Features missing in FM2012 and new features for FM2013

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[FONT=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]Just had a brilliant idea... More control with talking to players over transfers! Like if a player is suspect to rumours, you can talk to him and ask where he wants to leave, and if he does, you can persuade him to stay with a new contract, promising new signings, more first team opportunities etc. I think this definitely needs to be implemented soon :) [/FONT]​
When you sign someone, and they aren't immediately going to be in your first team and just sit in your reserves, you have the option to loan them back to their original club for the rest of the season.
When you sign someone, and they aren't immediately going to be in your first team and just sit in your reserves, you have the option to loan them back to their original club for the rest of the season.

This is one thing I am certain will be included in FM13
Here's a few of the things I would love if got implemented/improved.

- Better interaction, transfers, contract handling and private chat
Interaction with players outside your club that you might be interested in signing is very bad at the moment. Only being able to admire and declare interest by talking to a journalist isn't especially fun. Just take a look at how it is in reality - if a scout from your club is spotted watching a match the media will instantly start making assumptions and rumours. And if you, as the manager, view those games personally as well that should have some impact (magnitude reliant on your reputation as a manager etc. of course) on the players you're watching.

When it comes to transfers and bids, the first thing I would like is to actually receive a reply from the manager when we're negotiating. If I offer £20m for a player and they "negotiate" £30m... that ain't exactly negotiation. More dialogue pretty much. This goes both ways.

In contract handling I think it would be cool with having like a private chat besides the actual contract. Of course contracts would take a bit longer to work out but that's usually how it is. I'd love to say "are you out of your freaking mind?" to an agent if he demands a huge agent fee etc. and also be able to affect the player and maybe even turn the player a bit against his own agent so they can lower their demands. Being able to lock certain stuff and the "take it or leave it"-option added in FM12 was nice but more dialogue here as well would make it really interesting.

Private chat on the other hand just need more depth. More options and more reactions from players. Being able to give better feedback regarding match performance, transfers, training/development etc.

- Improved tactics and training
This is of course something that continues to improve as the series go on. But more options when creating training schedules, PPMs, individual focus and all that so you get a bit more control over your players' development.

As mentioned by others, tactics are pretty detailed now but still limited and I'd love more options without making it too advanced - it should still make sense. They should definitively add better tooltips to all options so that new players can understand what impact the changes they do have on the match itself. And yeah, as said, more options both for the whole team, defense, midfield and forwards, player roles etc. At the moment you can choose where you want players to cross from and where to aim and I'd like them to add more to that. If you set your wingers to cross aim on the near post, I want my forwards to move in and get in front/in between defenders on the near post. And if my fullbacks are crossing on the other hand, I'd like to get people into the box so that the fullback can cross aim at the far post - so that if I have a tall striker or maybe tall winger, they can move into that space. Pretty much adding options that are really relevant to each other. Stuff like this would also make crossing much better because at the moment it's pretty bad. Could compare it to setting up corners - that you actually can tell players to attack the near post etc. without it being overpowered or unrealisticly good of course.

- Regens and how they are created could need a big overhaul. First of all, their attributes need to be relevant to how the player is and realistic. How many haven't seen a regen that is 190 cm and 85 kg and has 9 in strength... really? The face generation and quality for regens also needs to be improved.

- They should also improve the whole "squad" section. Improve team reports, tactica analysis and all that so it's easier to spot things that ain't so easy to see during the game itself.

- Improve boardroom and everything that comes with it. Here I'm talking about everything. Improve the requests and interaction the manager has with the boardroom and even the staff itself. Better control over the economy. I'd like to see and "feel" the effect of having tours in different countries across the globe and more financial feedback. If I get a feeder club in USA I'd like to see how that affects the clubs economy and if I have a tour in Asia I'd like to get feedback when it comes to shirtsales and stuff like that.
If the chairman, directors etc. are very hands-on I'd also like them to make requests, come with advice etc. about tours, setting up academies, feeder clubs and stuff. Something that also would be cool was if chairmen sometimes interfered more in the managers business.

Being able to upgrade medicial facilities to help physios would also be great.

- More reaction from media and fans. Basically make press conferances better and definitively add more options. Having the opportunity to answer in a reluctant, assertive way etc. would also be nice. Media reaction is to add more pressure on the player and manager if they're doing poorly and the same from fans as well. If a player is performing badly or is constantly injured it would be nice if the voice of the fans reached the manager.

- And one of the last things I can think of (at this moment) is making the game a bit harder in the sense that a overpowered tactic shouldn't make you able to win everything with a bad team. You should without a doubt get a long way with a good tactic but to win Champions League 7 times in a row should really take a lot! We're talking about very good players, very high squad harmony and mentality etc. That should also be able to work the other way, to a certain degree. Think of RvP for Arsenal last season for example. That you can have a decent team but maybe one really good talent or experienced player that's able to lift the whole club a notch.
I wish Sports Interactive actually read these. Would be much more beneficial for them and would make so many more people play Football Manager. Shame.
When you sign someone, and they aren't immediately going to be in your first team and just sit in your reserves, you have the option to loan them back to their original club for the rest of the season.

You can kinda do this now. If you buy them at the start of the season you can put the transfer date forward to the end of the current season.
Just thought of this one while playing around with my tactic creating once more.

- Tactial Position detail.

This is for when making your own tactic, in the 2011 and older versions (if I am not mistaken) you could see e.g. a slight shift in positioning when you changed from normal passing to long or short passing.

Now what if that happens per position when it comes to the players position on the pitch.

In addition to this there will be a line that represents the pass, the longer/shorter the pass (or what ever affects the pass) the longer/shorter the line will be.

This way you can see if your players are at the position in the pich where you want them to be and that they provide the pass you want them to give, but you can also see what impact a small change can have to you tactical setting.

Maybe not that usefull for the experienced players, but I always keep in mind that new players join this game every year and you can not expect from a new player (no matter what age) that he/she is a master tactician who knows exactly how evertything works in their very first seconds of playing the game.
They should give managers the chance to offer a contract to a player, even if at first he has no interest and the opposing club has already accepted a transfer bid. They should then offer a reason as to why they do not want to sign for the new team.

I'm having too many problems with players refusing to sign with my team (LFC) even after I won 3 premier leagues in a row, the champions league just the last season. A player like Marco Verratti, whose team PSG has not won the league and not finished in the top 3 for the past 3 seasons doesn't want to sign with me at all. His favorite club does not include PSG and his favorite personnel don't include any of the players or coaches at PSG. So I don't understand why he doesn't want to sign.

Also transfer bids made by human managers should be much more realistically accepted. If I'm not playing as a manager (unemployed), Manchester City manages to buy Eden Hazard for 17 million (not updated transfers) in 2011, while if I play as a manager and I offer the same amount at the same period of time, I have to pay up to 30 million, which simply doesn't make sense.

All board requests should always be allowed, no matter what the request, or at least, the request should be allowed soon after being rejected or accepted. I asked for a feeder club in June, and the next time I can ask for it is in January, which does not make sense, as it is possible for clubs to set up various relationships with different clubs in the same period of time.

Clubs should also be allowed to build better relationships or worse relationships with other clubs. For example, a club could be able to offer another club a contract or the chance to have annual friendlies or to build a stronger bond between the clubs so that transfers or other things would be more smooth. Or, the opposite, clubs (or their chairmen, or alumni) could have the ability to slam another club, or badmouth another club, making relationships between both clubs bad. Or matches could become real intense between clubs, causing rivalries to happen between both clubs. If not, having the same rivalries for a club for 30 seasons would become really boring. I would like to see a Manchester United-Barcelona rivalry or a Manchester City-Real Madrid rivalry or a Liverpool-AC Milan rivalry.

Regens should also be more varied. When youth candidates are introduced, more players should be involved and chats should be possible for the managers to actually get to know these youths. Also, some of these regens should be given the ability to straight away play for the first team, or at least in the second string. Many of these regens have to be bred from the U-18 team, which makes the game really slow. In my 2017 save, all the players in the market are either 26 years and older or they are too weak for a first team. Very few players are younger and have the ability to be a first team. So far I've only seen one regen who has become a star in just two or three years.
I think they need to expand on transfer terms and contract terms. E.g in the current signing of robin van persie , one of the conditions was that if Man Utd won any major competition ( Premier league/F.A Cup/Champions league) they would have to give Arsenal a lump sum. Theres also no assist bonuses in the contract
Squad numbers for friendlies and internationals.

I want to be able to choose what squad number a player has in a friendly and in an international match. I know there are various ways to choose which player has which squad number from 1-11 and 12-19 (no-one has 13) but they're all hassle. Just a simple way to give players any squad number for the match, probably in the same way you would for a player who hasn't already got one on match days for competitive club games.
Not too sure if this has been said already but have more dynamic youth players such as having a new up and coming youth prospect where they would regenerate a brother of a player say beckham or gerrard and have them turn into as good players as there older brothers.
Just thought of this one:

Instead of installing a whole new game you overwrite the old one...like a patch only bigger and with the difference that a saved game can be converted to the updated version so that you keep your matches, players and staff but you can enjoy all the new features and the playerbase, with expection of your club, is refreshed and updated.

Maybe for some its a loss of charme of the game, for others it would save a lot of time and effort.