Features missing in FM2012 and new features for FM2013

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i know this is a little nit picky but it would be really helpful if the show recent attribute changes tick box that is currently on the attributes screen was also on the attribute development sub screen of the training screen.
Have Youth academies?Also I do think Deadline day should be a little more exciting.
edit : Just looked at truefootballmanager and I agree with the idea to be able to to have different staff roles,which is something,personally id enjoy.
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A more in depth transfer deadline day would be epic, you could have a choice of everytime you click continue on deadline day how far you want to go in time i.e 30mins-1hour-2hour etc.
one thing i would personnally like to see would be the inclusion of a separate career mode where it plays out a little bit different. rather then taking control of a team etc like you do now. you should be able to create a manager then sit a FA style exam on coaching etc to determine your attributes reputation etc, then I think you should sit an open ended test to determine how you like your team to play for example get given certain situations in a match like full back intercepts the ball what should he look to do with it A)pass inside to centreack B)hit long to target man etc. then after this your coach is created then with relevant UEFA/FA coaching badges then apply for reserve team/youth team jobs dependant on rep and attributes then work your way up the ladder winning reserve/youth leauges or u19 champions league. or be made interim manager if manager is sacked and earn your coaching badges ala real life sorry if someone has put this already cba to read all pages.

i also think they need to create a new game coz to me it feels like ive been playing the same game since 2008 just a bit more polished each year and im bit bored of it but that is just my personal opinion
I would like more realism in goal scoring. In FM12 the easiest way to score a goal is to play a poacher or CF. While in fact nowadays wingers and falce 9s score the most goals for top teams - CR7, Messi. Even Osvaldo and Borini who are not typical forwards are the main goal scorers for a team like Roma. Finishing is just so bad in the game. So I would like to see typical finishers and goal scorers get more goals. Also whats up with the long shots? The majority of them in FM are send over the cross bar, while in fact a lot of players started attempting long shots down the ground. Goal Keepers handling seems too high too.
There should be a two modes at the beginning of a game that you can choose from.

Mode 1 - Standard mode, same as all FM games.

Mode 2 - Realism mode, this mode would include things like management being harsher about making profit and selling off good players (depending on the club and the clubs history of management). Players would be harder to buy and some would only go to you if you promise Champions League the following season. There would also be biased referees occasionally (depending on the league and clubs playing each other) and rare corruption scandals. More players diving, the rare pitch fight between players/teams, and gameplay revolving around players personal life and outside the pitch life. Players coming to training hungover or refusing to be subbed on, and even running away from the club back to their home country. Players forming unions to ask for more salary/bonuses and leagues having to postpone matches.

An additional suggestion would be to have a notification below your name saying where you are exactly.. For example if you are back at your clubs home, for Chelsea it would say Location: London, England, UK. If you are on route to play another club (ex: Real Madrid), it would say Location: On Route to Madrid.. If you are waiting somewhere and still having gotten on board your plane or bus to return to your club's ground it would say Location: Madrid. For world cups, if you are the coach or you are just spectating the games, it would say Location: Brazil until you return home or the World Cup is over.

Also reserve players shouldn't teleport magically to first team games if you are having a friendly in the off-season and you didn't notice that your players are competing in international games and can't attend. Games should be able to be cancelled if you don't have enough first team players eligible for the match.
Apologies in advance if anything has already been said or if I am so stupid you can already do it! lol

I think there should be a specialist staff position for reserve team and youth team manager rather than appointing a coach and selecting him to do it and for it to appear on the staff list.

Being able to scout clubs and get their results come through when they play (especially B teams in Spain)

Club doctors should be added

Potential for league restructuring after a few seasons that could appear and you could vote on it

The ability to train a player to use his weaker foot more not less
Sorry if this has already been said, but I'm just gonna say what's on my mind. Firstly, I hate it that it is often too easy to win a League. In FM 12 I've started 4 saves with Arsenal, and every single one I win the League plus an extra 2-3 trophies. Than it would be the work permit system and the ban system. It is completely useless to appeal on any of these 2 in FM 12. A larger variety of moves for the players. In FM 11 they had like the stepovers that came with the PPM "Does tricks". They removed it in 12, and I want it back, together with more skills and the HANDBALL detector. Lastly, a more realistic personal life for the player. For example, I'm managing a player whose dad is in a coma, his morale should be terrible and his form should be **** for 10-15 games or 2-3 months. If he would become a father he would be happier and play batter.
I agree that it should be a little harder. I think they made it too easy in FM12
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, i personally would like to have the choice to start of as a coach, scout or any other back room staff and work my way up into management. Not to sure how it would work but for me this is what id like to see in FM 2013.

First time poster long time follow of the forum.
Like others I'm sorry if it's been mentioned but I'd like be able to control what the players do out of possession. LIke, have a in, and out of possession version of a tactic
Like others I'm sorry if it's been mentioned but I'd like be able to control what the players do out of possession. LIke, have a in, and out of possession version of a tactic

Yeah I like this.

So basically when you don't have the ball each person will have a specific role (Like Get Back/Come Back if needed/Stay up) so a bit like when you decide who goes up for a corner but in open play!
Although some people have disagreed with me on this feature in the past I think it would be good if you could be a scout, coach, director of football as well as just taking managerial jobs. It would be a good way to work your way up to bigger jobs. Also it would be great if you could manage reserve and youth teams at clubs and that could be another way to move your way up to first team coach. There are many other features I would like to see but I'll not go into detail about them.

Edit: I see other people have mentioned the coach, scout thing etc. so sorry for the repeat but it's still one of the things I would like to see most in the next game.
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one of my pet hates. My ST is hassling their CB, their CB passes the ball back to their GK and my ST/attackers retreat to the center of the pitch and their GK plays around with it for 30 seconds.
More detailed graphics and stadions for the people with good computers...
Match Engine realism

More possession (60%+) = a tired opposition defence, more goals/CCC created in later stages of half – think Barca, Athletic, Swansea, Tottenham etc etc.

More possession does NOT necessarily require the team to have extremely defensive pre-set mentality, slow tempo with no forward runs, resulting in your team not creating a chance all game. There needs to be a step away from the Match engine being based on the principles of the Premier League and that of a more expansive, educated system.

I appreciate that you will never recreate total-football or a style of play as fluid and expressive as Athletic or Barcelona on FM as this requires imagination and expression, something that a computer game obviously lacks. But more work needs to be done to ensure that the success of a team/formation is not purely based on having strong, fast players playing high-tempo direct football with lots of turnover of possession.

On the contrary, I am not asking every team to play the same way as Barca (different cultural approaches, management styles and player ability would mean this isn’t the case for one), simply that a team with the required approach do so can achieve success and plenty of CCCs trying their best to play like this – think of Swansea doing so well in a league like the Championship & Premier league against ‘better’ teams and ‘better’ players.

I would also like to see more Italian Clubs playing their ‘traditional’ way – based on strong defence, counter attack, same goes for Brazil and Spain etc based on possession, possession, possession.

Previously mentioned tactical options.

  • The standard tactic set-up utilising player roles etc was introduced so the game is ‘easier’ to play for the masses, whether you are a footballing novice or a tactically astute student of the game you are both guided and restricted by this focus of SI on ‘ease-of-use’.
This, coupled with constraints of the match engine, has lead to the success of FM tactics being based purely on the template of high tempo, direct, attacking football – think Premier league over Italian or Spanish League – It now being the only way to consistently get positive results - however, real life is not like that.

FM should introduce 3 tactic ‘competency levels’ – Beginner, Intermediate, Expert (or, like manager experience at the start of the game, Sunday-league, Semi-Pro, Pro, International) which will dictate exactly how much control you have on tactical shape, player roles, sliders etc.

The default tactic system (player roles etc) would be classified as beginner; what is now called ‘Classic Mode’ would be Intermediate; with the ‘Expert’ mode seeing a return to the good old days of Championship Manager 3 whereby you could physically move every player to where you want them situated on the pitch, depending on which zone the ball was in and whether your team was in possession of the ball or not. It will also have more input on set pieces, marking from corners etc, as well as maintaining individual player instructions, sliders etc

Only then will you have challenge/enjoyment no matter what the skill level of the Human.
  • Touchline Shouts and Team mentality (Counter, Overload, Attacking, Standard) should be available in all three ‘Modes’
  • Re-introduce the 8-plain Directional ‘positioning’ arrows – think centre backs splitting, Messing dropping deep joining midfield, but still maintaining his very direct, forward runs and attacking mentality.
Alongside the above, an introduction of different attacking and defensive options for formations would see some progress to tactical management. When attacking your players line up one way, when defending the other. Eg Barcelona play a 451 defensively but, when attacking, play a 343 due to the FBs joining midfield and the CBs splitting with Busquets playing central.

Previously mentioned influence on youth academy style/national identity

Spain/La Masia for example, famed for producing a certain mould of technically gifted, imaginative footballers – England focussed on physical prowess at the expense of flair, creativity and technique.

‘Stock’ regen players should, by in large, match these stereotypes (with the exception-to-the-rule still coming through from time-to-time) unless a certain club (eg Arsenal) chooses to adopt a different methodology. You should be allowed to implement this based on Chairman/Fan preferences, budget constraints but you will require the correct facilities, scouting networks and coaches in order to implement effectively.

Job Application/Manager profile

Similar to the initial press conference (after accepting a new role), your answers/choices on preferred transfer policy, management style, tactical style etc should directly translate into your starting manager attributes & preferences.

In turn, this should correlate to the type of club/chairman that would be prepared to offer you a position.

For example, on playing style alone, would Arsenal want Tony Pullis (or other managers sharing his particular preferences of playing style) to replace Wenger, did Liverpool fans want/afford enough time for Hodgson? Would the current crop of Stoke players perform trying to emulate a version of Tiki-Taka?

Hiring against the grain should attract negative or positive fan/player reaction.
Example: look at Alex McLeish at Villa, Allardyce at West Ham and Villas Boas at Chelsea

AVB was tasked with the ‘changing of the guard’ but fell on the sword of a group of ‘senior players’ that objected to his approach to tactical policy, team selection and overall level of experience (fans & players alike were used to a more physical, deep-sitting, direct 433 style founded by Mourinho, rather than the high-pressing, more patient 4231 system he introduced).

On the reverse, a manager famed for a more sophisticated, technically focused style of play should attract optimism by supporters and players, resulting in higher initial attendances, higher morale and more players of that type being interested in joining the club – similar to the impact of Coyle on Bolton last year and Rodgers on Swansea, and Van der Vaart joining Tottenham.

Previously mentioned Setting priorities when offered or applying for a job.
Tying in seamlessly with the above, every season you should interact with the chairman about the short and long term expectations of the team in relation to success, transfer policy and tactical identity. Although I do I accept that, to a certain degree, this is in place already.

Eg Abromovic yearns for a more entertaining style of play, Champions league success AND younger players being bought and introduced to the squad – plus he will not accept inconsistent performances despite the obvious adjustment period that would come with any single one of these demands.

Also look at Moyes at Everton – initially tasked with using the resources available to him to stay in the league (first 2 seasons) then refresh the squad/gradually introduce a more attractive playing style (next 3 years), then to push for European qualification through the league.

Your Chairman (and perhaps fan base) should voice their expectations not just on competition, but what type of player they want brought to the club (free transfers vs talented youngsters vs big-name players etc) and tactical identity (want a more expressive style or think more attention needs to be paid to defence)

Cultural Differences/Restraints on management

Your duties (or lack of) should directly correlate to the country and set-up of the said club. For example, an English Club Manager is just that – they have responsibility for everything from training to youth development to scouting to finances to transfer policy.

In Spain, however, your responsibilities are traditionally that of a head coach (charged with youth development, tactics, training and picking the team), working under a management structure that includes a Director of Football (that is tasked with the ‘administrative’ side of football - finances, budgets and player transfers/contract negotiations).

Previously mentioned Dynamic PA when promotion/big moves are achieved for key performers: eg Jimmy Bullard, Leon Britton, Steve Morrison, Grant Holt and arguably Clint Dempsey

Previously mentioned input into stadium
Style/plans/capacity/pitch/running track etc etc

Previously mentioned Dynamic Rivalries
The option to get an assault rifle and blow up the head of the player who makes something very stupid :P


- In the training screen: a slider to change every players' individual focus load, allowing to set it to none. A little routine effort save. Minimal importance, obviously.

- Option to speak about the referee of past's game or next game. Including in the former case some potentially polemic plays.

- Direction of the wind.

- No more graphical lollipops (I don't mean to say those who want are fools, just I don't want them).

- Team talk report including the reaction for the players subbed in.

- Maybe give the manager's salary an usefulness? What do you think of this?. Table of expensiveness of life in cities and according to that and the wages you get, you'd have some amount of own money that you could decide to invest in signing a player (or adding to expansion and other costly board requests). Obviously you shouldn't have so many money you can be doing it all the time, it should be hard enough to get enough money for that that it would be rare to have the chance to do so, it should be a very special occasion. And then it should have the chance of negative repercussions: maybe the board doesn't like you doing that because they feel it breaks the purpose of their budget limits, they feel it is the same as doing things at their backs, they'll tell you that you allowed the signing without draining the transfer budget but you'll ruin the economy with the wages, think it was unprofesional, maybe some player you didn't sign will get angry you didn't make the effort for him before and won't want to join your team anymore, higher sense for the players of his position in your team of not being trusted by you so badly you're putting your own money to get someone better...

- Centreback roles and duties that make them not mark tightly. Useful in the more defensive tactics. Currently they're always set to tight mark. A shout for them to mark tightly or loose.
How about something more realistic like........if you field an ineligible player during a match, you get clobbered for it-just like in real life. Take away the warning thing which tells you straight away if a player is ineligible. I'd love that personally-it's the only thing that's missing imo.