Maybe some of these points already have been mentioned (sorry for not reading the whole thread) but the following is what I would love to see in FM (13 is a bit late to mention now, but for the future I would find it real additions to the game)
- Amateur Manager game
This is a game in which you only can choose the country in which you want to coach.
Once you have selected the nation you will enter that countries Football Manager School (FMS).
In this FMS you will learn how to develop tactics, create training scheduals, motivate players...simply saidthe basics every coach need...but...all according to that nations philosophy (e.g. Dutch soccer differs from English soccer and those 2 differ from German soccer etc.).
To bring what you have learned to practice you will be appointed to a club that needs to be build from the ground up (you can, optional, choose the name for the club.
From here on forward your reputation will be determained, the better a manager you are the higher the chances are that a better club wants you as manager.
- 1 Database in which the whole world is loaded.
Explanation: atm its so that if you did NOT load a specific country you will not find certain players and/or staff, also player attributes differ as well as willingness to move to your club, transfer status etc.
If there was only 1 database ALL games would be equal (including talents) and you really depend on your scouting knowledge to find more players/staff.
- During season break the ability to scout players as manager.
Explanation: instead of waiting for the season to end you can go to matches to scout specific players or request your scouts to deliver you film materials of that player for you to analyze.
- Detailed training
Explanation: Now we slide a few bars hoping that the training works and pays off in your tactic as well.
With detailed training you, the manager, can create training exercises in detail e.g. with the Tactical training you can tell/teach each player how and where to move (which would mean you can train your players to do exactly as you want them to according to your tactic) or for the agility training you determine the course and exercises.
With the detailed training you also need to create a schedule (24h 7days schedule or 24h montly schedule) in which you determine the daily starting times, training breaks and at what time the training day is done.
With this detailed training you can also select special events like teambuilding activities (e.g. survival).
- More specific and detailed creation of tactics.
Explanation: though pretty detailed now still very limited which makes it for a layman or newbie to FM hard to understand what relates to what and how what player reacts to what setting on the pitch.
More specific and detailed will make it more complicated at first sight, but, you can instruct your players per position into detail.
E.g. you can tell each player to be at what part of the pitch when the ball is at part X of the pitch, you can tell your player where to start to mark his man tightly and/or at what spot his tackles should be more aggressive.
- No waiting when to game is processing.
Explanation: when you deside to continue with the game your clock starts to run, in the meantime you can keep doing what you were doing untill office hours are over (say till maximum 21:00).
The game will stop processing every morning at 07:00.
This way you no longer have to see what player got transfered or what results certain clubs, which are not in your selected nation or even continent, had during a match on that day etc. imo it would make the game run a bit smoother as well.
I had more ideas, but these are the ones I could think off