of top class managers coming out and saying they want the job.
Yes I do not agree with your views because they seem arbitrary. You are more than happy to have foreign players and manager at Liverpool and even call a German who has been there for a few months the new Shankly. Therefore, I see no reason why you should have an issue with England having a foreign manager as long as he understands and appreciates English football and the culture that goes along with it. A point which you did skip over since you asked me to pray tell.

Keep the snarkiness away Scouse.....

Dude, aside from the fact we've had this discussion and you know full well my views on an International manager being a National of that Country (International football being COMPLETELY different to club football), and you just being as argumentative as all **** to keep answering (as you were the pother day by refusing to acknowledge any response that didn't fit and still running with the no answer B/S); the last line there ..... Practice what you preach. Seriously, go play silly beggars with someone that will indulge you.

And now this needs leaving COMPLETELY alone as I'm sure it's boring the living **** out of everyone.
Anyhow, this randomly poped on YouTube, and I think it was spot on. .....

Yeah, with respect, the views of someone that could never give a flying **** about his Country outside of a competitive game, jibbing out of most every friendly through his career with one B/S injury excuse to the next; in a discussion on other International players attitudes is not something anyone should give much of any credence to.
Yeah, with respect, the views of someone that could never give a flying **** about his Country outside of a competitive game, jibbing out of most every friendly through his career with one B/S injury excuse to the next; in a discussion on other International players attitudes is not something anyone should give much of any credence to.

What are weird thing to say. He could have easily played for England instead and would've probably won the World Cup, since left winger is the only thing Golden Generation were missing to be an unstoppable team. Instead he opted for Wales, knowing all well that he signs up for decades of misery.

But that's besides the point. That one phrase he says: "I didn't want to be famous, I wanted to be successful". That nails down the entire problem. Its the whole celebrity culture in English football that's out of whack.

You sing up for a club, suddenly you become 100x more rich than everyone you've ever met. People worship the ground you walk on, whole world is cuddling you. Then you get called up for NT, and suddenly 500 ton of media pressure drop on you like a hammer. It's no wonder these guys crumble.
What are weird thing to say. He could have easily played for England instead and would've probably won the World Cup, since left winger is the only thing Golden Generation were missing to be an unstoppable team. Instead he opted for Wales, knowing all well that he signs up for decades of misery.... .

64 caps he had in a 16 year International career. Ridiculously low for the first name on the team sheet. Why? Because friendly Internationals were beneath him. I believe the figures are 50 or so he pulled out of. ****, it took him missing 18 straight friendlies whilst gaining 25 caps in competitive game before he was finally shamed into turning up for one. ****, he's Utd's record appearance holder isn't he with over 900 games for them. Wales was always a distant second to Giggs.

You want to talk about what a great player he was and how dedicated to his craft to be the best he was within that right through at Utd I'll listen to you all day.

But the point still stands he didn't care much at all about Wales and he isn't worth listening to IMO when it comes to talking about other players attitudes toward playing for their Country.
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64 caps he had in a 16 year International career. Ridiculously low for the first name on the team sheet. Why? Because friendly Internationals were beneath him. I believe the figures are 50 or so he pulled out of. ****, it took him missing 18 straight friendlies whilst gaining 25 caps in competitive game before he was finally shamed into turning up for one. ****, he's Utd's record appearance holder isn't he with over 900 games for them. Wales was always a distant second to Giggs.

You want to talk about what a great player he was and how dedicated to his craft to be the best he was within that right through at Utd I'll listen to you all day.

But the point still stands he didn't care much at all about Wales and he isn't worth listening to IMO when it comes to talking about other players attitudes toward playing for their Country.

Giggs makes a good point, but you can't listen to him talk...because he was skipping meaningless games 20 years ago? That makes no sense whatsoever.

And seriously, how many teenage sensations of English football had their careers broken due to being overplayed when they were young? We can all probably print out a list. 3 games a week since 17, league, cups, qualifiers, friendliers, pre-season tours, charity games, testimonials, all year long, and suddenly their legs start going in their mid 20s.

Nothing wrong with playing it smart and taking care of your health.
I think Wenger would be fantastic for England and far better than what we deserve quite frankly. In terms of calbire as an international manager and knowing the English game you can't get any better.

However I still have a preference for someone like Eddie Howe, yes he isn't perfect but I feel the players would relate to someone like him with his brand of football and he would give it a good go without going out with a wimper like Hodgson.

It will never happen but Howe deserves a look in.
FFS big Sam just been confirmed on SSN to have a meeting in the coming days for the England job. Well **** me sideways, what's the obsession with have an English manager? We will continue to be laughing stocks at tournaments and the FA are a joke. I'm sure they said they would appoint the best manager possible for the job. :(
Turns out I was wrong

There’s no embarrassment. We never took our chances and they took theirs. The second leg will be different.
Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers

Losing to part timers is not [FONT=Helvetica, Arial, freesans, sans-serif]embarrassing[/FONT] for Celtic