Films You've Seen

  • Thread starter rosenrot
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Bought Children of Men, Crash and Apollo 13 today :D.

Haven't seen the first two yet, Apollo 13 pwns.
I urge you to see Apollo13, a classic :D.

Watched Crash tonight, realised i have seen it before. 7-7.5/10

Also watched Children of Men, and would also give that around 7-7.5/10.
Went to see Hancock tonight.

Thought it was ok, better than i was expecting after the reviews i had heard. I tend to like Will Smith films though.

I would give it a 6.5/10.
Yeh Children of Men is ****. It's an awfully boring film although I thought some of the little action sequences were done quite well. Mainly the stunts involving cars and stuff. They were only simple but I liked them :D

The story was yawn though and it's not a film I want to ever see again.
I like Casey Affleck. He's awesome in Jesse James.
its ture what they say, models are stupid
Casey Affleck sucks, Assassination of Jesse James sucks.
Most reviews conclude Batman as being epic....might try and catch it in cinema if i have spare time. You brits dont get it until this coming week correct?
Yup, we don't get it until the 25th. :(

It's ranked #1 on imdb's top 250 films at the moment. Link.
Worth waiting to go see in the cinema. Girlfriend won't come, fancy the trip lee? ;)
I'm not really a fan of Batman but i saw Batman Begins the other day, i quite liked that so i can't wait to see the second one. :D (partly because of Heath Ledger too. r.i.p)

Kung Fu Panda is ok i guess, the only bit i liked the most was the ending. :)
Watched Wall-E today, was ok. 6.3/10. Bit slow to start and quick to finish.
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I wonder how well the new Batman film would do if Heath Ledger hadn't died.